
Ridire Corcairdhearg: The Shard of War and Blood

Star Wars/D&D SI theirishdreamer Posting this here because most of the Star Wars stories end up with harems and turn to crp or get so blown out of proportion from powers/system etc. Thought it would be nice to have some decent SW's reading material here. Originally posted on Spacebattles

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40 Chs

01.06 : The Light Begins to Dim

[22 BBY]

[Executive Security Solutions Frigate Bright Eagle, Karthakk System, Savareen Sector]

"Follow me and we will discuss terms of the contract" I stated simply greeting the two Jedi on deck of the Bright Eagle, ESS troopers in full combat gear waiting nearby as security. It wouldn't be much good with two Jedi, one a Master and the other a Knight who'd been her padawan, but any preparations were better than none. That and the droidekas were on call; and, perhaps most importantly, it kept them away from my Stormcrow and things like my Sith Holocron and...other things...that I wasn't supposed to have. Not ideal when the Order's best little Force sniffer was now aboard one of my ships at this very moment.

'Guess this is as good a test of my warding at least' I thought to myself forcing myself to remain at ease. The helmet helped in hiding my facial reactions, and it also helped in showing some degree of coldness towards the two. Something that was needed when they were trying to exploit emotional connections to the Jedi Order...or perceived connections and attachments anyway, since they'd sent my former Master's kinswoman. Oh, and they were recruiting pirates too, because of course they were...and I distracting myself because this was really damned bad. Clone Wars starting bad and this was not making me happy.

'Blame the Force, it's always the Force's fault somehow' I reminded myself as I brought the two up the deck at a quick walk, getting a notification that the two other board members were already in the meeting room. Sadly that meant being stuck on a lift with the dynamic duo and two troopers, and that meant the attempts at persuasion started again.

"It is dire matter, lives are at stage. One with your training should know this. We fear that many will lose their lives..."

I resisted a snort, settling for the synthesised voice of my helmet "The fear of loss is the path to the Dark Side I do believe Master Yoda would say.....and probably something about attachment leading to jealousy and the shadow of greed, so appeals to certain former affiliations are really not helping your case Master Gallia. I have a Board of Directors to report too, my peoples' lives and livelihoods to consider, and material concerns such as those....so charity is not a good thing in this situation. Not when it robs one group for another. If the situation is that urgent and dangerous then the Jedi Order can pay for our services, just as the Republic has before"

Restrained anger, a glare and contempt from Knight Tachi "You are callous, this is not a game. Many lives could be lost"

"Yes I know. Lives are always in danger. But you are asking me, us, to commit and sacrifice the lives of my ship-crews and troopers against a Techno Union and Trade Federation major world. Against Count Dooku leader of one of the biggest political movements in the Republic....with no word as to why beyond lives are in danger. If you want us to risk the lives of our soldiers and ships then put up a fair price for that risk, stop trying to appeal to emotion and attachments"

I knew I was being a bastard about it, and it hurt inside a little as my urge was to help immediately, but a leader had to think about, and put, his people first. People who 'thought of everyone' or 'tried to save everyone' were the worst kind of people I'd found; claiming you valued everyone equally, even strangers and monsters, meant you actually valued nothing and no-one in truth. Helping now, for nothing, would just open the door to further demands just as it tore apart the trust I'd built up with my fellow ship Captains and Board Members; trust that made any options for resisting or dealing Sidious and such that might arise in the future impossible.

They went silent at that, communicating with each other through the Force I expected, and now I did remove my helmet and held at my side as we stepped out of the lift and I strode towards the meeting room. Captain Ironhill and our 'friendly' Mandalorian waiting inside; along with the holographic avatars for the two other board members aboard the other ships in system glimmering on the table. Enough to make such a decision on the matter after, technically, fulfilling the terms of the contract laid out by our mission backers; enemy base was destroyed, canons gone, and enemy forces fled the system.

I strode forward "Oh okay folks, the good Master Jedi here is going to put an offer to us about doing something brave and stupid like escorting a strike force, along with friendly...resistance fighters...here into Geonosis. To a Techno Union and Trade Federation base where Count Dooku is setup..."

