

BDNSW · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A Warning

"My fellow members of PMachua,

I speak to you today with a heavy heart, but also with a fire burning within me. A fire that has been kindled by the injustice that has been done to our people, the Sonovans.

For too long, the Galactic Order Authority Taskforce has shown racism and hypocrisy in its policies toward the Sonovans. They have used our people for their own gain, exploiting us and leaving us in the toughest of situations.

But no more! We will not stand idly by and watch as our people are oppressed and marginalized. We will rise and fight for our rights, for our dignity, and for our very existence.

And make no mistake, the G.O.A.T will fall. They have taken too much from us, and we will not let them continue to do so. They have built their empire on the backs of the Sonovans, and now it is time for them to pay the price.

We will strike at the heart of their organization, at their Earth Headquarters. We will bring them to their knees, and we will make them understand the pain and suffering that they have caused.

So I call upon all of you, my brothers and sisters, to join me in this fight. Together, we will create a better future for ourselves and our children. We will not rest until the Sonovans are free, and until the G.O.A.T has been brought to justice.

We are PMachua, and we will not be silenced."

The holographic video ends with silence in the troop assembly.

"I know what everyone is thinking, the threat which used to be outside of this Earth now started to penetrate our old wounds" shouted the commander of the Regional Subunit of the commander

Troops who are sensing the silence up to now started to break the silent barrier with confusion.

One of the troops shouted " Sir Can you please tell us what is that "PMachua".

The Commander of the subunit kept his hand on his head thinking " How are these assholes qualified to come here"

With an unhappy voice, the commander shouted

"Well didn't you guys complete your training?, there is a case study about this Terrorist Organization, well I understood your problem it's totally administration's fault to recruit you guys and it's out of hand to judge you now, I am worried about the future of this organization, This should be highly disciplined body in the world and its turning into a zoo which have animals and that animals don't even know who are them actually and what are them, well it's my responsibility to say this is Sonovan Race lead terrorist body and its most wanted organization by G.O.A.T in its Secondary Hitlist, These guys target our G.O.A.T Troops and elite rank superheroes and kills them mercilessly and another thing I received orders to send some of our Troop teams to Headquarters for extra protection and escort to super heroes"

The Sub Unit Commander strode down the hallway, his face set in a grim expression. He had just reviewed the latest batch of recruits, and he was deeply disappointed in the lack of quality he had seen.

He approached his subordinate, a seasoned officer with whom he had served for many years. "What's the matter, sir?" the officer asked, noting the Commander's unhappy expression.

"It's these recruits," the Commander replied, shaking his head. "They're just not up to the standard we need for this mission. We can't afford to have any weaklings if we want to succeed."

The subordinate nodded understandingly. "I know what you mean, sir. But we've been dealing with a shortage of eligible candidates for months now. We have to make do with what we have."

The Commander sighed. He knew his subordinate was right, but he couldn't help feeling frustrated. "I just wish we could find more people like you," he said, clapping the officer on the shoulder. "Someone with experience, someone who knows what they're doing."

The officer smiled wryly. "Well, sir, we can't all be as good as me," he said, a twinkle in his eye.

The Commander chuckled, momentarily forgetting his worries. "Yeah, I guess not. But we still need to find a way to make this work. Failure is not an option and fuck this recommendation one of the top elite members ordered me to join a person who didn't even qualify, these types of things destroy us"

The officer nodded in agreement. "We'll do our best, sir. We even have some good people with us, don't worry about that."

Raptor noticed Sigma's troubled expression as they left the troop meeting. "Hey, you alright?" he asked, concerned.

Sigma shook his head. "Not really. We just got word that there might be an attack on the G.O.A.T headquarters, and we've been asked to join the forces heading there for additional protection."

Raptor raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't sound so bad. What's the issue?"

Sigma's expression darkened. "The people at headquarters treat us like dogs, Raptor. We're expected to act like servants to the superheroes, and it's not fair. We're risking our lives out there, and we deserve better."

