
Rhongomyniad's Familia

Honest man sent to DanMachi, and decides that he would prefer to summon his own goddess instead of playing second fiddle to Bell Cranel. Guess who's the summoned goddess yet?

Lord_of_FireDrakes · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

20 Day Time Skip

The day of the start of the series, Rhongomyniad's Familia's Residence

Pov: Strahd

Today was the day we would finally break ground for Casino Camelot!

Ah, hiring the right people to manage it had taken time but our efforts had paid off. Once the Casino was open and stabilized, I was finally going to venture into the dungeon.

To prepare for my expeditions I had been training in all my free time with my enchanting goddess. She taught me primarily in swordsmanship and unarmed combat. I still haven't beat her a single time even with all my gifts, just goes to show she truly is the king of knights. Man, it's a hot day though.

Going around back to the outside well I moved the metal faucet's handle to bring out fresh spring water.

As the water gushed forth I soaked my head and tail in it.


Pov: Bell Cranel

As I navigated the streets of Orario I thought of the words my grandfather said to me;

"Bell, a promising young adventurer like you needs to find love in a dungeon. Once you rescue a young maiden from a big, ugly, terrifying beast you'll be in her good graces. And that is what adventuring is all about."

It's just like my grandfather used to say it would be. Well, she rescued me but still I'm going to do whatever it takes.

Hopping down the path towards my goddess and I's home, a smile formed from inside me. Breaking me out of my fantasies, I noticed construction workers everywhere.

Huh? Why are there people all over the place?


Construction workers moved across the scene as a small, busty, twin tailed haired goddess argued with a graying muscular human who was twice her height.

"Well I want you all to stop!"

"Can't do that miss, orders are orders. If you want to negotiate you'll have to talk with the Rhongomyniad familia. "

As the two argued, Bell approached in utter confusion. Seeing him, the small goddess bolted towards him and hugged with her entire body. "Bell, it's terrible. These men are destroying our home!"

The muscular human foreman sighed. "The property here was sold to the Rhongomyniad familia almost a month ago." "If you two want to change the status quo, talk with her or her captain."

Huffing he walked towards a group of his familia members, carrying stone clearing tools.

Bell looked down at his goddess Hestia. "What does he mean goddess?"

Sheepishly, Hestia let go of her only familia member, looking to the side avoiding eye contact. "Well Bell, I didn't actually own the church where we have been living. I just happened to find it empty and now these folks are tearing it down."

Letting out a deep breath, Hestia stopped speaking.

Patting his goddess's head, Bell spoke encouragingly; "Don't worry goddess, I know the situation isn't ideal but I believe we'll quickly find a new place."

Looking up into his eyes as he caressed the top of her head Hestia exclaimed; "Ah, Bell!" hugging him again fiercely in affection. Looking up from her hug again she smiled, stating; "You're right Bell! We'll find a new place. And it'll be bigger and better too."

During their intimate moment time seemed to stop, until they started to hear a playful voice nearby and found the source to be an extremely attractive white renard walking in concert with an enigmatic masked lady in blue, white, silver royal armor. They were conversing, paying no heed to the gazes that were constantly being drawn to them.

Thanks for reading and waiting!

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