

BDNSW · Fantasy
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12 Chs


G.O.A.T Earth Headquarters

Raptor and Sigma were walking through the corridors of the G.O.A.T earth Headquarters. As they walked, Sigma noticed that Raptor seemed distracted.

Sigma: "Hey Raptor, what's going on? You seem distracted."

Raptor: "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just thinking about my old friend Adam."

Sigma: "I thought we talked about this. You need to move on and focus on your duties as a superhero."

Raptor: "I know, but I just can't help thinking about him. He was my best friend."

Sigma: "I understand, but you need to let go of the past and focus on the present. You have a job to do."

Raptor: "Yeah, I know. But sometimes it's hard."

Sigma: "I get it. But you need to be strong. We're counting on you."

As they continued walking, Raptor suddenly spoke up.

Raptor: "Hey Sigma, do you ever see that bright orange star up in the sky?"

Sigma: "What are you talking about? There's no bright orange star in the sky."

Raptor: "But I see it. It's always there. Don't you see it?"

Sigma looked up at the sky but saw nothing.

Sigma: "Raptor, are you sure you're not seeing things? Maybe you need to get your eyes checked."

Raptor: "No, I'm not crazy. I've been seeing it since I was a kid. It's always there, but no one else seems to see it."

Sigma: "That's weird. Are you sure it's not just your imagination?"

Raptor: "I'm positive. I've even taken pictures of it, but it never shows up in the photos."

Sigma: "Okay, that's really strange. Have you told anyone else about this?"

Raptor: "No, I haven't. I didn't want people to think I was crazy."

As they continued their conversation, Mikey suddenly appeared and stopped in front of them, looking up at the sky with a serious expression.Mikey can see the star too,Mikey gets shock as he really didn't notice that star that much and never think of that

As Sigma and the rest of the team head off to their respective guarding positions, Mikey stays alert, keeping an eye out for any strange activity. He can't shake the feeling that something is off about that star Raptor mentioned.

He makes his way to Sector 21B and takes up his post, scanning the area for any potential threats. The Sector 21 complex is a high-security facility with a lot of valuable technology and sensitive information, making it a prime target for criminals and villains.

As he keeps watch, Mikey can't help but think about that mysterious star. He wonders how it's possible that he and Raptor are the only ones who can see it. Could it be some sort of supernatural phenomenon? Or maybe it's just a trick of the light?

Mikey shakes his head, trying to focus on the task at hand. He can't let his thoughts wander too far from his duties, especially not in a place as dangerous as Sector 21.

Meanwhile, Raptor and his team are stationed in Sector 21A, keeping a close eye on the perimeter. Raptor tries to put the strange star out of his mind and focus on his duties, but he can't help but glance up at the sky every so often, hoping to catch another glimpse of it.

As the night wears on, Sigma checks in with the various teams, making sure everything is running smoothly. Mikey reports that there have been no signs of trouble in Sector 21B, but he can't shake the feeling that something is off.

Sigma nods, taking note of Mikey's concerns. He knows that Mikey is a valuable member of the team and he trusts his instincts. He makes a mental note to keep an extra close eye on Sector 21B and to be ready to act quickly if anything does happen.

Mikey stays alert while guarding Sector 21B sub-sector, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. Meanwhile, Sigma and his team are stationed at the Sector 21A sub-sector, where they are keeping a watchful eye on everything that happens in the area.

As Sigma is monitoring the team's progress through his mini-control unit, he remembers a time when he was just like Raptor, a young and careless troop who didn't understand the gravity of his responsibilities.

Two young superheroes around eight years old are seen running and playing in the superhero lobby, bypassing Raptor. Raptor watches them with a smile on his face and takes out his walkie-talkie to connect with Sigma.

Sigma, thinking that Raptor is in danger, quickly rushes to grab his walkie-talkie. But instead of an emergency call, he hears Raptor's voice, asking him what the most damaging thing in life is. Sigma replies that he doesn't know, and Raptor says that it's having no friends or love in life.

Raptor continues to explain that he knows Sigma has warned him about bullying, but he wants permission to meet his childhood friend just for 10 minutes. He explains that his friend is the only one who cared about him after his family, and he wants to see him one last time.

Sigma is torn between his duty and his emotions. He knows that Raptor can be careless and might leave his duties behind if given a chance, but his heart tells him to allow Raptor to meet his friend. Sigma falls into a trance, thinking about Raptor's situation.

He takes the walkie-talkie seriously and tells Raptor to wait for some time while he thinks about it. Sigma tries to focus on his work, but he can't help but think about his own friend who was killed in an operation. He takes out his wallet and looks at a group photo of his old friend.

Tears roll down Sigma's face as he remembers the good times he had with his friend. He tries to shake himself out of it and focuses on his work, reminding himself of the importance of duty.

. He immediately connects to his friend Spade who was also a member of G.O.A.T Earth.

"Spade, can we meet the superheroes now?" Sigma asked with a hint of desperation in his voice.

Spade replied with hesitation, "We can meet, but the problem is their aggressive ego. If their ego is not a problem, there is another issue. The superheroes are moving out of G.O.A.T HQ tomorrow for rehabilitation."

Sigma was shocked to hear this news. "What do you mean they are leaving G.O.A.T Earth? This is a serious situation! Why are they leaving now?" he asked with sweat forming on his forehead.

Spade replied, "I really don't know more about it. This is all I have heard."

Sigma disconnected the call and was lost in thought. He knew that something was not right. The superheroes leaving at this crucial time meant that there was more to the story than what he knew. He decided to dig deeper into this matter and find out what was really going on.