
Ridire Corcairdhearg: The Shard of War and Blood

Star Wars/D&D SI theirishdreamer Posting this here because most of the Star Wars stories end up with harems and turn to crp or get so blown out of proportion from powers/system etc. Thought it would be nice to have some decent SW's reading material here. Originally posted on Spacebattles

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01.14 : The Light Begins to Dim

[22 BBY]

[Republic Navy Venator-class Star Destroyer Defender, Arkanis System]

'Already off to a great start....hurrah' I thought feeling detached somewhat from the frantic repairs being made to our allies heavy starship. The rather wrecked Venator-class, one of three that Anakin had been put charge of; and now one of the two damaged ones that he had left, though the other was still in combat condition at least. I wasn't even mad at him for jumping on ahead, not really, as it had been a gamble...but a reasonable one compared to many of his, and Jedi Generals overall as best I could tell, decisions.

'Still leaves us with one fully functional Venator out of three, and a heavily reinforced Confederate Navy blockade over Ryloth, so fun times ahead' I thought shaking my head wearily as I found myself walking up an undamaged corridor towards the bridge along with my bodyguard droid Aaron and two of my troopers. The bridge awaited ahead, and now it was time to join the herd of cats that was our command structure right now; far too many 'Generals' and internal politics for my liking. Not when we had to charge in at Ryloth against a recently reinforced and victorious enemy fleet.

"Wait here" I instructed my escort as we entered the command area under the watchful eyes of the clones standing within. General Skywalker stood within....great, talking to Windu and Kenobi I noted seeing the ghost-like holograms over the projector display. I would have been great if the attached Republic Admiral was available, but he was apparently injured during the attack, and that meant clones and Jedi being in charge of this task force. Whatever the case I strode forward, hands together behind my back and what should be an air of detached calm upon my face.

"Generals" I greeted with an incline of my head as I approached. Always best to be polite, and Anakin was hardly in the best of form after the failed attack and I doubt the other two were much help. Our dear Chancellor must be behind this mess of placing me and Windu on the same side, as well as General Yanthis alongside numerous Jedi. I strongly suspected this supposed to be a giant mess, and mostly likely defeat, due to the problematic nature of too many unhappy cooks spoiling the broth. Kenobi was the first to react, nodding and doing that hand rubbing his beard motion as he responded.

"Ah....General, and what state do the engineers find the ship in for a return to Ryloth?"

"My engineers, and those of the ship, believe it will take twenty-four hours to patch the worst of the damage, but beyond operating as a carrier the Defender won't truly be combat capable again without time in shipyard and serious repair work"

He and Windu frowned at that, Anakin scowling as he spoke "We still have to help the Twi'leks even if we're damaged"

I nodded "I don't disagree...but any strategy using the Defender will have to work around her having little effective firepower to contribute, and also requiring close in escort ships because there's big blind spots in the point-defence systems now due to damage"

Kenobi nodded "Most unfortunate, but with our reinforcements achieving a victory should be still be feasible"

"Well, we've twenty-fours to come up a strategy that everyone can agree on..." I reminded calmly "...and a way to deal with the two Luchrehulks with all those fighters they'll bring in support of all those Munificent-class guarding them. Let alone the firepower they bring to the table as battleships when our forces are effectively down two of our heaviest fighting vessels. Something General Geen was aware of and I will be confirming too momentarily"

That was a serious problem in truth, as my own forces, those of the Ailon Guard, and Rahm Kota's militia, lacked truly heavy fighting ships right now. My Aegis Guard's heaviest after all were the three reworked former Munificents, so those two lost Venators would have been an enormous help when we weren't the best coordinated and cohesive fighting force right now. In numbers terms we should be able to overwhelm the enemy blockade, but the big question was if we could do it without suffering a bloodbath in the process....or have our forces fall apart into their disparate elements mid battle.

