
Ridire Corcairdhearg: The Shard of War and Blood

Star Wars/D&D SI theirishdreamer Posting this here because most of the Star Wars stories end up with harems and turn to crp or get so blown out of proportion from powers/system etc. Thought it would be nice to have some decent SW's reading material here. Originally posted on Spacebattles

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01.32 : The Light Begins to Dim

[21 BBY]

[Republic Aegis Guard Combat Freighter Stormcrow, Task-force Midnight, 14th Sector Army,In Orbit Maramere, Karthakk system, Karthakk Sector]

It was a relief to be away from Ryloth, and more importantly that arrogant ass Pong Krell, I found as the Stormcrow and the rest of the flotilla of ships came out of hyperspace into the system. The Mere Resistance, now the Mere Provisional Government, wasn't exactly the most stable of entities right now, but we worked with who we had to. Especially when they sat upon valuable, very valuable, mineral supplies in the shape of stygium crystals; such a major concretion that sensors could barely detect the planet, let alone large sections of the mist shrouded earth and waters coming into view.

I'd plans to finally forge my own lightsaber with pure crystals, and then used the refined version to hide it entirely from scanners. Certainly past time, rather than reusing reformed and reforged Sith crystals or black-market lightsabers, I wanted to invest time into crafting the one I'd been designing. The stealth abilities of the stygium made it costly, ridiculously costly, on the open market;- assuming you could get it all. Really it had explained the resources the Trade Federation had invested into the place, and how the Mere Remnants had decent ships for an Out Rim government that had been defeated, exiled, and scattered. Not that their world's mineral wealth had done more than bring down said Trade Federation and it's greed down upon them.

"We're being ordered to follow their approach vector General..." Yulan stated from his seat "...but no issues beyond the usual paranoia"

I sighed resting back into the chair "They've reasons to be wary of outsiders Yulan, and while we're coming with goods, others who want to trade, we are also coming seeking to recruit for our grand campaigns, all for the Republic that abandoned them in their hour of need"

"I know Boss, you've sent me here enough to deal with these...gentlebeings...enough to understand..." my aide replied with an amused grumble "...that they have their own interests, and they merely align with our for the moment"

"For as long as we can keep them aligned things are much easier to work with, or compromise on..." I answered honestly watching the tactical display, and eyeballing through the thickened bridge windows at the, again, increased Mere fleet in orbit. Not a huge one, but they'd managed to summon several Mere 'cruisers' and a host of other second hand or outer rim freighters or pirate ships to their cause "...which is something the Republic forgot a long time ago, and we have to rebuild to keep it functioning. Common cause is helped by common interest, and inertia has merely allowed things to coast along till now....till we end up dealing with former pirates, terrorists, and smugglers as the legitimate government of a world"

In truth it was worse than that at times, as those 'terrible people' were often less problematic than the legal and, in-theory, elected representatives of certain worlds. Few that there were with elected Senators out here in the Outer Rim, though we'd managed to rustle up support from them in varying ways; that fat Twi'lek Taa through bribery, the Arkanis Senator by 'electoral recall' due to the Regency Worlds siding with the Separatists, and agreeing to aid the Pantorans militarily.

Oh, and the benefits of gaining access to what had been the former Arkanis Regency Worlds monopoly on certain trade routes had helped in gaining support for a 'Regional Trade Commission' alongside Sector Army logistical needs. Several worlds, such Lameradd where Project Bolthole was based, were essentially members from a combination of greed, and being forced too at gunpoint by ourselves. Mere was in one of the other categories; liberated world with 'freedom fighters' now in charge, but not necessarily pro-Republic.

As such it was appeals to self-interest, and technically-not-bribery in the form of 'free' freighters we'd....liberated....from some Separatist aligned merchants. One of the major reasons for getting the 'Regional Trade Commission' was to allow us to legal start grabbing Trade Federation, Techno Union, and Banking Clan vessels unless they gave big patriotic signed documents....and allowed Republic military aboard. Most, per Company policy, refused rather than risk getting shoot by home office;- now they knew were the enemy, and us them. They could rant and scream all they wanted in the Senate...but it hadn't, and wouldn't, get them anywhere right now....and off too trade away our legally gotten loot we went while they did!

"Some are calling you some of those words General"

I snorted "Technically it's being a privateer, and it's not spice smuggling since we declared it perfectly, so there for its legitimate import/export, not smuggling"

"Semantics many would say, Sir"

"Oh Yulan, don't you know semantics make the Senate work right now, along with lies and bribery?" I muttered watching as we descended through the atmosphere unto a rather verdant world despite everything that had happened to it "...anyway, we've discussed this many a time already, learning the big words are we's now?"

