
rich girl x twin maids

shroomking · LGBT+
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4 Chs

the job

You come out of the changing room. "Damn cutie you look great in that outfit." Max says after you come out in the uniform. "Thank you max." You say with a little blush on your cheeks. "Anytime cutie~." Max's says in a flirtatious tone. "Well I have to get to work bye now max." You say as both of y'all walk in separate ways. "Hm so this must be room 282." You say walking Infront of the door as you open the door you look inside. "What I thought I was going to be rough to do." You say as you walk into the room and pull out your cleaning supplies. "Well let's get going on this." Once you finish tying up the last bag you put it out in the garbage. "Phew finally done with this now let's go get a new task from Marco." You say not wanting to waste anytime. You knock on to Marco's door. "Yes come in." You hear Marco's say as you walk in. "So what brings you here do you need help to find the room." He asks you. "No I'm here for the next task sir." You tell him politely. "Oh is that so well you could go too max or ruby and ask if they need any help with their work." Marco says looking at you with a smile. "Yes sir I'll go find them to ask." You say with a small bow before you leave...