"That'll cost ye a pretty sum of credits Jedi. We don't come cheap, or i'll let any yer mind tricks beggar us on the price" Braika stated with a smirk, and I nodded, continuing on before either Jedi could reply.

"Yes, I'm mentioned that already. Now, let's confirm one contact done, and listen to what the offer is..."


[22 BBY]

[Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, entering Real-space, Geonosis System, Arkanis Sector]

Jedi Master Adi Gallia was relieved to going into battle and that irritated her in many ways. The former padawan of her kinswoman Stass Allie had been as intractable to persuasion as she had been warned, focused purely upon material concerns and 'repercussions of actions' when the fate of the galaxy was at stake.

Oh, concern for friends within the Order had been a benefit for her negotiating in a small manner, but in-truth it seemed the former padawan had full embraced his limited new life and rejected the ways of the Force. How could one ignore it when it demanded so clearly to come to the aid of those in need with Geonosis?

Thankfully the High Council had funds available for such mercenary minded sentients; even if one of the aging training cruisers of the Order and twenty Delta-7 light interceptors atop a 'standard fee' was almost extortion in her mind. Thankfully the Mere Resistance and the Lok Revenants were much more civic minded, a little strange for pirates but they were good beings at heart.

And with that she had assembled a fighting force with three Mere cruisers, two frigates, and a number of armed freighters to serve as cover for the assault cruisers of Master Siyo-Dyas Clone Army. Masters Windu and Unduli had already led the strike-force down to the planet, and it was her task to ensure the Clones could be brought in to support them.

So far the Acclamator-class assault ship Aken with Master Yoda about was navigating the asteroid field without difficulty, but that was going to change as they neared the planet she knew. On her sensors she saw Captain Nym and his fighters forming up alongside the three Mere cruisers, the Tritus having undergone emergency repairs to join them here; and to their flank the ex-padawan's small mercenary fleet was launching star-fighters...

{Master} Siri's voice came over the communicator {Droid-fighters approaching on an attack vector}

{Yes Siri, I see them, and the two destroyers above the planet beyond. Sending sensor data to our allies, now, let us deal with these villains} she replied transmitting the data before accelerating her star-fighter towards the nearby cluster of droid-fighters. Siri immediately followed on her wing as they both drew upon the guidance of the Force and moved to eliminate the threat to the Aken...


[22 BBY]

[Executive Security Solutions Frigate Bright Eagle, Geonosis System, Arkanis Sector]

Captain Jurdan Ironhill, Clan Thund, watched the Tac Display very carefully as their flotilla plunged into a genuine large-scale space battle like the Stark Hyperspace War. This was the big time, and there was no margin for error or failure here. It seemed the Jedi had already invaded the planet....for some reason...but now a number of Techno Union and Sabbaoth Squadron warships had arrived to interdict troop support. Because, apparently, the Jedi Order had a secret army of clones ready to deploy on a moment's notice; he wasn't sure to be horrified at that, or just relieved they were available to fight for them right this minute.

"Captain, four Lupus-class missile frigates on approaching from one-six-two outside the asteroid field" his sensor officer stated, and he nodded. Something to focus on beyond all the capital-class ships that were lurking over, or were landed on, Geonosis according to data from the Jedi and the Shining Breeze; right now he was beginning to regret his eagerness for this particular payday. Too easy a success over Lok it seemed and it had gone to his head and created overconfidence...

'No time for doubt now, push ahead to victory or death' he told himself motioning at that nearest enemy formation "All combat ships target the nearest frigate, maximum flotilla combat towards them, maintain formation and concentrate fire; star-fighters to maintain close combat patrol with the ships and prevent droid-fighter or missile leakers"

The freighter-carriers Mercy's Lament, Tigerclaw, and the repair/support ship Forge Maiden hung back in the asteroid field along with an escort of Vulture-droid fighters as the Forge Maiden released its store of missile-pods for a simple defensive screen. His own combat force then accelerated, the Consular-cruiser frigate Shining Breeze and his own modified Munificent-class frigate flanked by the six Gozantis and two recently acquired YT-series light freighters in reserve.