My aide gave a snort of amusement "Too long in your presence Boss, getting fancy's in me verbage Iz ams, fer ah Outer Rim savage ams I's?"

"Oh yeah, definitely, mouthy too perhaps, but I can ignore that since your good at the job, and are such a pleasant fellow..." I chuckled back "...but, back to business; you don't see any issues arising, or that I need to know about, with our friendly pirates turned legitimate government?"

"No General, Sol Sixxa is a bloodthirsty lunatic, but an intelligent one in his own way. He wants to fight, and loot his defeated enemies....and all the sane Mere down there want him to go somewhere far, far, away from here and do just that. Hopefully dying a proud, brave, death in the process I expect"

I nodded picking up the data-pad for one last review. Nothing I didn't know really, but it didn't hurt to back over such matters before the meeting "Well, I'm sure we can arrange the opportunity to both parties satisfaction in the coming days, or at least the far away part, so..."


[21 BBY]

[Republic Navy Venator-class Star Destroyer Selfless, 14th Sector Army, In Orbit Ryloth, Ryloth System, Gaulus Sector]

"Thank you Corporal Vida, your report was very concise and welcome, now, go take a rest before you collapse from exhaustion. Commander Thunder here will guide to a spare bunk" General Locus Geen instructed the young twi'lek woman with purple skin, then gesturing at the nearby clone commander who gave a nod of agreement to him. Corporal Vida looked about to protest, before saluting him and standing at attention in Republic Combat Engineer uniform.

"Understood General, I assure you it will not affect my performance"

Locus gave a faint chuckle "I know Corporal, your performance, and that of your work-crews has gone above and beyond the call of duty. So I am ordering you to go to bed before you start the next shift. Commander, see that she actually takes the day off"

"Of course Sir!" the Clone replied giving a salute before the two of them departed and left Locus to the stack of data-slates and tactical displays before him. The new members of the 14th Sector Army's Corp of Engineers were certainly loyal and imbued with high morale, and alongside the extensive contracts given out to the various scavenger and repair operations allowed 14th Sector Army to function. Function and grow in strength despite being cut off from the Core, outside a few blockade runners and heavy convoys, by the simple fact of being able to restore ships to operations faster than the Separatists could destroy them. With a weary sigh he rubbed the bridge of his nose, before resting back into his seat.

'It certainly allows us to go on the offensive when shouldn't be attempting anything more than defence, but it is certainly going to cause headaches when the war is over I expect' he thought closing, and resting, his eyes for a few moments. Reminding himself the sudden creation of the Grand Army and rapid militarisation were going to cause bigger issues than the shortcuts they were taking to keep the Army functioning; even down what the hell the Senate and Jedi were going to do with the Clones. Because several Jedi, such as Pong Krell, seemed to treat them almost as organic droids....and he couldn't disagree with General's Daron, Kota, and Yanthis that the whole thing was simply slavery with a different name.

'And how to deal with Krell is another issue' he mentally grumbled as the arrogant 'Master' wasn't strictly speaking under his command....worse the Jedi appeared to believe him at most his equal, and at worse a subordinate who didn't understand his place. He'd kept Yanthis far, far, far, away from the Besalik male but several verbal rows had broken out between the Jedi and the Stormcrow over the running of Ryloth, where medical treatment should be given to Jedi Knight Tachi, and even where Clone Troopers were allowed 'fraternise' with the locals. Even he himself and the Besalik's fellow Jedi Kota had clashed with him over who the Venators and clones under Geen's command should report too.

'Putting him as the Reserve Strike Fleet is the best option; put Rahm on the line facing Rodia and Geonosis, at least they can work together...' he figured opening up tired eyes and beginning to study the operational plans and various after action reports '...then free up Daron from Ryloth and put him and Vladimir unto the offensive in the Hook Nebula and Five Veils. Least they've both good working relationships with the ORSF and the command staff of 18th Sector Army'

In strictest terms he had five operational Venators, though two of them, The Liberator and The Unity, were firmly under Krell's command, one of the other three was under repair. The Necromancer was a complete write off, and had largely ceased to exist as more than a frame as the Engineers stripped it of everything beyond the rear frame to repair the other ships. So, he couldn't make use of any of them for the upcoming trailward and coreward operations; they'd be pinned here, to hold Ryloth and keep the pressure on the Separatist Fleets spinward. Though...he supposed he should be happy he had any available after the hard fighting.

