
Rhapsody Of The Otherworld

"It seems I have gone totally insane from the depression, a creature from my dream is saying that this is not a dream, is this how I usually cope with depression?" [Initializing system] [Player registered] [Welcome back M] "You will need to fight the demon king with the other Player." ... "...Huh?" With that, he wholeheartedly embraced the request, venturing into the otherworld without a moment's hesitation. Will he ever cease his wanderings? Ah, that tale shall be reserved for another time. ... Meet the protagonist, an extraordinary prodigy far ahead of his peers, on the verge of graduation. Yet, despite his remarkable achievements, he feels a profound sense of emptiness and isolation. His family's wealth and his groundbreaking invention, a vaccine for a devastating virus that plagued the world in 2019, mean little without one essential element: love. Haunted by unnerving hallucinations that he believes to be signs of developing schizophrenia, his life seems destined to descend into darkness. However, just as he reaches his breaking point, an unforeseen encounter alters the course of his existence. A mysterious entity materializes before him, offering an opportunity to venture into unexplored realms beyond human comprehension. In a surreal world of menus, systems, and the prophecy of being the chosen one, his purpose becomes clear: he must confront the dreaded demon lord and emerge victorious. As he embarks on this perilous journey, he gradually unravels the enigmatic nature of his enigmatic companion. Uncovering a truth more astonishing than he ever fathomed, he learns the harsh reality that in a world consumed by chaos, survival often requires embracing one's inner demons. "In a world that's gone to hell, you have to be the devil to survive." - Mika --------------------- Tags: Adventurers | Another World | Clingy Lover | Crafting | Cunning Protagonist | Demi-Humans | Demons | Dense | Dragons | Dungeon Master | Dungeons | Dwarfs | Elves | Evil Gods | Fantasy World | Game Elements | Goblins | Goddesses | Godly Powers | Golems | Guilds | Heroes | Human-Nonhuman Relationship | Kingdom Building | Lack of Common Sense | Late Romance | Lazy | Loli | Love Interest | Magic | Magical Space | Male | Misunderstandings | Monster Girls | Monsters | Multiple POV | Nobles | Phoenixes | R-18 | Religions | Romantic Subplot | Royalty | Ruthless | Skill Books | Slaves | Sleeping | Slow | Succubus | Summoned Hero | Summoning | Sword And Magic | Transported to Another World | Vampires | Weak Strong | Werebeasts | Army | Arrogant Characters | Betrayal | Calm | Cold Interests | Comedic Undertone | Confident | Cruel | Dark Demon Lord | Depictions Cruelty | Discrimination | Enemies Become Allies | Genius | Handsome | Humanoid | Kuudere | Low-key | Loyal Subordinates | Manipulative | NEET | Perverted | Politics | Poor Rich | Psychopaths | Revenge | Schemes Conspiracies | Selfish | Special Abilities | Strategic Battles | Strategist | Time Skip | Torture | Transmigration into a Game World | Twisted Personality | Underestimated | Wars | Witches | Yandere --------------------- Please note that the pace of this story is intentionally slow. Although there may be occasional time skips, the majority of the chapters focus on a single day in the life of the main character. Thank you for your understanding and patience as you read this novel. --------------------- The length would be ±2000 chapters. Will be uploading 5-8 chapters per week or so. Discord: Papyrus#5727 Contact me if you want to point out any grammatical error or other thing, I don't know. Once it reaches 100 chapters, I will proofread all the chapters again.

MichaelYong · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Airi pouted, her disappointment evident on her face, as she expressed her frustration.

"Jeez... Don't pretend you forgot your promise," she complained.

Mika noticed a blue circle forming around him and responded to Airi with a gesture.

His hand formed by extending the index and middle fingers straight upward while folding the other fingers down.

The palm of the hand faces inward.

The index and middle fingers form a V shape, with the index finger slightly longer than the middle finger.

The two fingers are parallel to each other.

With that gesture, he was immediately transported to the arena.

"Good morning, everybody! Today marks the second day of the Wyvern War. I'm Solara, also known as the Sun King, who would serve as the caster for the day," announced the caster.

"We're kicking off the tournament with two E-ranked adventurers, just a taste of what awaits," proclaimed the announcer, excitement lacing his words.

"On the west side, we have a man in a mysterious black cloak. Let's give thunderous applause to Mika!" the caster introduced, his voice filled with anticipation.

"I mean, he's not that terrible," commented a member of the crowd, their tone slightly skeptical.

Peering through the crowd, another person added, "Although I can't see his face clearly, judging by his height, he seems decent enough."

"If he sports black hair, he might just have a shot," chimed in another spectator, their voice hopeful.

Mika found himself muttering to himself, a hint of bemusement in his voice.

'What? Is this some kind of fashion contest? This is an arena of blood and honor!'

The murmuring of the crowd only deepened his bewilderment.

"And now, on the north side, behold the sight of a half-naked dwarf. Give it up for Dave!" The caster's voice rang out, slightly subdued this time.

"Mhm..." uttered one of the onlookers, a touch of indifference in their tone.

"Papa's got an eight-pack, though," added another, admiration evident in their voice.

"He's definitely got the game," interjected a voice, expressing their confidence in the dwarf's abilities.

With a confident flex of his muscular frame, the dwarf struck a pose, captivating the crowd with his brawn.

"With that, let the battle commence!" The caster's announcement reverberated throughout the arena, signaling the start of the eagerly anticipated clash.

The atmosphere in the arena crackled with electric anticipation as the clash between Dave and Mika, the two E-ranked adventurers, was about to commence. The crowd held its breath, eager to witness the unfolding spectacle.

Dave, a rugged dwarf with a wild mane of fiery red hair, unfastened the axe that hung from his belt pocket.

He hefted it in his hands, feeling the weight and balance of the weapon.

