
Reverse Fate: The Return of the Villainess

The moment he knew the story had began, there's no turning back. Died in an accident. Reincarnated as the world's villain. Sean was just a normal guy living like others is what the most beyond his father's expectation. Not until the moment came, an accident happened that can change his life for the eternity. He happened to woke up into an unexpected place and learned that he's been trapped into the realm where he knew his life will be screwed more than his previous one. He was just an omniscient reader of his sister's novel and now he's surprisingly reborn as the teen Lady who's appearantly the one will vanish until the rest chapter of the story. But, now that the time came back, will he be able to change the past which will happen to be the future? Fate is waiting for an arrival. But what if the current person who's controlling the main body of the villain will turn the tables and will have the possibilities of avoiding it's original fate? Will the side character can become a lead character? Can a Villain will become the Heroin? Will the current person can go back where it came from? To answer these questions, this story will tell you how the side character will become the center of attention, how a Villain will become the story's Heroin and how the person soul will choose between the reality and not. Come and read the novel and know how the story will began. Language: English Book Cover: Me (@thzero0)

thzero0 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 2: Why's and What's

"M-My Lady..?'

"Wha... What is this?!!" Sean panicked as he checked himself again. "What the fuck is this?!" He examined himself without believing it.

"... My Lady? Are yo-!"

"I. AM. NOT. A. WOMAN! I'm a guy!" He looked at the woman and pointed to himself. "I'm a man!"


"Stop! And why's my voice like this?! My body! My hair! And even this room! What's this?! Where am I really?!!" Sean shouted. 'F*cking..!'

"You're in your room..? My Lady..?"

"Cut the crap!" He shouted again. 'Dang it! Just what kind of bullsh*t nightmare is this?!!' He examined himself again. 'Holy... Something really changed..!'

"M-My Lady please stop panicking! I beg you please... You're making me worry."

"How could I--!" Sean stopped and suddenly remembered that he's shouting to the Lady just a moment ago, making him wanna die on the spot quickly. "A-Ahem... I mean, please don't worry about me, I just...!" He looked down on himself again.

"My Lady..."

He sighed and sat manly on the edge of the bed. "Actually, I'm pretty shocked that I changed so much after a coma..." He sighed again and messed up his long hair.

"Is there something wrong, My Lady?"

"Ah no, and will you please stop calling me My Lady? It's making me feel uncomfortable."

The Lady tilted her head. "But, you're a Lady though, My Lady. Did you have a bad dream while you were asleep?"

'Bad. A very bad dream, you say.' He clutched his hands. "It's... It's..." He sighed and looked into the lady's eyes. ".. It's just so unfortunate for me to be transformed into a woman while in a coma. I mean, I don't know what's the meaning of this situation. My abs are gone, my hair got long, my voice has changed and..." He paused and looked down. "... How dare they operate me while in a coma from my flat chest into two big balls?"

"Huh? Two big balls?"

'Crap! I forgot, I'm talking to a woman...' Sean thought and raised his head slowly. "Y-Yeah..." He muttered. He wanted to grip his hair.

"May I know what's that, My Lady?"

'Oh please you don't have to know.' Sean wanted to punch himself from being reckless to his words. 'Ok. I'm fucked.'

LILY tilted her head as she watched her Lady biting her nails. 'Is she alright? Did she get scared again because of her bad dream?' She couldn't help but to worry about her Lady because this is the first time she saw her terrified like this. 'My poor lady.'

"Do you want me to get you a cup of water, My Lady?" She asked as she prepared the bowl of water in front of her to wash her face.

Sean looked at her and motioned his hand. 'Good idea. My throat feels ungrateful after shouting.' He adjusted himself. "Yes, please."

Lily almost drops the water when she hears her Lady say 'Please' while pouring water into a cup. 'Did... Did I hear it right?' She took a glimpse of her Lady who's washing her face with water. 'She usually says 'Do you think I should ask for that?' or something that can affect someone's feelings, but... Why does she act like this?' Lily thought and walked towards her.

"By the way, for a young Lady like you who took care of me... May I know your name?"

Lily stilled and suddenly dropped the glass because it slipped out of her hands. '... W-What..?' She looked at her Lady with her shocked face while processing everything she just heard. "U-uhm My Lady..?"

She looked at her. "Yes?"

"A-ah..." She can't utter a word because it's too shocking that her Lady actually forgot her name. 'What just happened..? Is it because of her bad dream?' She thought, and then suddenly realized that she had already made a mistake. "Oh my..!" She immediately kneeled on the floor and hurriedly picked up the broken glasses. "I-I'm sorry, My Lady! Please forgive me for doing such grave sin!" She begged while picking it all up.

While unknowingly she did, Sean was too shocked while looking at her and suddenly dropped on her knees. "Wha-What are you doing??" He asked and hurriedly stood up to help her. 'Is she crazy? Why would she pick something dangerous and drop to her knees and beg?'

"Please spare me my lady... I'm really... R-Really so sorry." She begged stuttery, making Sean knotted his forehead. 'Why is she so afraid??' Sean wondered. And then, a thought got him clenched his teeth. 'Is this my father doing again?'

He looked at her hands and it's now covered with her blood from the cuts she got. "Hey, your hands are bleeding. Clean it up and put a bandage. I'll clean this up."

She looked at him again like she was too stunned to speak and ignored his words. 'What's up with her?'

He held her wrist to stop her and it worked. He sighed. "Don't make me repeat myself or you'll get hurt!" He said.

