
Past and The Present

Soon I found out why. Apparently Rena had been in contact with a journal type book. She would talk to it as though a real person. At first we thought it as common practice but later it was clear that whatever the connection was of Rena and the book, was anything but common.

Once accidently I peeked inside the book and saw weird poems and quotes. I thought them to be some of the famous that clicked to Rena but then a certain quartet caught my attention.

Ignorance resolves into motivation

When blood of Orion’s refuses consideration

If the will for answers surpasses reality

Rest assured, ignorance leads to annihilation

It piqued me to understand what it meant but I couldn’t really find it out with the resources I had. I approached Rena with it in hopes that she would explain but she started lashing out her once jade eyes were dark and held a wild look in them. I was taken aback at that reaction. For once when I was trying to understand, why was she acting in this manner?