

BDNSW · Fantasy
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12 Chs



Xaxa and Kyamin, two Sonovans who have had to resort to smuggling in order to survive, as they fear the Galactic Order and Authority Taskforce (G.O.A.T.):

Xaxa: Kyamin, I can't keep living like this. We have been on the run for so long, and the fear of G.O.A.T. finding us is always looming over our heads.

Kyamin: I know, Xaxa, but what choice do we have? We can't go back to our planet, not after what happened to our clan. G.O.A.T. took them all away, and we were lucky to escape.

Xaxa: But we can't keep smuggling forever. We barely make enough credits to survive, and the risk of getting caught by G.O.A.T. is too high.

Kyamin: I understand, Xaxa, but what else can we do? We have no other skills or resources to fall back on. Our only hope is to lay low and hope that G.O.A.T. never finds us.

Xaxa: I just wish there was some way to fight back against G.O.A.T. They have too much power and control over everything.

Kyamin: Fighting back is not an option, Xaxa. It will only lead to more trouble and danger. We need to be smart and strategic in how we navigate our lives.

Xaxa: But how can we just sit back and do nothing? We are just letting G.O.A.T. control us and dictate our lives–

Kyamin: But we have to stay strong and stay together. We can't let fear and despair consume us. We have to keep pushing forward and hoping for a better future.

Xaxa gets his perspective and understands,

Xaxa: You're right, Kyamin. We have come too far to give up now. We have each other, and we will find a way to survive, no matter what.

Kyamin: We are Sonovans, and we are strong. We will find a way to overcome G.O.A.T. and create a better future for ourselves.

Xaxa: I just hope we can make a difference. I don't want any other Sonovans to have to go through what we have gone through.

Kyamin: I agree, Xaxa. We will do whatever it takes to make sure that G.O.A.T. doesn't hurt anyone else. We will find a way to stop them and bring justice to our clan.

Xaxa: Believe in us, Kyamin. Together, we can overcome anything.

Kyamin: Yes, Xaxa. Together, we are unstoppable. Let's keep moving forward, and never give up hope.

XaXa and Kyamin, two Sonovans disguised as Paulians, wander through the bustling marketplace of Paulia. They are constantly on edge, fearing that they will be caught by the G.O.A.T for their illegal entry into the planet.

As they move through the crowds, they witness a bluish alien being beaten by a group of Paulians. Despite its weak muscles, the blue alien fights back fiercely and manages to defeat its attackers. The crowd cheers as the alien is rewarded with 1000 Kodaka drug pellets.

Kyamin turns to XaXa and whispers, "Did you see that? How did that little guy manage to fight off all those Paulians?"

XaXa shrugs, "I don't know, but it looks like he's got some serious skills."

The next day, XaXa and Kyamin return to the marketplace to see the blue alien once again. As they watch, the alien is approached by a group of Paulians who challenge him to a fight.

The alien accepts, and the two sides engage in a fierce battle. XaXa and Kyamin watch in amazement as the alien seems to defy the laws of physics, moving with incredible speed and agility.

The blue alien say's

"My fellow beings," he says, "I may not have the muscles of a Paulian, but I have something much stronger - the power of the universe itself."

Then a big Paulian enters the scene and trashes the blue alien

Paulian: Hey You seem hurt, wanna let me check?

Blue Alien: Pfft, I'm fine. Just a little beaten up from the fight with those goons.

Stranger Paulian: Wait, who do you think you are? And what's with that blue skin, eh?

Blue Alien: My name is Kyrolkar. I'm a Sonovan. My father was exposed to Tangedo Rays, and it gave him certain abilities. Those abilities were passed down to me.

Stranger Paulian: Wait, are you Kyrolkar, who is against G.O.A.T from PMachua? Why did you suddenly reveal your face and what abilities you are talking about?

Kyrolkar: Power!

The power that I plan to use to seek revenge on G.O.A.T and other aliens who have wronged my people.

Stranger Paulian: Revenge? What did they do to your people?

Kyrolkar: They meddled in our affairs, tried to force us to join their intergalactic organization, and refused to recognize our sovereignty. They deserve to pay for their arrogance.

Crowd member: That's nonsense! We need the stability that G.O.A.T provides. You're just trying to cause chaos.

Kyrolkar: Chaos is necessary for change. And change is necessary to break the chains of oppression. The smugglers understand that, and they're willing to help me achieve my goals.

Crowd member: You can't just kill innocent people!

Kyrolkar: Innocence is a matter of perspective. To me, anyone who supports G.O.A.T is complicit in their crimes. And those who oppose me will meet the same fate as that big Paulian over there.

Stranger Paulian: What are you talking about?

Kyrolkar: Watch and learn.

(Kyrolkar lifts his hand, and the big Paulian suddenly collapses, dead)

Crowd member: This is madness! Someone stop him!

Kyrolkar: Nobody can stop me. Not you, not G.O.A.T, not anyone. I am a force of nature, and I will not be denied.

(Suddenly, a group of G.O.A.T agents arrives on the scene with taser pods)

G.O.A.T Agent 1: Freeze! Put your hands up!

Kyrolkar: (laughs) You fools think you can capture me? Do you think you can hold me?

G.O.A.T Agent 2: We don't want to hurt you. Just come with us peacefully.

Kyrolkar: (scoffs) You don't want to hurt me? Then why did you hurt my father? Why did you hurt my people? You reap what you sow, G.O.A.T., And now it's time for you to pay the price.

(Kyrolkar disappears in a flash of blue light)

G.O.A.T Agent 1: Dammit! He got away!

