
Rhapsody Of The Otherworld

"It seems I have gone totally insane from the depression, a creature from my dream is saying that this is not a dream, is this how I usually cope with depression?" [Initializing system] [Player registered] [Welcome back M] "You will need to fight the demon king with the other Player." ... "...Huh?" With that, he wholeheartedly embraced the request, venturing into the otherworld without a moment's hesitation. Will he ever cease his wanderings? Ah, that tale shall be reserved for another time. ... Meet the protagonist, an extraordinary prodigy far ahead of his peers, on the verge of graduation. Yet, despite his remarkable achievements, he feels a profound sense of emptiness and isolation. His family's wealth and his groundbreaking invention, a vaccine for a devastating virus that plagued the world in 2019, mean little without one essential element: love. Haunted by unnerving hallucinations that he believes to be signs of developing schizophrenia, his life seems destined to descend into darkness. However, just as he reaches his breaking point, an unforeseen encounter alters the course of his existence. A mysterious entity materializes before him, offering an opportunity to venture into unexplored realms beyond human comprehension. In a surreal world of menus, systems, and the prophecy of being the chosen one, his purpose becomes clear: he must confront the dreaded demon lord and emerge victorious. As he embarks on this perilous journey, he gradually unravels the enigmatic nature of his enigmatic companion. Uncovering a truth more astonishing than he ever fathomed, he learns the harsh reality that in a world consumed by chaos, survival often requires embracing one's inner demons. "In a world that's gone to hell, you have to be the devil to survive." - Mika --------------------- Tags: Adventurers | Another World | Clingy Lover | Crafting | Cunning Protagonist | Demi-Humans | Demons | Dense | Dragons | Dungeon Master | Dungeons | Dwarfs | Elves | Evil Gods | Fantasy World | Game Elements | Goblins | Goddesses | Godly Powers | Golems | Guilds | Heroes | Human-Nonhuman Relationship | Kingdom Building | Lack of Common Sense | Late Romance | Lazy | Loli | Love Interest | Magic | Magical Space | Male | Misunderstandings | Monster Girls | Monsters | Multiple POV | Nobles | Phoenixes | R-18 | Religions | Romantic Subplot | Royalty | Ruthless | Skill Books | Slaves | Sleeping | Slow | Succubus | Summoned Hero | Summoning | Sword And Magic | Transported to Another World | Vampires | Weak Strong | Werebeasts | Army | Arrogant Characters | Betrayal | Calm | Cold Interests | Comedic Undertone | Confident | Cruel | Dark Demon Lord | Depictions Cruelty | Discrimination | Enemies Become Allies | Genius | Handsome | Humanoid | Kuudere | Low-key | Loyal Subordinates | Manipulative | NEET | Perverted | Politics | Poor Rich | Psychopaths | Revenge | Schemes Conspiracies | Selfish | Special Abilities | Strategic Battles | Strategist | Time Skip | Torture | Transmigration into a Game World | Twisted Personality | Underestimated | Wars | Witches | Yandere --------------------- Please note that the pace of this story is intentionally slow. Although there may be occasional time skips, the majority of the chapters focus on a single day in the life of the main character. Thank you for your understanding and patience as you read this novel. --------------------- The length would be ±2000 chapters. Will be uploading 5-8 chapters per week or so. Discord: Papyrus#5727 Contact me if you want to point out any grammatical error or other thing, I don't know. Once it reaches 100 chapters, I will proofread all the chapters again.

MichaelYong · Fantasy
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54 Chs


In the depths beneath the earth's surface lies an awe-inspiring arena, its grandeur rivaling that of legends.

This subterranean spectacle, devoid of natural light, unfolds in a place hidden from the world, far removed from the realms above.

Carved meticulously into the rough stone, the circular arena stands as a testament to both architectural prowess and the depths of human imagination. Its vast expanse stretches out before the spectators, enclosed by towering walls that exude an aura of mystery and intrigue.

Within this underground domain, darkness reigns supreme, enveloping the scene in an inky veil.

Illumination within this subterranean theater is provided by flickering torches, their wavering flames casting dancing shadows that seem to possess a life of their own.

The sporadic glow accentuates the rugged texture of the stone, lending an air of ancient mysticism to the arena.

Shadows twist and coil, creating an ethereal ballet that captivates the eyes of those gathered.

Ascending rows of seating encircle the central stage, fashioned from the same rugged stone that shapes the arena itself.

Stone steps, worn smooth over time, lead spectators upwards, offering varying vantage points from which to observe the unfolding drama below.

The seats, filled with anticipation, form a collective presence, their whispers, and murmurs blending into a symphony of hushed excitement.

In this underground realm, where daylight never intrudes, a palpable energy saturates the air.

Each step, each clash, resonates with heightened intensity, accentuated by the absence of light.

The atmosphere hums with an electric buzz, heightened by the flickering torches that illuminate the vast expanse.

Within this shadowed enclave, rivalries are settled, legends are born, and fates intertwine.

Mika and his adversary take their first steps into the enveloping darkness, every movement they make etching itself indelibly into the minds of the fortunate spectators who bear witness to this unfolding spectacle.

As the tension thickens, Mika's thoughts wander, reflecting on the events that led him to this particular juncture.

'Right, you might wonder how I ended up in this position,' he muses, his voice tinged with a hint of introspection.

A glimmer of self-awareness surfaces as Mika contemplates his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu style, realizing that it seems to be countered by the enigmatic technique employed by his opponent.

'My Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu style seems to have met its match in this mysterious art,' he quietly acknowledges, a touch of admiration seeping into his voice.

The atmosphere in the crowd crackles with intensity and fervor, their emotions bubbling to the surface.

Amidst the fervent energy, one spectator's exclamation pierces the air, laden with longing and envy.

