
Ridire Corcairdhearg: The Shard of War and Blood

Star Wars/D&D SI theirishdreamer Posting this here because most of the Star Wars stories end up with harems and turn to crp or get so blown out of proportion from powers/system etc. Thought it would be nice to have some decent SW's reading material here. Originally posted on Spacebattles

Brezer · Movies
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01.27 : The Light Begins to Dim

[21 BBY][Fifty-eight Minutes after Hyperspace Emergence Confederate Navy Fleet in Ryloth System]

[Republic Navy Venator-class Star Destroyer The Liberator, Ryloth, 4th Mobile Army]

It wasn't the prettiest of the landings, but it was a landing as I gripped the handhold as the gunship skidded along the flight bay of the Venator with a shriek of metal and spark of flames. Blaster fire lashed out from enemy droids was ended as the gunship was jerked to the side on the side by our lunatic pilot to crush them beneath our armoured hull. My armoured feet moved as we slammed to a halt against the far wall of the flight deck and the doors slammed open beside me; Braika had gotten us down in one piece, even if right into the middle of a firefight apparently.

"KRIFF YEAHHH!!! SEE THAT LANDING YEAH!!!!" the lunatic in the pilot's chair shouted out as our blasters lowered and began to fire into the B-1's confused by our landing "....oh, engine's farkled though....but first! Killing time"

I ignored Braika's irritating cheerfulness as I pushed out of the gunship, rifle moving with Force enhanced abilities; one droid, two, three, four....the Aaron and Abigail were moving. They were 'large' human sized, with fire and energy resistant clocks based on a cross between what I'd seen of General Grievous's bodyguard droids and faint recollections ABC Warriors from another reality.

Whatever the case they were much, much, heavier than an organic human....but boy could they jump as they both catapulted forward through the air to slam down amongst a cluster of B-1's under cover. Aaron literal crushing one B-1 under its weight before its electro staff smashed another into pieces. There was no time for me to think on that matter though as I pressed forward, one of my Troopers in his black armour with silver trim igniting an energy shield we'd bought en-mass from the gungans.

Another soon followed on the other side of me as blaster rifles moved above and between the glowing barriers to spit death and destruction into our foes. Ahead I could the white armoured stormtrooper forms of Clone Troopers pressing forward as they saw us as reinforcements...despite our two black droidekas rolling down and deploying their energy shields; heavy weapons unfolding and blasting away at foes. Behind us...around us....the rest of my former ship's gunships and emergency transports were landing, disgorging their own suit sealed support for us.

"All squads; establish a perimeter, the push forward and link up with the Clones..." I instructed taking a moment to press down on the command circuit "...those squads on the...below D deck, secure the secondary entryways!"

There was atmosphere in the bays, the fires burning and glowing shimmer of the atmosphere barriers still in existences over the landing bays. Artificial gravity was still on, but that didn't mean it would remain forever, especially with a fight on here, so we pressed forward aggressively; killing everything between us and the exits into the Venator proper. I thumped my hand to my belt, then throwing the device "Droid Popper in play"

I normally avoided using the Force much beyond physical enhancements, but a nudge here and nudge there was idle and less noticeable as the EMP grenade landed in the perfect position to take out an enemy droideka and a half dozen B-1's. Turning to my right I brought up my right I eliminated the remaining droids with precise shots as our 'riot squad' shieldwall advanced ever forward as more black armoured Republic Troopers arrive. Aaron and Abigail were likewise shredding the crumbling droid squads as our formation broke up into smaller groups to eliminate the remainder as a Clone Sergeant judging by the colour approached with his squad.

"Sergeant, General Daron of the Aegis Guard..." I 'introduced' myself quickly checking my weapons again now I had a moment to do so "...what is your Sitrep?"

"Sir..." the clone trooper saluted very quickly, weapon at the ready in the other hand "...General Tiin reported down, and Generals Tachi and Krell under siege in the central barracks with Senator Organa. We still hold the Bridge, Engine Rooms and Armoury, but the clankers have overrun most of the rest ship!"

"Then let's retake it from them..." I replied motioning at my arriving forces as power shuddered back through the shop I noticed as the emergency lighting brightened, darkened, and then brightened again "...I need guides for my squads as they arrive and guidance from the bridge from internal security systems! What numbers are we looking at for enemy Jedi?"

"Three enemy Force users Sir..." he replied quickly as we moved through the hanger bay doors into the almost pristine hallways "...they've got commando clankers and are assaulting the position the Generals and Senator are securing!"

I nodded, my suit synthesised coming back just as oddly as the clones as ever "Understood, I've Hunter-Killer Squads with me, do you have anything to support? Priority is heavy repeating blasters, flamers, sonics, and explosives to deal with the Dark Jedi. Also don't shoot my droids, they're on our side and we'll need'em"

"Sir!" the clone sergeant replied turning and gazing around, free hand moving as he gestured at a number of other clones nearby who'd been reloading or rearming "Dipper, Shock, Bomber, Crates, and Hijack front and centre! The..."

