
Revival of the Idiot Noble

Nick Haren was a known prodigy to whoever have visited the underworld. Titled the angel of death by his colleagues, Nick was the best of the best. Any job he could accomplish without fault. Now after being an assassin for over 14 years, Nick suddenly wants to retire. He submits his leave from the underworld and tries to begin a new life only to die in a plane crash set up to kill him. After his death, he wakes up in an unfamiliar world. Turns out, he was given a second chance and was transmigrated into a new body in the world of magic and knights. Now he is known as Nick Salvatore, the idiot. Son of the mighty duke of the kingdom of Serkonos.

Powerboy1763 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1- The Idiot

"So this is it." A young man's voice can be heard as he was in the midst of panic between people. Everyone was shouting and screaming, they demanded to get off the plane while it was in the air.

"To be honest I've never thought that they would actually try to challenge me." The young man said again as he sat in his seat without care as the plane was descending at a fast pace. That man was Nick Haren, also known as the underworld's prodigy assassin.

It's been a day since he left the underworld's assassination business, he decided that he had enough killing in his life and decided to retire and start a new life. But, of course, the underworld's leaders didn't like that so they decided to get rid of him permanently.

Nick wasn't afraid of his death, he was only angry that they dragged innocent people to it. But, what is he to do now? They are going to crash into the water while being several kilometers away from any neighboring island or country.

Nick set his head back on the seat and relaxed every muscle in his body. He knew they almost reached the ocean's surface and that he would die in the crash. So then he did the only thing left to do, he took a deep breath and smiled.





'Hmmm, what is this? didn't I die?'

Although the last thing he heard was the plane crashing and hitting the ocean's surface, he could still feel his body but this time it was suspended and laying on something soft. Almost like he is laying on a bed.

'Why is it so dark?'

Nick opens his eyes only to be met with an unfamiliar sight, he started to move his head around to see where he is and it looked like he was in a fancy room. The walls were decorated and the furniture was fancy and gilded with gold. Nick also found himself laying on a king-size bed.

Nick used all the strength in his body to stand upright in his bed, he then looked at his arms to find that they were too skinny.

'Why is my body like this? Have I been kidnapped?'

He turned around towards the room and found a mirror next to his bed on the nightstand. He grabbed the mirror and looked at himself, he looked like a shriveled fruit that has been left to rot for decades. But, underneath that rotten look was the handsome face of a man he didn't know.

"Is that me?" Nick said to himself as he had tall long black hair as tall as the night and some ruby eyes that looked like a blood moon. He kept touching and feeling his face and surprisingly it was real, all of this was real.

Suddenly, Nick's head began to ache as he felt images flood his mind like a waterfall. He suddenly then remembered who he is. "My name is Nick Salvatore?" Nick said to himself as his head is still aching from all the memories that came to him.


"Alright, I think I know what happened to me. I died from the plane crash and have taken over the body of a person that has the same name as me except his name is Nick Salvatore" Nick said to himself as he began to ponder on the memories of the previous body owner. From what he understood, Nick Salvatore was a spoiled brat that had the world handed to him on a silver plate.

He didn't earn, fight or prove anything in his life. He had bad grades in the magic academy of Serkonos and was always known as an Idiot Noble.

One night, he was going out walking in the streets flirting with women. They went to an alleyway devoid of noise or people and that's when a bunch of bandits attacked him and stole his belongings.

Apparently one of the bandits had stabbed him with a dagger that contains a deadly lethal poison supposedly harmful to anyone. It is said that poison will eat your body's muscles until you become nothing but a husk.

Nick sighed at the terrible fate that had felled him, he had now lived the rest of his life as this person; who is come to be known as the idiot noble. Nick then heard some knocking coming from his room's door and then a door creaky sound opening. There he saw a lady with red hair, red lips, gold eyes, and wearing a maid costume entering his room.

"It seems, you have awoken master." The girl's voice was calm and soothing, but also emotionless. Nick looked at her with confusion but then remembered who she was. Cecilia was the maid that was taking care of him ever since he reached 16 years of age. She was charming beauty that followed his every command without question. She's also emotionless.

"I have Cecilia. What brings you here?"

"The master ordered me to bring you food for you to eat, he also told me to bring you some medicine for you to heal."

"I see. Thank you, Cecilia."

Cecilia was surprised to hear her master telling her to thank her, he would previously say something like 'Thank you bitch!' in a rude tone to her. But, now he is saying it in a polite way.

She then heads towards the tray and picks up a bowl of soup and gives it to Nick. He began to drink it slowly and carefully so as not to get the bed sheets dirty and also not to burn his tongue. While he was drinking, Cecilia was observing him curiously. She glanced at him drinking the soup elegantly and carefully.

Previously before Nick got attacked by the bandits, he was rude to his family members, workers, and even the maids in his home. He would usually shout at them and insult them for anything happening. He would also complain continuously about food like some pig. But, now he is more refined and elegant.

Nick looked at Cecilia observing him and got the sudden idea in his head.

"Would like to have some?"

"No, master, you need it more than-"

"Cecilia, who do you serve?"

"You, master"

"Then as your master, I order you to help me finish my food"

Cecilia didn't refuse his demands any longer and grabbed a spoon from the tray and started to eat with him. After finishing the remaining food and taking the medicine, Cecilia left his room and Nick lay on the bed again.

Nick then looked upwards at the ceiling with no care until he caught something with his eye.

"What is this?"

[Cecilia Von Ashworthy]

[Trust meter: 15/100]


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