"I WISH THAT WAS ME!" their voice resounds, carried by a mixture of admiration and desire.

Another voice rises above the din, the fervor taking a more unconventional turn.

"MOMMY! STEP ON ME INSTEAD!" the fervent plea escapes, reflecting the unique fervor that ignites within the hearts of the onlookers.

A third voice, quite unexpectedly, barks like a canine, their enthusiasm taking an animalistic form.

"WOOF, WOOF!" the exclamation rings out, an embodiment of unbridled excitement.

Caught up in the crowd's frenzy, the caster can't help but comment on their fervor.

"The crowd is absolutely wild for her!" he exclaims, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and astonishment.

A pause ensues, the air thick with anticipation. Then, a provocative taunt slices through the arena.

"My... My... Are you hard?"

His opponent jeers, her words dripping with provocative innuendo.

Caught off guard by the audacious provocation, Mika's mind races, grappling with conflicting thoughts.

'Isn't this sexual harassment?'

Mika ponders, the flicker of anger briefly crossing his mind.

'Well, laws don't seem to exist in this world, do they?' he laments, a tinge of frustration coloring his voice.

The reality of his predicament settles in, as he becomes acutely aware of his vulnerable position.

The female combatant employs her knee to deliver a painful thrust to his groin, a constant reminder of the peril he faces.

Considering all possible outcomes, Mika reaches a decisive choice, one that cuts through the noise and tumult.

"I give up!" he said, his voice carrying a mix of resignation and self-preservation.

"And Sylva wins!" exclaimed the caster, his voice brimming with excitement.

The crowd erupted with a mix of joy and astonishment, their cheers mingling with barks of approval and gasps of awe.

"Auggh!" "Woof!"

These were the sounds that reverberated through the air, a testament to the intense atmosphere of the arena.

"Well, that was quite the thrilling match, wasn't it?" Sylva stood up, a triumphant smile adorning her face.

She extended her hand towards Mika, offering him assistance to stand up.

Relief washed over Mika as he took her hand, reflecting on the narrow escape from a potentially painful strike.

'Luckily, she didn't aim for my groin. I would have been done for,' he sighed, his voice filled with gratitude.


Mika, emboldened by the moment, mustered up the courage to ask.

"Join my harem."

"My... My... Of course, I will."

She replied, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and anticipation.

Their eyes met, and in that instant, a connection sparked between them, igniting a passionate flame.

And then they embraced their desires, their bodies entwined in a dance of passion.

"Yay sex!" they exclaimed in blissful delight, celebrating their newfound union.

With that, she joined his harem.


Reality snapped back as Mika returned from his daydream.

"Too real," he whispered to himself, his mind still lingering on the enticing possibilities.

Hand in hand, they departed from the arena, their spirits still electrified by the intensity of the match.

Mika's eyes scanned the surroundings until he settled upon Airi, who was resting nearby.

"It's your turn, Airi. I lost," Mika declared, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Airi stirred from her slumber, her ears twitching slightly as she woke.

She gazed at Mika, absorbing his words and the weight they carried.

"If you win, you can ..." He whispered right to her ear.

A surge of determination coursed through Airi's veins, propelling her to rise swiftly from her resting place.

Without hesitation, she marched toward the arena, her heart aflame with a burning resolve.

"Oh, it seems we have a new challenger?" remarked the caster, his tone tinged with curiosity.

His eyes roamed over Airi's appearance, an embodiment of allure and power.

"What a seductive armor you possess."

A fiery spark ignited within Airi, fueled by Mika's promise.

"Fight me, you imbecile!" she bellowed, her voice reverberating through the arena with raw passion and defiance.

The caster, caught off guard by Airi's ferocity, stumbled in his response.

"Any challeng-- Oh, it seems we have a whole train awaiting you, Miss Aur..."

"AIRI! And I will fight all of you with just one hand and my eyes closed!" she proclaimed, her voice resolute and brimming with unwavering confidence.

"In the ancient stone arena, its weathered walls towering high, a female succubus named Airi stood with her azure flame sword ablaze!" The caster announced.

"Her midnight-black wings shimmered with an otherworldly sheen, exuding an aura of dark power."

"The crowd gathered around, hushed in anticipation, as ten male challengers stepped forward, their weapons glinting in the dim light."

Airi's aqua eyes locked onto her opponents, her slender frame emanating both confidence and danger.

"She had fought battles beyond count, her skill honed through centuries of existence."

'Huh? How old is she?' Mika thought to himself.

"The air crackled with anticipation as the first challenger lunged forward, a fierce determination etched on his face."

"With the grace of a seasoned warrior, Airi parried his attack effortlessly, her azure sword meeting his blade with a resounding clash."

"The succubus moved with an uncanny swiftness, her lithe form evading each strike thrown her way."

"She countered with precision, her sword leaving trails of azure flame in its wake."

"The challengers fought valiantly, their desperation fueling their efforts, but Airi remained untouched, her movements fluid and deliberate."

"She spun, twirling through the air, her wings propelling her in a graceful dance of death."

One by one, the challengers fell before her, their defeat inevitable.

"Airi's azure sword danced through the air, leaving a trail of sparks and smoke."

"As the last challenger fell, defeated and gasping for breath, Airi stood alone, her azure flame sword held high."

She surveyed the arena, her chest heaving with exertion, a triumphant smile playing upon her lips.

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, their cheers echoing throughout the ancient stone walls.

With a bow of gratitude, Airi's wings folded gracefully behind her, and she strode out of the arena, the victor of the formidable clash.

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER!" The caster announced.

Her azure flame sword extinguished, and she headed straight back to Mika.

"Now-- now-- about your promise, you said you would have s-"

Before she could finish her sentence, they were immediately teleported to the Wyvern War arena.