I tuned out the other orders to the clones in the combat dirty armour of ARC troopers as I called my own two Hunter-Killer squads to me under the command of Braika Chorn with her heavy dual assault-blaster/flamer held in both her hands "Now gentle beings, we're going a Dark Jedi huntin' so no mistakes, as mistakes get you and others dead. You know from the training; disorientate, intimidate, area of effect....overwhelming firepower if we have too. Priority is rescue of the Senator and Jedi, and retaking this ship back. Understood?"

"Yes General, Understood!" came the reply and I motioned for the clones to lead the way to our destination as I input the codes to the internal security systems. Bridge was secure at least, directing with a calm head whoever was in charge there, and actually pushing back the attackers;- likely why the Venator wasn't getting hammered right now despite deflector shields coming back online.

For now my focus was on what was before us, pushing my 'shield-bearers' to the front of our column as we advanced deeper into the warship down the more-wide-than I'd-like corridors. It helped as we encountered any droids in the way and provided us mobile cover as we cut them down efficiently with blasters and EMP grenades. I diverted any clone squads or individual survivors along the way to either form barricades along the route, or to press the attack where there were sufficient numbers.

Things were simple now; move, aim, watch for danger fire, move, aim, watch...

...depress the trigger and a droid falls...

...then rinse and repeat as the blazing torches in the Force drew ever closer. Not far now it seemed as I carefully mastered my own presence to conceal it from my foes. Of course they'd hear us, the sounds of battle were audible enough as more droids were encountered attempting to hold blocking positions, I wasn't surprised when were held up when a red lightsaber wielding man in black robes emerged into view, swinging his energy blade around to deflect and reflect blaster bolts as commando droids took up position around him. One or two attempting to close with vibro-blades by 'ceiling crawling' but going down under a barrage of blaster bolts...

"Sonic. Gas" I ordered calmly as the shield-wall rest to block and blaster shots reflected back at us. Seconds later sonic grenades were flung forward alongside one of knockout gas via rifle mounted launchers. Harder to telekinetically stop that way....though the gas one was swiftly crushed by the hand of the Dark Side user...

....before the shrieking sonic weapons erupted in their painful wails at very close range to him. That distraction was enough as he winced in pain, snarling and stumbling as we pressed forward "Flamers"

Thankfully we all hand helmets on, sealed ones, so the problem was but momentary for us as the heavy weapons were thrust between the gaps in the three gungan shields and...


....sent forward eruptions of blazing red-orange flames over the droids and Sith wannabe. His screams were but momentary as robes caught alight despite throwing up some kind of force barrier. Or at least attempting to, as he stopped the flames but not the heat....and the pain was too much for him then. Overwhelmed in moments eyes popped, flesh melted like candlewax as even the nearest droid went down destroyed under the assault....

"VINOC!" a scream, a roar, erupted from within chamber along with an explosion of the Dark Side power, fear and rage all drowned into one, followed by another brief scream and sound of running feet...

"BRACE!" it was a simple command, obeyed instantly by my troopers thanks to drills, and clones by their own, as the blast of power slammed into us. Driving us back despite being ready for it...but only for a moment as rage twisted face emerged from the doorway shrieking incoherently for blood or death or whatever as blasters were lowered and a barrage sent his way as we tried to lower the flamers again...

...a push here, a pressure there...subtly and the madman's effects were undone even as his droids came out, a female voice shouted for him to return as I saw...felt...another Dark Sider beyond the doorway even as Jedi went down...

...alive, but not conscious...

...as the enraged idiot shrugged off the pain of the sonic pain by dint his empowered madness. Still...


My droids, my ever deadly droids, answered that command fastest as arms shift, folded, and rifle-like stumps emerging as the older, less efficient....but more effective against Force Users 'Rings' variant of the Stun setting activated. Slow, but there was no warning in the Force as the empowered lunatic, drunk on the Dark Side, screamed forward...and slammed right into them. Merely staggered where he should have gone down...


....but that was enough as blaster bolts hit home. Once, twice, thrice as he staggered backwards....before the flamers could be brought to bear once again as scream in the Force lasted barely a moment...

"FORWARD!" I commanded, and as I unit we marched forward over the dying flames, scorched metal, and burning meat blasters cracking as the droids and any resistance before us died. Far ahead the last wannabe Sith, a white skinned female, human or near human, looked on with momentary horror...

...for about a second before turning and run, shouting for the commando droids to 'finish us off' as she deflected blaster shots we sent her way. They died, there was little cover now, and our numbers counted as we pressed forward under mobile shields to butcher them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two bodies...

....no, one corpse and one barely alive Jedi...

"Medic, see to the injured female!" I commanded as I felt the other signature, with the Senator hopefully, not too far ahead beyond a cordon of desperately fighting clones. The droids assaulting them, taken from us from the rear, did not last long as I directed other units to delay the escaping remaining Sith if possible...