
Rick and Morty: Guide to Absolute Power

Jason was just an ordinary guy, a fan of Rick and Morty, but just an ordinary - above average intelligence, guy. who happened to be a scientist in his own right. When suddenly, he, outside the Central Finite Curve, found him in the body of a version of himselves inside the Curve. The areas in which Rick and Morty are real. With it being literally impossible to be smarter than Rick, but not at all liking being weaker than him, he decides to initiate a plan. But he's not alone. Infinite versions of himself, have also been transferred into the Rick and Morty Infinite-verse, all in different dimensions each with their own goals, most of them having watched Rick and Morty, but a few thousand have the same goal as him. Absolute power. And they all wont stop at anything for it, and they all know they will be fighting each other and whatever else this fuck-fest will throw at them. This is Jason Prime's Guide to Absolute Power. === The story is set 3 years before Rick C-137 meets Morty Prime. But this is the Rick and Morty verse, time barely matters, every reality is different, but just knows its 3 years before the events of the show. But other Rick's and Morty are already on their adventures. Going off this frame from the show; https://imgur.com/I1a572d The year is 2015 season three onwards. So Rick meets Morty in 2013(as stated in 'Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind, its been a year since Rick has been living with the Smith family, and then we can add another year by the time that episode comes on, as the show itself started in 2013. Its safe to assume the universe started there too.). This is a Rick and Morty fanfic that centers around a person residing outside the Central Finite Curve, in a reality where Rick and Morty are just a cartoon, finding themselves inside the Central Finite Curve, where Rick and Morty are real, and more common. Its about him fighting Rick's and other versions of him that are also from realities where Rick and Morty is just a cartoon. Fighting for the only chance they have at power that can rival Rick Sanchez if used right. Rhett Caan. This will be a pretty long story, and not the entire story will be just reaching the power, later on it will be messing around with the power. Waning: The amount of technical science in this story will be extremely high, like, Jason almost every other chapter will be spending the entire chapter developing one thing in extreme detail, with made up science, as authentic as I can make it sound.

DivineDeviance · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Rick!?

"Angel! Did you throw away all that garbage!" Jason shouts, wearing rubber gloves, as he ties up another trash bag. The apartment is now starting to look like a place one could actually live in, rather than a neglected storage unit.

"Yeah, yeah." she groans, dragging behind her a bag of trash, clearly not enjoying the moment. "Why do you suddenly want to clean. This sucks ass!" Angel, as Jason has been able to gauge, is what you would call a delinquent, or a former one at least.

Jason heavily suspects she was a part of some sort of gang. But that's just some head canon he has.

Rough around the edges, rude, crass, a mess at all times, and pretty loving. Her name 'Angel' barely fits.

Jason chuckles, dropping the heavy bag with a thud. "Don't be like that. There were like 14 different species of mold growing in the kitchen. You cant tell me you didn't want it gone." Jason says, stretching a bit.

They replace cushions, straighten furniture, and after a final sweep of the floors, collapse onto the freshly fluffed couch, both letting out a sigh of relief. The physical activity hasn't just cleaned up the space; it's momentarily cleared his mind of the larger, more complex mysteries surrounding his current situation.

Angel grabs the remote, flicking through channels to find something to watch. "Anything in particular you feel like watching? Or should I just pick something?"

"Anything's fine, really. Something mindless," Jason replies, his eyes closing briefly in fatigue. His mind, however, remains alert, always parsing for any information that might clarify his bizarre circumstances.

As Angel scrolls through the channels, a familiar voice suddenly catches Jason's ear, causing him to sit upright, eyes snapping open. On the screen, a chaotic news segment shows a wild-haired, slightly unhinged old man in a lab coat, wreaking havoc downtown with what appears to be a portable black hole generator.

With a small, brown haired boy running with him in terror.

"There you have it folks. An old man, and the previously unstoppable sci-fi boy are running around creating blackholes and killing people." The news anchor says, as if this is everyday news.

"Is that fucking Rick!?" Jason jumps to his feet and holding his head in pure, unfiltered shock. His mind instantly begins racing at the thought, sweat dropping from his head imagining Rick and Morty fucking over the entire world before just leaving to another reality.

'I'm so fucking screwed!' he panics internally, sitting down again and calming himself on the outside as Angel stares at him strangely. The next moment the TV turns itself off, before lighting up again with a stylized hexagonal 'C' over an image of a planet appears, before disappearing right after.

Jason only catches a small glimpse of it, but memorizes the logo, before memories just straight up disappear from his mind. But he remembers Rick and Morty, he remembers where he is.

"Jason? Sit your ass down, we're watching the news" Angel says, putting her legs over his and lying down once he takes a seat. 

The news program returns to the screen, and the reporters act like nothing happened, and so does Angel. "Did you not just see that?" Jason asks, slowly realizing what just happened.

"No...? They were just going over the weather." Angel says, stretching a bit. "We really need to take you to a doctor. You've been acting weird.". She says once last time, before pretty much passing out, already asleep.

Jason turns his head back to the small TV, and watches as they show the exact location where he just saw Rick and Morty destroying shit, and now its perfectly still.

'Memory erasure?' he theorizes, looking at the sleeping Angel from the corner of his eyes. His mind racing.

He quickly stands to his feet, moving her off him gently, before grabbing a blanket for her and placing it over her sleeping form. Jason then staggers to their room and takes a seat on the bed, thinking things over.

'The Rick and Morty verse? There's no fucking way. Plus some organization I assume is trying to keep the public out the know-how.' Jason thinks to himself. Not recognizing the logo that briefly appeared and caused rampant memory loss.

'So I'm not in Reality-Prime, C-137 or Parmesan. That much is clear, and this reality is in 2012. How long until Rick C-137 meets Morty Prime? Have they already met, or is it some years until then?' Jason rapidly thinks, knowing the year his reality is in doesn't matter at all. 

'I theorize, I'm from a reality outside the Central Finite Curve, where Rick and Morty is a cartoon, and now I'm INSIDE the Central Finite Curve, where real Rick and Morty's are real and in every reality.'

Then, he suddenly has a wild thought that sends him through the loop. "Are there... other me's!?" he practically shouts, before relaxing and groaning.

'I cant be the only me that got in, there are infinite me's, and as a result, infinite me's that we're thrown into their own realities within the Central Finite Curve. Which means... there are potentially millions of people just like me...'

"This isn't good." he sighs, a nervous grin marring his face. Knowing full well, that there are now millions of unpredictable smart-asses who have watched Rick and Morty.

"Well.. now that I know where I am... I cant stay this fucking weak" Jason says, grinning, lying to himself about the reason he wants power. 

Not to protect himself, but to protect his ego. How can he possible accept being this weak, and so much less powerful than Rick? 

At that moment, every version of Jason, men, women, child, old, Black, White, Asian, it doesn't matter, they all have the same thought.

'I need power'


The start of a battle for power between geniuses in their own right, fighting each other, and anything else that may try and stop them.


There ya have it. The second chapter of this. Hope you continue to enjoy the story. Do all the usual Webnovel stuff, y'know - power stones, library, comment, and leave a review.

Cya bitches!