The crowd marveled at the intricate carvings etched into the blade, evidence of countless battles fought and won.

Dave's muscles rippled beneath his half-naked form, his physique a testament to his unwavering dedication to combat.

On the other side of the arena stood Mika, a mysterious figure shrouded in a black cloak.

His intense gaze pierced through the darkness, his eyes alight with determination.

Unlike Dave, Mika bore no visible weapons.

Instead, his hands, calloused from years of training, were his only tools.

His body was honed to perfection, exuding a quiet strength that commanded respect.

As the signal to begin the battle resounded through the air, Dave lunged forward, his axe whistling through the space it once occupied.

The crowd erupted in a chorus of cheers and gasps, mesmerized by the dwarf's formidable display of power.

With each swing of his weapon, Dave unleashed a flurry of calculated strikes, his movements fueled by sheer brute force.

Mika, however, danced nimbly around Dave's relentless onslaught.

His fluid footwork and lightning-fast reflexes evaded the dwarf's mighty blows with uncanny precision.

The crowd watched in awe as Mika effortlessly countered Dave's attacks, his bare hands striking with a grace that defied the odds.

With each evasion and counter, the battle grew more intense.

Dave's mighty axe clashed against Mika's agile defenses, the clash of metal reverberating throughout the arena.

Sweat trickled down the dwarf's furrowed brow, his determination unwavering.

Meanwhile, Mika's eyes blazed with an unwavering focus, his mastery of hand-to-hand combat evident in every move he made.

The crowd's emotions swelled their cheers and gasps creating a symphony of excitement.

They were swept up in the sheer spectacle unfolding before their eyes, a clash between raw power and refined technique.

The battle raged on, the clash of the axe and the swift strikes of Mika's hands echoing through the arena.

Each warrior displayed their unique skills, pushing the boundaries of their abilities in pursuit of victory.

As the battle reached its climax, Mika's relentless assault on Dave began to take its toll.

With lightning-quick strikes and swift maneuvers, Mika found an opening and delivered a powerful blow to Dave's face.

The impact echoed throughout the arena, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

Dave staggered backward, his grip on the axe faltering.

A mixture of pain, surprise, and frustration flashed across his face.

The crowd gasped in collective astonishment, witnessing the sheer force behind Mika's strike.

Dave's eyes welled up with tears as the pain washed over him, and an undeniable realization settled in his heart.

With tears streaming down his face, Dave dropped his axe to the ground, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

The crowd fell into a hushed silence, their collective breath held in anticipation of Dave's next move.


"I surrender!"

Mika, still poised and focused, approached Dave with a calm but commanding presence.

'This is so awkward...' Mika thought to himself.

He extended a hand to help the dwarf rise, an unspoken gesture of respect.

Dave, overcome by both physical and emotional pain, accepted the proffered hand and allowed Mika to help him to his feet.

The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers a mixture of admiration for Mika's victory and empathy for Dave's valiant effort.

"The winner of today's first battle is none other than Mika!" The caster's voice boomed with excitement, the crowd erupting in thunderous applause.

With the announcement, Mika and Dave, both weary but filled with a mix of emotions, were transported back to the spectator seats.

As Mika took his place among the onlookers, Airi couldn't help but remark, her voice laced with a teasing tone, "Jeez... You look absolutely drenched."

A small smirk played on Mika's lips as he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Well, why don't you give it a try? Perhaps licking me will magically clean me up."

Airi, momentarily taken aback by Mika's response, playfully leaned forward, her tongue ready to brush against his chin.

However, Mika swiftly held her tongue back, his hand acting as a barrier.

"No, Airi, that was a figure of speech. A metaphor, if you will," Mika clarified, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Airi's expression transformed into a mix of surprise and embarrassment, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"Ah is it? My bad. Got a bit carried away there."

She pulled back, a sheepish smile crossing her face.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for the monumental clash of the first-ever S-ranked battle in the illustrious Wyvern War North Arena!" The caster's voice resounded throughout the arena, filled with a mix of anticipation and awe.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, their excitement reaching a crescendo as the next contestants were introduced.

The atmosphere crackled with electricity, every eye fixated on the spectacle unfolding before them.

"Introducing first, we have Drakon the Dragonlord," the caster's voice boomed, emphasizing the sheer magnitude of this warrior's reputation.

"A formidable force to be reckoned with, Drakon has tamed and commanded the mightiest dragons to do his bidding. His mere presence strikes fear into the hearts of his adversaries."

As the crowd roared in admiration, their imaginations conjured vivid images of soaring dragons and fiery breath, each person in awe of the legendary power that Drakon possessed.

"And his opponent, the lightning-fast Zephyr the Windrider!" The caster's voice soared with excitement, mirroring the agility and speed that Zephyr was renowned for.

"This nimble and skilled warrior harnesses the power of the wind, allowing him to move at incredible speeds and strike with unparalleled precision. His graceful movements are a sight to behold."

The crowd erupted once again, their applause reaching new heights. The prospect of witnessing Zephyr's mastery over the elements was a tantalizing experience that had drawn people from far and wide to this centennial event.

"Both of these exceptional warriors have traveled great distances from their respective continents to grace us with their presence here today," the caster's voice echoed with reverence, emphasizing the significance of this historic encounter.

"They stand before you, prepared to leave their mark on the annals of the Wyvern War."

As the deafening cheers gradually subsided, a charged silence enveloped the arena.

The anticipation hung thick in the air, a palpable tension building between Drakon and Zephyr.

The eyes of the crowd fixated on the battlefield, awaiting the clash of these titans.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, the collective breath of the audience held in suspense.

The first-ever S-ranked battle in the Wyvern War North Arena was about to unfold, promising an extraordinary display of skill, strength, and untamed forces.