
Chapter 3


Confused, Hurt, Betrayed

That's what im feeling at this moment. I feel my head is like a rollercoaster right now, I can't think properly cause its going crazy, heck I think I might really go crazy because of this.


His name pops out of my mind. I still can't believe he betrayed me, For how long did he cheated?, and What did I do to make him cheat on me? I mean we were a very happy couple. I trusted him, I loved him so why did it end like that?

I still remembered the first time we met.


Im walking down the hallway with Elise my bestfriend talking to me about her new album of One Direction that she just got yesterday.

Man she's really obsessed with them. Heck If you only see her room its full of One Direction CD's, Posters, Pictures and etc, its like her room is like a One Direction exhibit.

We're still walking going to the cafetria cause its lunch time so we need to eat.

"Hey Jade Ho- AHHHHHHHH" Elise suddenly screamed

It happened so fast, Before I could ask her what happened. A ball, well a Football suddenly smacked its way into my head hard.

A Very very hard ball

then everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes and I saw a white ceiling. Ugh my head hurts, where am I?

"She's waking up" someone said and suddenly a figure of a man is infront of me. but my vision was still blurry so I don't know who it is


after maybe 15 more seconds my vision became normal again and I saw the man standing infront of me was a very handsome creature I give him that.

"Hey jade Im sorry about what happened earlier"- the handsone creature said

"Who are you and how did you know my name?"- I said not giving a shit on his handsome features.

"Your friend Elise told me and Im Nicholas"- he said

"Oh okay, well you can leave now as you can see Im already fine and I dont need anything more"- I said

"Oh sure but can i ask a you something?"- he said with a smirk on his face

"Your already asking" i stated with boredness.

Gosh what's happening to me Im being bitchy for some reason, maybe its the injury on my head thats why im acting like this

He stared at me still wearing that smirk and suddenly he gave me his phone.

"Whats this?" i ask

"Can I have your number?"- he said

well that was unexpected to hear.

"No sorry I dont give my number to people I only met once"- I said

which is true because even tho the person you just met was really handsome and asked for your number, well I suggest not to give it.

Why? because I dont want to be an easy to get kind of woman. If a guy wants something then he has to work for it, and clearly I know my worth.

"I figured you would say no, but thats fine with me you know why Jade?" he said with a smirk printed on his face

"Why?"- I asked

He just stood up and left the room still wearing his handsome smirk i mean ugly smirk, yes thats it ugly cause that what he is

well he didnt answer my question tho

*beep beep*

Suddenly my phone rings, someone's calling me. I quickly took the call

"hello,who's this?"- i asked the mysterious caller

"You already forgot me? I was just in your room about 5 minutes ago"- I heard Nicholas say


how did he got my number?

"How did you got my number?"- i said

How in the world did he got my number? clearly I didn't give it to him.

"Well Jade Carson there is only one thing you must remember in your life and that is

Nicholas King always gets what he wants"- he said

what he said made me stunned from where Iam right now

And Iam more stunned literally on what he's going to say next

"And I the Nicholas King

















wants you"



Then it all started there, me hitting me a football in the head and asking me to give his number apparently I said no but yeah he's Nicholas King he gets what he wants without a sweat

Well after that I agreed we became text mates, he calls me every night then  he courted me for almost a year and apparently he doesn't gave up so yah I said yes to him and boy I just remembered his face when I said yes it was the most memorable face he made

full of joy and love

well were just any other couples that having long sweet messages and dates and stuff nothing special or cliche

the only thing is you cant say no to him and if you made him say yes then you have won a long argument

I promised now to myself that I will never shed a tear again for Nicholas King, cause I dont need him anymore

after recollecting the memories on how Nicholas and I first met, I stared in my room and saw the clock

7:45 am