Clicking the nearest slate he saw that the refits of the Acclamators were nearly complete; four of the eight were already refitted, and uparmed, as combat carriers. Ripping out the Legion deployment areas and replacing them with flight decks, and extra power supplies for deflectors and anti-fighter defences, made them a decent strike platform with just under a hundred and forty strike-craft onboard. While far from ideal they'd have to form the backbone of the offensive alongside the refitted Lucrehulk they had operational....and the other two once they got them cleared, repaired, and crewed.

"We can man them with some Chir'dakis, those Pantoran rigs, and the refitted Vulture droid-fighters we've got I guess..." he muttered to himself beginning to agree to allocations. Vladimir and his Nova Guard could strike toward Kirdo and Utapau, Daron and his Aegis Guard towards Kabal and Xagobah, while he himself performed decoy operations towards Enarc and the Kallida Shoals to send supplies to Naboo and 17th Sector Army.

Hit and run tactics required significant planning, and forward deployed logistics and repairs, so it'd be a focus to ensure the maintenance, medical, and scouting elements were sufficient for purposes of using forces of light and medium ships. Once they went active they'd need to remain so, at a high tempo, till they linked up with the ORSF....

"...and then comes the truly hard parts, issues with auxiliary forces like the Mere, Pantorans, and all the others, aside" he mulled looking at the secondary objectives, the 'hidden' or 'important' Separatist systems that they'd ideally like to capture, or at least reduce to their droid factories and shipyards to ashes; Mustafar, Utapau, and Clak'dor...


[21 BBY]

[Parliament of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Senate Building, Raxus Secundus, Tion Hegemony Sector, Outer Rim]

Voe Atell, Senator of the Corporate Alliance to the Confederate Parliament, was mildly confused of late as she sat sipping her kaff in one of the quieter areas of the Senate building's luxurious restaurant-canteen. Her conversational partner for the evening seemed equally surprised, the Gossam female drinking some sparkling alcoholic beverage her species liked but Voe found vile tasting. Sitting comfortably Voe placed her cup down, looking around the now bustling even bar as she waited up her meal, and watching the various member's pair off for their own talks.

"That was rather odd was it not?"

AmitaFondi's head bobbled up and down in a nod "Yes, I know it's a minor bill but the Trade Federation's new Senator...well, it was a bit curious to see him and the Techno Union break ranks like that. They are normally so supportive of the Liberator!"

"I know..." Voe agreed shaking her head, mind attempting to figure out what to do so that interests of the Corporate Alliance were best served now that there was dissension in the ranks so to speak "...though I have to admit Wat Tambor is a dreadful fellow, and in Republic custody, but it was very much out of the dark void to call for a formal censure and seizure like that. Especially after Count Dooku himself requested that we forgive his transgressions"

"Techno Union internal politics I imagine..." Amita sniffed then taking a sip of her drink "...but this new fellow, this Marath Vooro, is quite the fire-eater isn't he!"

Voe nodded "I can understand that, seems the hired a number of mercenaries who believe they can play pirate and steal everything from those supporting our cause"

"Oh, those foul fellows! Republic thievery! Slaves and the scum of the galaxy in their ranks! Hmph! How uncivilized!" Amita replied "...and their lies too, inconceivable that so many belief such things"

"They believe what they want to believe in the Republic, but it seems Tambor actually was a bad, bad, boy and the Techno Union are trying to lay blame entirely on him" she replied with a shrug. In truth that wasn't too bad, a position she could understand, but it was odd to see the Trade Federation and Techno Union representatives attempting to strengthen the Parliament at the expense of the Council. She'd heard rumours of concerns since Gunray's assassination....clashes even...but it was hard to tell if all the information appearing was true or noth.

"Well, if true, then good riddance I say, but I'm suspicious of the source. Minions of Eriadu, and all friendly with the Hutts! Why a third of the first world's people are slaves, and the second are, well, Hutts!"

"Hmm, Hmmm, true, too true. As much loath too I expect I'll have to meet with Kerch Kushi later before a Bill we don't like is put before the Parliament"

Amita bobbed her head "A splendid suggestion, though I understand the trouble, so do you want my aid?"

Voe smiled, nodding "If you please, even if just for a hand to tap me should he put me to sleep with all his talk about democracy and corporate interests having no place in government, or the economy"

"Heehee, only if you do so for me! Now, let us dine and..."