G.O.A.T Agent 2: We'll find him. We have to. If he's left unchecked, who knows what kind of damage he could do?

Stranger Paulian: (whispers) What have we unleashed?

XaXa: Kyamin, did you see that? That blue alien just killed that big Paulian with a single touch!

Kyamin: (shudders) Yeah, I saw it. That was horrifying. Who is that guy?

XaXa: I don't know, but he said his name was Kyrolkar. I think he is the same Kyrolkar Wok who called us for technical work. And he's a Sonovan, like us.

Kyamin: (surprised) A Sonovan? But he looks so different. And what was he talking about seeking revenge on G.O.A.T?

XaXa: I have no idea. But it sounds like trouble. We should stay away from him.

Kyamin: (nervously) Agreed. But what if G.O.A.T finds out we're here? We could get in serious trouble.

XaXa: (tensely) Don't even say that. We have to be careful. We can't risk blowing our cover.

Kyamin: (whispers) Look, there's a G.O.A.T team coming this way. What do we do?

XaXa: (pauses) Act casual. Don't draw attention to ourselves. Maybe they won't notice us.

G.O.A.T Agent 1: (points to XaXa and Kyamin) Hey, you two! Stop right there!

Kyamin: (panics) Oh no, we're done for!

XaXa: (calmly) Stay calm. Let me do the talking.

G.O.A.T Agent 2: (approaches) What are you two doing here? And did you see that blue alien over there?

XaXa: (nervously) We were just passing through. And yes, we saw him. But we don't know anything about him.

.G.O.A.T Agent 1: (skeptically) Is that so? And what about you, Sonovan? Do you know anything about him?

Kyamin: (hesitates) Um, no. I mean, yes. I saw him fight those goons earlier. But we didn't talk to him or anything.

G.O.A.T Agent 2: (suspiciously) Are you sure? Because he seemed to know a lot about Sonovans. Maybe you're in league with him.

XaXa: (defensively) No way! We're just travelers passing through. We have nothing to do with that guy.

G.O.A.T Agent 1: (narrows eyes) Fine. But you two better stay out of trouble. G.O.A.T doesn't tolerate lawbreakers.

Kyamin: (swallows) Understood. We'll be on our way.

XaXa: (whispers to Kyamin) That was close. We have to be more careful. G.O.A.T is onto us.

Kyamin: (worriedly) I know. But what do we do about Kyrolkar? He's the one who called us for work, so is he that dangerous? And G.O.A.T agents found that we're Sonovans but thanks to some sonovans as every sonovan is not a smuggler we are successfully disguised as Paulian Sonovan

XaXa: (determinedly) We have to stay away from him. But we also have to keep an eye on him. Maybe we can figure out what he's up to.

Kyamin: (nods) Okay. But let's be careful. We don't want to end up like that big Paulian.

XaXa: (agrees) Agreed. Let's go.

Xaxa and Kyamin were taking a leisurely stroll through the busy streets of the city when Kyamin suddenly grabbed Xaxa's hand.

"What's wrong?" Xaxa asked, surprised by the sudden move.

"I have a feeling that we might get kidnapped," Kyamin said, looking around cautiously.

Xaxa rolled her eyes. "Come on, Kyamin. You can't possibly predict the future."

"But I have a gift, Xaxa. A gift that allows me to see things before they happen," Kyamin said, trying to sound confident.

Xaxa smirked. "Oh really? So, you knew that we were going to get kidnapped?"

Kyamin's face turned serious. "No, I didn't see this coming. But we have to be careful. It's better to be safe than sorry."

Xaxa shook her head, still not convinced. "You and your 'gift.' I swear, sometimes I think you're making it up."

Kyamin chuckled. "Well, my gift has saved us a few times before."

Xaxa laughed. "And it's failed us just as many times, Kyamin."

They continued their walk, with Kyamin still holding Xaxa's hand. Suddenly, two men appeared out of nowhere, their faces covered with masks. Before Xaxa or Kyamin could react, the men threw a cloth over their faces and injected them with a strange substance.

When Xaxa came to, she found herself and Kyamin in the back of a small, dark van. Her head was pounding and her vision was blurry, but she could make out Kyamin's silhouette beside her.

"Kyamin," she whispered, nudging him.

Kyamin groaned and slowly opened his eyes. "Xaxa? Are you okay?"

Xaxa tried to sit up but found that her hands and feet were tied up. "No, I'm not okay. Where are we? What happened?"

"I don't know," Kyamin said, struggling against his own restraints. "But we have to get out of here."

They both tried to call for help, but their mouths were gagged. Xaxa looked at Kyamin, hoping that he would use his 'gift' to get them out of this situation.

Kyamin closed his eyes and concentrated. Xaxa watched as his face scrunched up in concentration, but nothing happened.

"Well, your gift sure is helpful," Xaxa said sarcastically.

Kyamin shook his head, still trying to break free. "I don't understand. I usually have some kind of premonition before something like this happens."

Xaxa tried to wiggle out of her restraints, but they were too tight. "Well, you didn't see this one coming, did you?"

Kyamin sighed, frustrated. "No, I didn't. But we'll figure something out. We always do."

Xaxa looked at him, admiring his determination. "You know, Kyamin. You may not have a real gift, but you do have a real talent for getting us into trouble."

Kyamin chuckled. "And you have a real talent for getting us out of it."

They both laughed, trying to keep their spirits up in the face of this terrifying situation.

They both are struck on a journey with an unknown destination.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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