
rich girl x twin maids

shroomking · LGBT+
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4 Chs

finding ruby

As you close the door from Marco's office. "Where should I look first." You say as you look at both ways to see what direction you want to go in. "Hmm lets go right to see if anybody is there." You say as you start walking to the right you notice two faint voices as you walk closer one gets louder till you enter the room the voices are coming from. "Hm what's going on here." You say as you look around the room and see a woman yelling at a familiar person in a work outfit. "Hey ruby what's going on and why is she yelling at you." You ask a nearly crying ruby. "She said that there was something wrong with the hospitality and how her room was messed up when she got there and now she's asking to see the manager." A sniffing ruby says to you. " Okay I'll deal with this ruby you just go get Marco for me." You say as you go to talk to the yelling lady. "Ma'am what seems to be the problem here." You ask in a calm tone towards the lady that stopped yelling now. "Well my room looked like garbage when I got here three days ago and I want a refund." The Karen says with a furious look. "Well do you have the pictures of the room from when you got here." You ask here politely. "Ah no why would I have pictures of the room." The Karen says with a confused look on her face. "Well so you have proof that it was there before you got there and that it wasn't you that did it just so you could get a refund but since you don't have any I'd advise you to leave the premises ma'am." You say as you look at her with a small smile. "Ah this this is terrible treatment how could you treat me a customer like this." The Karen says to you in a appalled tone. "Let me speak to your manager miss." Before you could say anything. "I'm right here how can I help ma'am." Marco says coming out of the hallway...