
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 15 Answers in the Dark

Chapter 15 Answers in the Dark

He did indeed hear voices as his world started to fade to black. Approaching the room the group was flabbergasted to see the chunks of the trolls. Damian seemed severely wounded as they approached they noticed he was still breathing, Lisa moved in a rush to his side casting a spell she learned that he was in fairly good shape for what he had just been through shock apparent on her face. She turned towards the rest of the group "Mind Down, He soloed a silver rank dungeon and all that he got was some broken ribs and Mind Down." She expressed the surprise she felt. "Thats amazing considering he's just a copper rank."

"What it is, is inconceivable," Marrissa stated. "He must have found some kind of inheritance, I'm a gold rank and I wouldn't think of doing something so foolish as to try to take a silver rank by myself. I expected him to either die of his foolishness or come ask us for help not solo the damn thing." She stated seemingly annoyed.

"To be completely fair though," Benny stated pausing Gauging his sisters' reaction. "You're only really gold rank because Mom and Dad used to take you with them on crawls, It's not really because of your battle prowess," he said as a fist rocketed into the side of his face.

"You don't get to talk to me like that remember I'm the reason we are alive Ben," she replied her hand still balled into a fist. "If I hadn't made that deal with Marcus he would've killed us both. Besides, it doesn't really matter does it, once Marcus kills him and takes his inheritance he will be even stronger. He might actually make his move and start building his own kingdom." She stated matter of factly while looking down at Damian.

Damian, however, was unconscious but not completely, Damian felt like he was floating while he couldn't hear what was happening around him he was semi-conscious. After floating in a sea blackness for so long that he lost track of time a single small purple light started to shine in the distance he willed his mind towards it, the closer he got the more he realized it was not a small light more like a star amidst the inky blackness. The ball of light had substance occasionally a purple band would split off from the star before merging back into it. "Greetings Damian," the voice was the same as the systems that he spoke within his head. "Our time is short as your soul is not yet ready for this place. You have the ability to ask me three questions which I will do my best to answer, However, many processes are unknown and still locked they will require time and energy to update." The voice stated.

"Firstly I guess I should ask what are you?" Damian asked apprehensively.

"I am a the reconstruction of a being that is capable of creating worlds, though this being had such powers it was not in their sphere of command. Instead of creating said worlds, their purpose is to watch over the worlds created by others. These beings are not known to this world and therefore the beings represented as Gods by the people of this world are not the beings that created and watch over it." The voice answered.

"Ok, I guess that's a lot to take in considering I don't even know who the gods of this world are." Damian thought out loud, "Right question two, why me? What's so special about me that you decided that I am the one that you needed to bind to." He asked apprehensively hoping that it wasn't a mistake and there was a good answer to that question.

"The memories of Demilaxas remembered you as I am a fragment of that being's memory I saw how that being felt about your life and wished for something for you. And so you have been chosen to be that beings herald in this world." The fragment of Demilaxas replied.

"Right so the suffering in my previous life caught the watcher's eye and he felt bad me, so you a fragment of his memory chose me to be his herald. I guess the last question would be what is a Herald expected to do?"

"For now you are expected to live. Gain power and knowledge unlock the functions and processes that I am eventually capable of doing. Update the system you were gifted and prepare whatever may come. As for what the thing is even I do not yet know but as more of my processes activate more of my memories should too." The fragment replied. "However for now you must go we will meet again eventually and when we do I hope to prove myself more useful to your duties, Farewell Damian." The fragment stated. Damian felt a tugging sensation as a hole opened behind him pulling his mind back to his body.

As Damian opened his eyes there was a burst of purple radiance his body went rigid arms straight out, A scream escapes him as purple lights erupt from his eyes and mouth. Orbs of light float around Damian in a display of purples, whites, yellows, and blues. A vortex strong enough to push the rest of his party back envelopes the area as Damian slowly lifts off the ground before all of the orbs and the vortex quickly gather around him with a single deep breath all of the winds orbs and the purple absorb into his body before he lands gently on the floor.

"What the actual hell was that?" Lisa exclaims excitedly. running over to him as he rights himself unsteadily.

"I dont know but I feel like we need to get out of here." Marrissa says.

"Yeah, I agree there's no way that kind of power is going to unnoticed." Benny says throwing Damian's arm over his shoulder walking him out of the dungeon.

Inside the dungeon lines on the floor light up in a sophisticated array before a bright blue light is released. As the light fades a single man stands in the center of the array looking around. "Hm, I know I sensed the power of the Administrators coming from here just moments ago. There are only three left Marischa, Torulomonte, and Demilaxas." The man whose features are hard to make out in darkness looks up and past the ceiling "I hope this power belongs to you old friend the others will be a problem otherwise." The man says as a glimmer of platinum can be seen hanging from around his neck. As the array lights back up, the man disappears and the array shatters turning into magic particles leaving no trace he was ever there.