Raptor nodded, understanding Sigma's frustration. "I get it. But we've got a job to do, and we'll do it well. Maybe we can change things from the inside."

Sigma looked at Raptor with a hint of admiration. "You always know just what to say, don't you? Speaking of which, how's your injury?"

Raptor winced at the memory. "It's getting better. I'll be back to full strength soon enough."

Sigma nodded. "Good to hear. Just make sure you take care of yourself. We need you out there."

Raptor grinned. "Don't worry, Sigma. I'm not going down that easily."

As Sigma and Raptor continued walking, Raptor couldn't help but think about the word 'dog' he had used to describe how the troops were treated at the G.O.A.T headquarters. He knew it wasn't entirely fair, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the way they were treated there.

Raptor was lost in thought when Sigma's voice brought him back to reality. "Hey, what's your real name again? The one you don't like to use?"

Raptor hesitated for a moment before answering. "It's Ravi. But I prefer to go by Raptor."

Sigma nodded. "Right. And your best friend, the one who works at the headquarters, what was his name again?"

Raptor's expression softened as he thought back to his childhood. "His name is Adam. We grew up together, and he's the reason I'm here today."

Sigma looked curious. "What do you mean?"

Raptor smiled at the memory. "Adam was always the brave one. He never hesitated to stand up for what he believed in, even when it meant going against the crowd. I, on the other hand, was always the fearful one. I was afraid of my own shadow."

Sigma looked surprised. "Really? You seem pretty fearless to me."

Raptor chuckled. "That's because Adam saved me on many occasions. He's the reason I'm still alive today. And now he's a superhero, saving the world every day. It's pretty amazing and I was very happy about it!"

Sigma nodded a hint of envy in his expression. "Yeah, it is. I wish I had that kind of power."

Raptor shrugged. "It's not all it's cracked up to be. Trust me."

Raptor followed Sigma silently to their team quarters, lost in thought about his past. He remembered his best friend, the one who had left him to join G.O.A.T and become a superhero. He wondered if he would ever see him again.

As he entered the cramped space that served as their living quarters, Mikey made a joke about the name "PapirotaMachua", likening it to a brand of chips. The other team members laughed along, but Sigma was quick to shut it down.

"Guys, this is serious. We need to take this threat seriously," he said with a grave expression.

Raptor couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as he looked around the tiny room. It was nothing like the luxurious accommodations his best friend must be enjoying at G.O.A.T headquarters.

But he shook off the feeling and got ready for the mission ahead. They had to do whatever it took to protect G.O.A.T, even if it meant risking their lives.

Raptor lost in thoughts again


Ravi stood frozen as the bullies surrounded him, taunting and shoving him around. He was just a small kid and had no chance against the bigger and stronger boys. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him.

Adam: "Hey, leave him alone!"

Bully 1: "What are you gonna do about it?"

Adam: "I'll make you regret messing with my friend."

Bully 2: "Ha! You're just a scrawny weakling, you can't even lift us with that size haha."

Adam: "Looks can be deceiving."

With that, Adam launched himself at the bullies, throwing punches and kicks with remarkable speed and accuracy. The bullies were caught off guard and stumbled back, but they quickly recovered and started fighting back. The fight was intense, with both sides landing hits and taking blows.

Adam: "Ravi, run! Get help!"

Ravi didn't need to be told twice. He took off running as fast as he could, tears streaming down his face. When he finally stopped to catch his breath, he saw Adam walking towards him, bruised and bloody but with a determined look on his face.

Adam: "Are you okay?"

Ravi: "Y-yeah, thanks to you."

Adam: "Good. Let's go home."

Adam was so powerful at that moment he didn't even use his powers to fight with them, even though I was there. I am a loser. I just came to this G.O.A.T with luck. Otherwise, just who will recruit someone like me? I don't even properly know how to load a gun,I am an asshole.

Raptor stopped to think.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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