
Rhose: Backpacking in Another World

On his way to work, Ryo got hit by a truck and died a quick painless death. Mere moments later, he found himself in front of a beautiful goddess and told him that she would grant his wish. “I want to take more holidays and travel the world,” He said. The goddess granted his wish and transported him to the magical world of Rhose where magic exists and mythical beasts roam free. But when he found himself there, instead of trying to become a hero or a warrior, he chooses to explore the world and live as a humble traveller. A wholesome and laid-back tale of an adventurer and his servant, navigating a beautiful yet unfamiliar world. A story of backpacking in another world.

Hurdurr · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Quiet Night

"Alright, here we are" I said as I open our room door

"Thank you..." She said quietly

"It's no big deal, you can sleep there while I will sleep on this one"

I said as I pointed to the bed, each was on the opposite side of the room with a drawer in the middle. I quickly throw myself and proceed to sink myself to the bed, it's not as soft or comfy as the ones that you would find in the modern times but it doesn't really matter to me at this moment since I was tired from walking all day. I still can't comprehend that I'm in another world right now, the furthest away I can be from home. Why does that goddess send me here? I should say that the world that I found in is not too bad, a bit inconvenient at times but at least it's not filled with war or anything. She also left me a fair amount of money to start with so perhaps she really tries to grant my wish after all.

I turned my head and looked towards Viola. She was lying on the bed with her back facing me, I can see her tail sticking out from her back swaying left and right. Well, it's going to be awkward to start a conversation right now. I didn't know much about the girl and I don't think it would be right to pry into her past anytime soon. But now, I have a responsibility that I did not expect before. What would happen to her if I were to leave the city? wouldn't she just return to the street and be homeless again? Ah, I should go and buy her clothes that are more decent tomorrow. She was still wearing that rugged and torn clothes that she has, it must be uncomfortable to sleep in that kind of outfit...

Should I just stay in this city?

That thought just came up and for a while it lingered in my head. Perhaps I can just stay in this city, find a job and then provide for her for a while. Or at least until she can be independent and provide for herself.

Hmm… yeah, that sounds good… I think I will go with that.


"Hey Ryo, let's go and find something for lunch"

"Hmm? Ah, sorry but I'll just eat while working on this"

"For real? alright then"

"I know I can count on you Ryo, you always finish your work perfectly"

"About that position that I promised to you, you can have it now. We have evaluated your performance and I think this is the right time for you to get promoted. Congratulations, Ryo"

"I know that deep down, that is not your true wish"

"Gasp..." I woke up suddenly from my sleep, did I just have a nightmare? No, it's not a nightmare. Maybe I just miss my previous life for a bit, sigh… I can't deny that I still feel guilty just leaving everyone like that. I should go get some water,

I tried to get up from bed as quietly as I could so as to not wake up Viola, who seemed to be sleeping soundly. I opened the door as sneakily as I could and went downstairs. There I found the Innkeeper writing something on a book on top of the counter, it seemed like she was keeping a record of today's transactions.

"You are awake, can't sleep?" she said with a smile

"No it's just, nightmare. Can I have some water please?" I said while I sat on the chair in front of her

"Sure" She said as she pour one and slide it to me

"Thank you"

"I was surprised when you just brought that girl here, but I can't say that I don't feel glad on the other hand"

"Really? Sorry for that"

"Sometimes people went to this city to find opportunities and jobs, there is a big mine not too far from here and many came to work in that mine in hopes of finding rare ore and gems. People come from all corner of the kingdom but working in the mine also come with a risk, sometimes people lost their lives there"

"I see, could it be that something happened to someone in her family in the mines?"

"Perhaps, it's a big city and it's hard to find jobs here. People who didn't make it here simply went back to their village or became homeless. It seems like she was the latter"

"I see, but I still need to ask her directly one day. Ah, I believe I haven't know your name miss"

"My name Rosemary but you can just call me Rose"

"Ah, okay. Speaking of, do you perhaps know any job around here that would fit me?"

"Job huh,.. well I think the obvious one is working in the mine"

"Ugh… Even if I want to I don't think I'm physically fit enough"

"Well it's hard to find one these days with many people flocking to this city, but you can try the adventurer guild if you have innate talents like magic"

"Like what?" I asked again

"Magic" she repeats

I believe I didn't misheard what she said just now, so magic exists in this world? Now that I think about it, some people I saw on the streets were really strange and Viola also has animal parts on her body. Perhaps it wouldn't be a stretch for magic to also exist in this world.

"So, how can I know if I possess magic or not?"

"For that you can go to a mage with an appraisal skill to appraise you, but it can be a bit expensive from what I hear"

"I see, then I will try to find one tomorrow"

We chatted again for a while before I finally returned to my room. When I'm back Viola is still sleeping soundly on her bed.