

BDNSW · Fantasy
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Mikey walked over to Raptor's bunk and shook him awake.

"Raptor, wake up man, we gotta get ready to board the ship," he said.

Raptor groaned and rubbed his eyes, "Ugh, I don't wanna get up. I feel like I didn't sleep at all."

"Yeah, well, we gotta go. Come on," Mikey replied.

As Raptor got up and started to pack his things, Mikey asked, "So, how do you feel about all of this? Going to the headquarters and all?"

Raptor shrugged, "I don't know. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. It's all just a bit overwhelming, you know?"

Mikey nodded sympathetically, "Yeah, I hear ya. But hey, we'll get through it together. We're a team, after all."

Raptor smiled weakly, "Thanks, Mikey."

As they made their way to the ship, Raptor couldn't help but bring up the simulation that was used in his place of work back home.

"I wonder if they have anything like that here," he mused.

Mikey chuckled, "I wouldn't worry about it too much. We're in a whole new world now, man. Who knows what kind of cool tech they have here?"

Raptor smiled, "Yeah, I guess you're right. It'll be an adventure."

As they boarded the ship and found their seats, Raptor felt a sense of excitement mixed with nervousness. But he knew that he had his team by his side, and that was all he needed to face whatever lay ahead.

As they settle into their cramped seats on the ship, Raptor notices Sigma's sad expression and decides to ask him about it.

Raptor: "Hey man, you look down. What's going on?"

Sigma: "I don't know. I'm excited to be going to the G.O.A.T Earth HQ, but at the same time, I'm not. It's complicated."

Mikey, who was overhearing the conversation, chimes in with a joke to lighten the mood.

Mikey: "Yeah, I'm excited too! I've always wanted to try their cafeteria food. I hear it's out of this world!"

Pale laughs, but Raptor isn't in the mood for jokes.

Raptor: "Come on, guys. This is serious. We're going to the headquarters to protect it from PapirotaMachua. We need to be focused."

Sigma nods in agreement, and the group falls into a brief silence. Then, Pale speaks up.

Pale: "I still can't believe they recruited us. We're just a bunch of teenagers."

Raptor: "I know, right? It's like they don't care about our safety or anything. We're just pawns to them."

Sigma: "Actually, G.O.A.T recruits teenagers because they believe it's the best way to train and prepare them for the future. When we become adults, our skills will be evaluated and we'll be sent to different parts of the universe based on our abilities."

Mikey: "Oh, great. So we're just guinea pigs now?"

The group chuckles, but there's a hint of bitterness in their laughter.

As the ship takes off, an announcement comes on the intercom, calling out the troop numbers and attendance. The group settles in for the long journey, each lost in their own thoughts about what's to come.

Sigma started the conversation with Raptor, "You know, Raptor, G.O.A.T has a rich history. It's been around for over a thousand years."

Raptor looked interested and asked, "What happened during that time?"

Sigma continued, "Well, the G.O.A.T headquarters was attacked around a million years ago, and it left ruins in its wake. There are still some remnants of those ruins around the current headquarters which are aged back a thousand years, those have remained as ruins due to some unknown attack by someone and also do you know about SebuneKart."

Raptor nodded, "Who is Sebune Kart?"

Sigma's face lit up, "Oh, Sebune Kart is my inspiration. He's the current one of the Teenaged Strike Operations head at G.O.A.T. He's a legend among the operatives. His tactics are unbeatable."

Raptor was curious, "Oh what Teen like Us? That's great Bruh, I don't know there are Big Brained Bros who are teens"

Sigma replied, "Sebune Kart is the reason I fell in love with G.O.A.T. I want to become a Strike Operations head like him someday."

Raptor smiled, "That's a great goal to have, bro. How do you plan on achieving it?"

Sigma responded, "Well, for starters, I need to gain knowledge about G.O.A.T. That's why I'm excited to be on this mission. It's going to be a great learning experience."

Raptor nodded in agreement, "I think we're all going to learn a lot on this mission."

Sigma then looked at Raptor with concern, "Are you okay, Raptor? You seem lost in thought."

Raptor sighed, "I was just thinking about my job back home. I work in a simulation, and sometimes it feels like I'm not really living my life."

Sigma put a hand on Raptor's shoulder, "Don't worry about that, Raptor. Focus on the present. We're on a mission to help G.O.A.T and make a difference. Let's make the most of it."

Meanwhile in G.O.A.T Earth HeadQuarters

It was a typical day at G.O.A.T headquarters, with Sebune Kart sipping on his soda and Clerk frantically relaying information from around the world. Suddenly, a man walked in, looking tense and nervous. He was Kamble, the Master Class Intelligence Officer of G.O.A.T Earth Headquarters.

Without a word, Kamble gestured for Sebune to follow they walked through the corridors, Sebune could sense the tension in him to a private room. Finally, they entered the Secret Capsule room, and Kamble turned on the Holographic projector.

Sebune's eyes widened as he saw the image of a massive weapon that had the power to destroy the G.O.A.Ts' strong walls. Kamble explained that the weapon was made of a rare metal in the universe, called Xendronium, that was incredibly difficult to obtain.

Sebune's mind raced as he tried to understand how the Paparito Machua had managed to acquire this metal. He knew that it was a coveted material that was in high demand but never got into the hands of many.

"Xendronium? That's one of the rarest metals in the universe," Sebune said, his voice low with concern. "How did they manage to get their hands on it?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Kamble replied grimly. "But we do know that if they have this weapon, they can destroy our defenses in seconds. We need to act fast."

Sebune leaned back in his chair, his mind working quickly. "We can't let this happen. We need to find a way to neutralize that weapon."

Kamble nodded in agreement. "We've already begun researching Xendronium, but it's a difficult metal to work with. It's incredibly dense and requires specialized equipment to manipulate."

Sebune rubbed his chin, lost in thought. "We need to find someone who's an expert in this field. Someone who can help us understand Xendronium and develop a plan to counter it."

Kamble nodded again. "I'll start putting out feelers, see if I can find anyone with the knowledge we need. But we need to move fast. Paparito Machua won't wait for us to come up with a solution."

Sebune stood up from his chair, a determined look in his eyes. "Then let's get to work. We're not going to let them take us down without a proper dance."

The two men left the Secret Capsule room, their minds racing with the gravity of the situation. Sebune knew that the Paparito Machua were a formidable enemy, but he was confident that with the right strategy and a bit of luck, they could come out on top.

As Sebune walked out of the room, Clerk approached him, looking worried. "Is everything okay, Sebune?"

Sebune smiled reassuringly. "We have a challenge ahead of us, but we'll get through it. We just need to stay focused and work together."

Clerk nodded, relieved. "I trust you, Sebune. We'll get through this together."

Sebune smiled again, grateful for Clerk's support. "That's what the G.O.A.Ts are all about. Working together to overcome any obstacle that comes our way."

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