Mace Windu seemed about to say something, but I saw a subtle motion from Kenobi and he spoke instead "Yes, of course, we shall convene a full meeting of all commanders in....oh, six hours when our ships arrive, and discuss as such..." he nodded at me, then glanced at Skywalker "...and, Anakin, it was understandable....just be more patient in future I would suggest"

"Of course Master, I understand" Skywalker replied as I merely nodded, the holographic display 'died' and the two Jedi Masters vanished. At least Anakin wasn't doing more that mild irritation at whatever they were on about, as I needed him working well despite recent losses. In all honesty Anakin Skywalker wasn't a very good General or Admiral, but was an excellent small Special Forces commander; much like the majority of Jedi were in my opinion. It was a waste really, an inefficient use of skills....but I was just a minor cog in the machine, so that level of decision-making was beyond me.

"You come to criticise my plan too?"

It wasn't exactly sulking, but was in a mood apparently but I merely shrugged and opted for honesty "No, it wasn't a bad plan as they go...bit too aggressive and gambling for my tastes, but considering what you knew it could have worked. My only criticism of your strategy would have been you should have gone all in with your fighters rather than just one dedicated one with a padawan in command...."

I paused and shook my head "....and since when did you get a padawan learner?"

Because I didn't remember any such from my summoned 'memories' anyway, least till a fella named Darth Vader appeared and needed minions. But, then again, a lot of my 'foreknowledge' was completely off and it was best to only rely on broad outlines at the strategic level. Whatever the case Anakin shook his head, folding his arms across his chest "Hey, Snips is an awesome Padawan, and I am an even more awesome teacher....and, well, since Christopsis basically, so don't start....and, how's my Mom?"

I sighed "You could contact her from time to time Anakin, as I've been stuck here since the start of the war. But she's fine by the last transmission and reports, basically running the house an' doing light admin I expect. Nice and safe away from the War"

He looked away for a moment "I know...but, the Code and the Council, and I've....other things, well, that....the war"

"Don't we all, don't we all" I replied with a shake of my head and not pushing further "...but I'm surprised....more annoyed actually that the Council are sending out Padawans to fight in this damnable war"

Anakin gave me an odd look "You went out on missions with your Master before you left the Order, just like I did...do...with Obi-wan"

I shook my head gazing around the command centre, damaged but repairs had restored to full functionality at the least "I've never been overly sold on that either, but this is different, and far more deadly you have to agree?"

He grumbled, giving a faint nod "Maybe, but they are able for it. We're Jedi, we have to be"

"You're a Jedi....just don't forget how young you...." then I sighed bringing hand to face "...No, wait, No. Don't use your childhood as a template Mr. Blew Up a Battleship When I Was Nine"

"It was a droid control ship actually"

"Yes...because that makes a difference" I muttered "...but, yeah, my point still stands. Still, no, its not my business to interfere in Jedi matters anymore in truth. It just seems to be a reflection, to me at least, that the Republic isn't really thinking through its actions in this war"

"What do you mean by that?"

I sighed, running an armoured hand through my hair. He was curious now, the irritation over whatever it was on his mind fading now "This whole expedition for one. They pulled us out just before we we're ready to launch an offensive, and we are not ideal to match up with an expedition like this. Light and medium ships, successful raiding strategy, and then expecting a frontal system assault here. Oh, and putting General Yanthis the Jedi hater alongside members of the Jedi Council for another"

"Umm....didn't you do the same as him?"

"No, he really doesn't like Jedi in general. I just think many people in the Order should not be Generals in any way shape or form, or certain others having ranks...." I replied seriously "...such as your teenage padawan having the rank of Commander for instance. It's just....not a good idea"

"Daron...you're a General" he pointed out and I gave a snort at the tone.

"By dint of having built my own private army, hired it out to the Republic, and learning the trade from people who know what they're doing. You've probably noticed it's a bit different than being a Jedi, even down to the boring parts of paperwork, making sure everybody gets their ration of booze or food"

"Hmm....well, some of it is like that. But we're Jedi, we have to fight for the Republic, Obi-wan thinks, so even Padmé and the Chancellor say we're the only ones who can lead it too victory. Now, we've a little time to get away all the war-talk, let me show you my truly awesome padawan...."