While Lily got snapped by her lady's words and hurriedly got up. "Y-Yes, My Lady!" She said and immediately ran out of the room.

Sean sighed and carefully picked up those broken glasses and placed them on the table beside him. After that, he stood up and sat again on the edge of the bed while looking around.

'This place looks medieval...' He thought. 'It reminds me of the style that my ancestors have in Russia... Did father bring me here? Did he ask someone to change my appearance? Does he... Does he really want to push me into something that I don't want?' Sean sighed and roamed his eyes again until it landed on the human length mirror in front of him.

His lips parted together and his mind went blank from the appearance he's looking at right now. '... How... How beautiful...' He was too stunned to move yet he caressed his face without blinking. 'So soft...' He looked again at his reflection and he couldn't help but to be fascinated by its own beauty.

The long wavy white hair that resembles the snow together with the eyes that reminds him of the moon and sun placed in the opposite sides. Her skin is also pale and the face is like a natural creation from the gods themselves.

Sean couldn't take his eyes off his reflection for a minute, until some flashbacks came into his mind. '..! What..?' He held his head from the pang of pain every single image it flashes, until the moment he remembered the same Lady that resembles his current appearance.

"I'll leave the fate to you that I should've had."

'F*ck it hurts!'

"I'm counting on you. Farewell."

He wanted to scream out of pain, but he couldn't. He stayed silent while calmly waiting for the pain to vanish, until it finally happened. He dropped himself into the bed while catching his breath together with the beads of sweat rolling from his forehead. ''..What the actual f*ck just happened?''

MEANWHILE outside the young lady's chamber, in the maids quarter, Lily quickly opened her kit and treated herself. 'This is my Lady's order. I should follow it.' While she treated herself, the door suddenly opened and the Headmaid suddenly appeared followed by her disciples who will serve the young lords in the future.

Lily flinched when she felt their gazes slithered into her, making her feel uncomfortable. She looks up to see why they're looking at her but to her surprise, Miss Cynthia is also staring at her. She automatically stood up and bowed her head to show some respect because she knows what would be the consequence if she turned blind into someone who has major authority from this household.

"Lily. Why are you here?" Miss Cynthia asked.

"I'm here because I was ordered to, Ma'am." She formally responded.

As what she answered, she heard one of her disciples snickered and interrupted. "Were you ordered by that woman to clean your wounds by yourself? How pathetic."

"..!" Lily flinched and suddenly remembered that she's not supposed to show some kind of this situation happened to her. 'I can't let them know that It was my Lady's fault! Because the truth is, It's me!' Lily covered her hand in her back and bit her lower lip to take some urges to tell them the truth but she can't.

Lily lifted her head up to look at Miss Cynthia's eyes. "Ma'am..! Actually... This is my fau-!'

"Lily." She stopped when Miss Cynthia called her name with authority in her voice. "Is this the Lady's doing?"

Lily's lips trembled as she clenched her fists. "I-I'm sorry..!" She bowed her head. "But I can't tell you something without my Lady's permission!" After that, she immediately took her kit and walked hurriedly out of the maids quarter to her lady's chamber. 'I'm sorry Miss Cynthia! But, I can't turn my lady down!'

She walked as fast as she could until she finally reached her Lady's room. 'That was close...' She sighed and held her chest before she knocked on the door. "... My Lady? It's me, Lily. May I come in?" She asked but no one answered.

Her hands trembled as she reached for the knob. 'Is she disappointed?' Lily gulped and didn't hesitate to enter her lady's room. 'I hope I get a good scolding after this.' She hoped as she squeezed her eyes trying to avoid some tantrum when she entered the room. "My Lady..!"

Her words didn't continue as soon as she opened her eyes because she's now seeing an unusual reaction from her Lady's face. 'What..? She.. She's not angry?'

"Hm? You said you're Lily, right?"

Lily snapped when she didn't realize that she was stunned by her Lady right now. 'Is... Is this for real..?' Her Lady's standing beautifully beside the table, looking at her direction without anything from her face while wiping her hand with a towel. "Ah-Uhmm..." She blinked twice and cleared her throat to utter a word. "Yes my lady... I'm Lily." She said while wondering why her lady asked for her name.

But, the moment her Lady's lips curved as if she's smiling at her. '..! The... My Lady...' She covered her mouth when it parted. 'M-My Lady just smiled at me! Wi... With genuineness!' She couldn't help herself to be surprised because this is the first time she ever saw her Lady smiling so true to a person like her, and this may not be the first time she had smiled like that but because, she's only showing it to her brothers especially to her father.


"Yes..!" She automatically stood up straight and didn't move a little. 'I can't let this moment fade away so easily...' She couldn't count how many times she gulped when her Lady walked towards the sofa and sat like she unusually does.

She looked at her face but there's nothing far from being bright earlier. The way she crossed her long legs and rested her head with her fists, is like there is nothing to compare from the young lords and her father. Also to add her eyes that reminds her of eclipse, is like more superior than anything from her family.


She looked at her Lady's face when she was called by her name again. 'It feels... Different from usual.' She gulped. "Yes, My Lady?" She asked as if she's afraid to stutter her words.

"..." Her hands were even more sweating when her Lady stared at her. '... Is she... Mad?' She secretly bit her lip, hoping that her Lady was not angry but, "there is something I want to ask you."

"Eh?" She wanted to drop herself on the floor when she felt her knees wobble for nothing when her lady's voice somehow feels unfamiliar.

"There is something... I want to confirm."


To be continued...