
Revival of the Idiot Noble

Nick Haren was a known prodigy to whoever have visited the underworld. Titled the angel of death by his colleagues, Nick was the best of the best. Any job he could accomplish without fault. Now after being an assassin for over 14 years, Nick suddenly wants to retire. He submits his leave from the underworld and tries to begin a new life only to die in a plane crash set up to kill him. After his death, he wakes up in an unfamiliar world. Turns out, he was given a second chance and was transmigrated into a new body in the world of magic and knights. Now he is known as Nick Salvatore, the idiot. Son of the mighty duke of the kingdom of Serkonos.

Powerboy1763 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2- System Realisation

[Cecilia Von Ashworthy]

[Trust meter: 15/100]

Nick rubbed his eyes a couple of times to make sure this isn't a dream. It isn't, okay then what is this tiny blue window doing here?

He moves his arms towards it but his arm phases through it before he can grab it. He then sets his arms down and looks at the message on the blue window.

"Trust meter? What is that?"

The blue window then suddenly pings and a new message was displayed in front of his eyes. He looks closely at the message to read it.

[Trust meter: The trust meter is a capacity showing how much this person trusts the user. The trust meter can also show different stages of trust this person has towards you. When the trust meter reaches between 50-70 that means they can become your lover.]

'So a meter that shows how much someone trusts me. Sounds a bit creepy'

[That depends on the user's usage of the trust meter]

'You can talk to me?'

[Correction, I can ask and answer questions for the user]

'Alright, then first question, who are you?'

[I am the system created by the creator #$@! and granted to you to help your journey in this world]

'Weird why did the part containing his name gets censored?'

[That's because you don't have high authority to know his name]

'What is authority?'

[Authority is how much your status is rising in this world. For example, to increase your authority you need to become a king of a nation]

'I see'

Nick then looks towards the window of his room and finds that it's now night time which means he should get to bed. He lays down on the bed once more and grabs the blanket to cover himself. He then closes his eyes and began to sleep.


Nick opens his eyes and the sun shines through the room's windows, he gets up from his bed and heads towards his bathroom. The bathroom was quite spacious, it contained everything a normal bathroom has but its bathtub was larger.

Nick then heads towards his hanger and takes off his clothes. Once fully naked, he began filling the bathtub with hot water. As it starts filling up, he went to the mirror and started inspecting his naked self. He had a beautiful face it was completely ruined due to him having more bone than meat on his body.

" I need to start exercising at once, else I am not going to survive in this body."

Nick then suddenly hears a ping sound and draws his toward the source of the sound. It was the system with a new message for him.

[New quest unlocked! The journey of a billion miles starts with a step!]




20Km run(0/20km)

Time limit: 10 Days

Nick looked at the system's quest and nodded to himself. Most people would look at the system with outrageous feedback, but he knew that to get strong he needs to first take the first step which is this quest.

Nick then stops drawing water and descends into the warm water of the bathtub. he then sits there for a couple of minutes before starting to remember things in his past life.

'I wonder would things have turned out differently if I didn't retire. Would things be different if I just stayed and did my job... No, what's done is done. No turning back now. This time I am going to live my life however I want it, and no one will take that freedom from me. No. One.'

Nick was caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice the door knocking, he then gets up from the water and starts to wrap a towel over his waist. He then opens the door and sees Cecilia holding a tray of different foods and still in her stoic expression

"What is it, Cecilia?"

"I brought food for you master, I also bought medicine to help speed up your healing process of the poison."

"Thank you. Set it down on the table, while I wear some clothes"

Cecilia followed Nick's orders without resistance and sat the tray down on the table, she then kept looking at nick while he was changing.

"Say, Cecilia, do I have a place where I can train?"

"A backyard is a good place, though I suggest you report to the Duke before going there," She said rubbing her chin slightly with her hand.

"Alright, thank you for the information," Nick said as he was fully dressed up. He then went to sit down on the nearby couch and started eating. Nick kept eating until he saw Cecilia trying to glance at him a couple of times.

'She might be hungry'

"Cecilia, if you want to eat then you can ask me.

"No, master. I'm not hungry" She said denying the statement without being harsh or rude as possible.

"Then what is it? I see you taking a couple of glances at me while I was eating. Is something wrong?" Nick said to her as she couldn't believe she was this obvious to read.

"...May I be bold with you master?" She said as she quivered her lips a little bit.

"Yes you may" Nick didn't what she had in mind to say, though he knew it was something about him

"You've changed Master and not the kind of small change that happens. You've changed majorly, from your gestures to the way you talk and everything else." She said still had the same stoic expression before but there is curiosity in her voice and the words that she is letting out.

"I see. Tell me something Cecilia, what do you think of me?" Nick said while placing the tray of food next to him.

"You are my master. I, your maid, am obligated to serve you in any way possible without a flaw" She said as she cupped her hands together.

"I said what you think of me and not our relationship," Nick said in a calming voice as he stood up and walked in front of her.

"...I think you are a good master, who would sometimes thrash and shout at me. But, deep in my heart I still think of you as a kind master." She said apathetically to him.

"Mhmm. Let me tell you something Cecilia, do you think a person can stay the same after he experienced many things?" Nick said as moved away from her and moved towards the mirror where he looked at himself.

"What do you mean?" Cecilia was now starting to get more curious about him.

"*Sigh* I've done many things, Cecilia. To you, to my family, to my friends, and even to myself. I am not a good person at heart and deep down I'm still an idiot who only thinks about himself. But now. Now I wish to be a new person, A man who isn't an idiot noble but someone who can be relied upon and even called a friend." Nick said as he adjusted the tie on his neck.

"And that's why my dear Cecilia, I think is time to change myself. Even, if you don't believe me. Believe in my actions." Nick said looking back at her.

"And how do I know you're not your old self?" Cecilia said in confusion.

"I'll start with you. I'll prove to you that I have changed." Nick said with a smile on his face as he continued talking.

"In return..." Nick moved towards her and laid his hand on her cheeks.

" You should smile more often," He said as removed his hands.

"You can take the tray now but leave the medicine, I will take it myself," Nick said as he waved his hands.

Cecilia did what he ordered and picked the plates of food. She then exited her room and stood still for a couple of seconds In front of the door of his room.

'Was I wrong about you?' Cecilia thought to herself and tried quickly to clear her thoughts of his words but just couldn't.

[Cecilia Von Ashworthy]

[Trust meter: 20/100]

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