
Rhongomyniad's Familia

Honest man sent to DanMachi, and decides that he would prefer to summon his own goddess instead of playing second fiddle to Bell Cranel. Guess who's the summoned goddess yet?

Lord_of_FireDrakes · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Moving Forward

Pov: Strahd

Taking the paper, I savored the moment that just happened. Looking over my stats everything was as I expected it to be; or so I thought. Renard Magic? Vulpes Nova and Buster? Hmm, a pleasant surprise; though if I use this magic normally it'll be overkill.

"Thank you, my king."

"It was no problem Sir Strahd. Now before we each retire tonight, Let's talk about our plans. I know you discussed an idea of an exploration/entertainment familia; right? How did you envision accomplishing these ventures?"

"I was thinking of myself venturing into the dungeon with a select group of individuals and making accomplishments for our Familia, increasing our prestige through it."

"On the entertainment side I was thinking of opening a casino/resort with our funds." "Create a clean, honest, fun business venture to brighten the lives of the residents in the city."

"Generally where I come from it's associated with corruption and vices. But we could create a business in this market that's honest and relaxing. What do you think? "

My king gazed distantly in thought at my words. Establishing eye contact she stated; "I approve both plans; as for the casino we'll call it: Casino Camelot."


High up in the tower of Babel, in a private room overlooking the city. A beautiful silver haired goddess with a perfect ratio of proportions sat while drinking wine from a comfy chair admiring the view.

"Ah, that fox boy's soul. It was the most flawless amethyst I've seen yet. I must have him."


Stepping out of the corner a huge muscular boarman with a bandana across his forehead stood at attention.

"I want you to gather your brothers and sisters, and find all available information about the individuals Strahd Veritae, and a goddess called Rhongomyniad in addition, the places called; Britain, Idaho, and the United States."

Silently, the large boarman left behind a curtain to accomplish the task.

Tracing her finger over the wine glass, she said in an amused tone; "Wait for me, my handsome young fox."


In the early morning exiting the guild hall, Strahd and goddess Rhongomyniad walked out. They had just finished the paperwork for Strahd to become an official adventurer, the familia registration, business licenses, information on local real estate and gathered various job seekers contact info, from individual fliers posted in the guild to find work.

They visited the local properties for sale until the middle of the afternoon, they decided to look over a property that was actually outside of the city limits of Orario, in the great plains surrounding the city.

The sun was shining brilliantly amidst blue skies, various cool breezes continually passed through the long, swishing, green grass, as the sound of clopping hooves on dirt could be heard. Strahd and goddess Rhongomyniad came into view riding upon their contrasting steeds.

Their destination was a lonely two story cottage, primarily made out of stacked limestone; it was surrounded by a multitude of well cared for flower beds filled to the brim with white tulips. The property gave off a cozy, serene feeling.

Nearing the cottage a young teal haired sheepman in his late 20's appeared, from around the cottage. He wore a set of new cotton clothes ideal for traveling.

Seeing them he waved his hand; "Greetings folks! Welcome to my parents homestead. How can I help you two?"

Waving back with a wide smile, showing his pearly whites, Strahd greeted the teal sheepman; "Greetings right back at you sir, we are here about the flier of sale posted in the guild building."

At the same time, Artoria moved her helmeted head slightly, slowly taking in the view of the teal sheepman and the surrounding property.

Scratching his horns absentmindedly the unknown sheepman responded; "Ah, I figured as much. Come right in, I'll give you y'all a tour."

Dismounting Strahd and goddess Rhongomyniad followed him inside.

As they toured the cottage they discovered it had four bedrooms and a central kitchen/living room.

It felt quite spacious despite its size. The size was ideal for them since they only intended to have an actual handful of familia members in it and mainly employ nonfalna employees for their business.

It might change in the future, but that's how they decided to start.

After finishing the tour, and talking with the sheepman, who they discovered was named Tim; they bought the property outright on the spot.

The rest of the day was spent buying furniture, food, new clothing, the property of and around an old abandoned church in the city; whose location was going to be where their casino/resort in the city was.

After getting in contact with a well respected construction familia; they decided to start the process twenty days from now, since the construction familia was currently backed up on various projects.

Deciding to return to the Hostess of Fertility for dinner they did so.


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