
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 16 System Patch Notes

Chapter 16 System Patch Notes

*DING* Patch update beta now active, Due to you visiting the Memory Fragment new skills have been unlocked in the store. Additionally, when a skill reaches level 10 you can choose a specialty for that skill. We have also removed the use of tribute points combining them and skill points.

Damian opened his status screen to see that changed dramatically during his visit even giving more in-depth details on the items he had that the system considered equipped. It seemed to him that the system was trying to make itself easier to use by combining points and adding sub-tabs to his skills so that he could quickly find which ones he was looking for making it more manageable.



level 11/ exp 1,023,000/ 1,024,000

Hp 36

Manna 31


Strength 20

Dexterity 20

Stamina 26

Intelligence 21

Wisdom 15

charisma 15


bonus 5

Attribute 50

Skills 1053

Creation 20



Scythe Style (beginner) 1

----spells (Death)----

Raise Skeleton 2

Bone Weapon 3

Shadow Dance 2

Corpse Explosion 1

Undead Fortitude 1

Skeletal Restructuring 1

----Spells (Basic)----

Fire Bolt 1

Wind Step 3

Earth Gaunlet 1

Water Whip 1

Healing Light 1

----Spells (Particle)----

Particle Manipulation 5

Particle Absorption 5

Arcane Eye 5

----Spells (Ice)----

Ice Blade 3

Blizzard 3

Cascade 3

Ice Sliver 3


Find Familiar


Bone Scythe (bone weapon)- Basic bone made by you it's not the best weapon but it gets you by

Ring of dark betrothal- This ring is the symbol of dedication to a lord of the dead it gave the original

wearer two abilities one was the ability to open a shadow dimension the other was the ability to absorb the souls and knowledge of those she killed

Damian noticed that he had far more points than he really knew what to do with and that he was fairly close to leveling again. He made a mental note to upgrade himself tonight a bit while he was alone. "System next time a patch let me know beforehand so I can do it privately. No more automatic updates." He mentally commanded the system which pinged in acknowledgment.

The walk back was slower than the walk there seeing as for the first part Damian could barely stand. "So the next one will be the gold rank huh?" Damian asked absentmindedly.

Sighing Marrissa replied "Yeah, but we won't be able to go for a week we are first in line for the dungeon but the boss won't respawn until then. The boss is s canine ghoul and the cadaver dogs inside are stronger than normal ones also it's about a day away from the town by horse, luckily they are being supplied by the guild for us to get there and back." Damian stopped.

"Wait, it's a day away?" Damian thought about the dungeon he had been using this whole time thinking that he was stealing the dungeon out from under people but it seems like that wasn't the case at all.

"Yes a day away, we told you before that there was only one gold rank dungeon around the town." Marrissa replied while rolling her eyes.

"If that's the case what's the difference between a dungeon and a beast den?" He asked hesitantly.

"Oh that's easy," this time it was Samuel who spoke up. "A Dungeon and a beast den start off the same way, in essence, the only real difference is that dungeons are controlled by someone such as the guild or a private group. A group can control the cost of a dungeon's entry by using an admittance pillar. They also tend to take a portion of the rewards in the dungeon from each group usually in the form of a percentage of crystals earned within it. Whereas Beast dens like the first one we took you to technically don't have an owner and are therefore free game. Generally speaking, all copper rank beast dens are left as such so that beginner groups who haven't had a chance to earn much can use them freely also they tend not to erupt as much as silver or gold rank dungeons because people clear them regularly. Did I miss anything?" Samuel asked looking around.

"No that's about it man, Good job that's why we rely on you." Ben answered with a grin.

"Cool so if I find a place that doesn't have an admittance pillar I'm free to use it as much as I want then?" Damian asked hopefully.

"Yes but there arent any unregistered Beast Dens near the village." Marrissa replied nonchalantly.

"But how do people know about them if they are unregistered?" Damian retorted.

"That's, thats is, I dont know the answer to that, stuff like that is kept secret even inside the guild but, they have their ways."

"Even our little outskirt village? I mean do they even put enough stock in the village to check out here?" He asked as carefully as possible.

"I mean, they must because they did find a few different dungeons near us right?" Marrissa answered sounding unsure of herself. The rest of the trip was in silence it seemed like Damian's questions made people double guess what they thought they knew. Damian was sure at this point that the guild didn't know about his personal dungeon but they might eventually discover it if what everyone was telling him was true.

"We will meet up at the guild in six days." Marrissa said darkly without looking at Damian, he figured she was annoyed with him at this point.

Damian headed straight to his hut he started spending his points in the store and bought a book he had been looking for a while called Magic 101 He also decided to level up his basic scythe skill a few levels.



level 11/ exp 1,023,000/ 1,024,000

Hp 36

Manna 31


Strength 20

Dexterity 20

Stamina 26

Intelligence 21

Wisdom 15

charisma 15


bonus 5

Attribute 50

Skills 853

Creation 20



Scythe Style (beginner) 3

----spells (Death)----

Raise Skeleton 2

Bone Weapon 3

Shadow Dance 2

Corpse Explosion 1

Undead Fortitude 1

Skeletal Restructuring 1

----Spells (Basic)----

Fire Bolt 1

Wind Step 3

Earth Gaunlet 1

Water Whip 1

Healing Light 1

----Spells (Particle)----

Particle Manipulation 5

Particle Absorption 5

Arcane Eye 5

----Spells (Ice)----

Ice Blade 3

Blizzard 3

Cascade 3

Ice Sliver 3


Find Familiar


Bone Scythe (bone weapon)- Basic bone made by you it's not the best weapon but it gets you by

Ring of dark betrothal- This ring is the symbol of dedication to a lord of the dead it gave the original

wearer two abilities one was the ability to open a shadow dimension the other was the ability to absorb the souls and knowledge of those she killed

With this Damian decided to take the next six days off so he can recuperate. He got comfortable and settle down with his new book.

Sorry for the late chapter I have been dealing with mental issues that made it hard to write for a while. On a better note, I have been thinking of adding a chapter at the beginning just to help with pronunciations and important information mostly for accessibility. So if you have any questions related to things like that feel free to leave a comment and I will try to make note of it in that chapter. Thank you all for reading and remember to add the book to your library to keep updated when I release new chapters.

Have some idea about my story? Comment and let me know.

Lothos_Carpathiacreators' thoughts