The Lupus-class weren't all that impressive as missile boats, and the key to killing them was to get in quick and hammer down those deflector shields of theirs. Unfortunately they still had the range, so they managed to shoot first; missile icons appearing on the Tac Display from the four Lupus-class. He swiftly directed anti-missile fire in their direction, and ignored the droid-fighters tangling with the Jedi and Mere group as his starships surged towards the enemy and the incoming missiles.

Defensive fire was slaved to Shining Breeze's sensor suite, and his own Bright Eagle's as secondary and he watched as space filled with blazing flashes of energy. Bright Eagle shuddered as one of the missiles slammed home, followed by the call from one of bridge officers of "Barriers Holding Sir"

"Continue full forward thrust, all batteries prepare to fire. Confirm targeting solutions"

"Targeting solutions confirmed Captain"

"All ships, fire on my mark" he instructed watching as the weapons fire overlay on the screens inched closer with each passing second to the enemy frigate icons. In the strictest terms that had four frigates to his two and support freighters, but the Gozantis were tough well armoured and shielded heavy freighters and his fellow captains were expected by the ESS charter, and inspections, to keep them at combat readiness by Unknown Region standards. He trusted in them being better than four light frigates...yes...certainly...

"Mark. All Ships Open Fire. All fighters begin your attack runs"

Turbolasers engaged across the flotilla, power surging into Bright Eagle's two Heavy Turbolaser Cannons as seconds later they disgorged alongside one Heavy aboard Shining Breeze. The targeted enemy missile frigates deflector shield blazed with light...then buckled and broke as the heavier beams slammed home once, then again as the next volley slammed home.

Shorn of these defences the thinly armoured enemy vessel began to shudder and flash with small explosions as his ships concentrated weapons fire began to tear it apart. Again his Bright Eagle endured another missile strike, deflectors holding firm though as his flotillas' star-fighters began target the other enemy vessels now that their droid cover was gone. Jurdan motioned at his weapons officer to switch fire to Frigate-03 as the first detonated in pyrotechnic display and the Captain-General led the star-fighters in against Frigates 02 and 04.

"Shady Saia reporting heavy damage sub-light engines Captain, her barriers are almost down as well"

'Dammit' he thought motioning at the Tac Display "Order them back to Beta group under Mercy's Lament, close up the formation to account for her fall back.....Wicked Witch of Endor will fill that position"

"Understood Captain, formation adjusting as ordered.....confirming.....Sir, Mere cruisers and the Jedi are moving to engage the Sabbaoth destroyers in orbit"

He grunted, the idiots were breaking up the formation to that, but he couldn't exactly command them and they were close to finishing off these four as another of the missile frigates went inactive "Understood, continue attack on enemy blockade, don't let them escape. Harpy Squadron move to two-four-nine and provide cover as the Mere and Lok forces advance"

'Focus on the current, and let the Republic ships engage those Lucrehulks, and those idiots on the destroyers' he reminded himself as the range continued to close, and another of the frigates died. Now only one remained, and that too fell under the combined assault of his ships and the fighter/bomber screens. Casualties weren't too bad, but...

"Bright Eagle, this is Saber-01, you read Captain?" came from the command circuit and he thumbed it even he directed the formation to adjust to cover damage to Wicked Witch of Endor.

"Bright Eagle Actual here Captain-General"

"Captain, I am reading correctly that those Lucrehulk's command cores are still landed planet-side"

"Yes Captain-General, good for now, we'll have let Republic forces handle them once they rise up"

"Well....I might have a plan Captain?"

'Oh I don't like this, this is rarely good' Jurdan thought with a wince "A plan Captain-General?"

"They're still landed and loading, and we've a clear run planetside with those Acclamators, so I reckon we stop them getting space-borne"

Jurdan frowned "I like that too, but I don't see us having the firepower to..."

"No, we've got four dead ships here, a clear run, and planetary defences down and out. I suggest we tractor them and then throw them at the Core ships before they finish refuelling...."