
Reverend Insanity: Wasn't Meant To Be

Based on the Gu Cultivation world A story of an otherworldly demon Who brings the knowledge of his own world in this new world With his knowledge he brings forth a new path

Blood_Oath_Fanatic · Others
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56 Chs

Sunshine! A New Start

In the middle of a valley wolves were howling. It was dawn and the Sun was about to rise.

Their howls woke up Jing Sheng. He woke up and took a look around. This land was alien to him he had never been to such a place. There were few trees and other vegetation around. Jing Sheng had seen a tree before but not like this. In his homeland there were only three trees left and they were at the capital in a museum.

So when he saw trees planted around everywhere a felling of luxury hit him. Not just trees the all other vegetation and the terrain.

He was still feeling dizzy a bit and couldn't stand up. He tried but fell down on his butt cheeks.

"Where is this place? And what am I doing here?" Jing Sheng tried to remember but he couldn't find out that how he got here but thinking about it triggered a flashback.

In it Jing Sheng was killed. Murdered by his own beloved. He remembered that he was a scientist a great one in fact. His name was known throughout the universe because he had created a technology which could stable 'Anti-Matter'. With this technology came the infinite power source for civilizations and their machinery.

"It doesn't matter anymore I'm dead now, is this the afterlife? Seems like it what other explanation their can be about those trees…wow this after life is luxurious"

"Wait a minute"

Jing Sheng smelled something it was the stench of blood. It was coming from near by it almost felt like that it was right beside him so he turned around.

It was a massacre!

Hundreds of bodies were ripped apart behind him a it was like a blood carnival. But he didn't panic. He had seen worse than this before.

His eyes swept through the bodies. There were mostly jaw bites injuries or claw marks on the bodies. Every single one of them. It felt like a vicious beast had slaughtered them.

When the thought of the vicious beast came to his mind his heart started beating faster and faster, his mind was already in chaos due to this sudden phenomenon. And he looked at the far end and there he saw it. A fox with a timid little body, its pink fur and red blood splattered on them was forming a beautiful contrast.

Jing Sheng was bewitched. It was his first time seeing this kind of animal, but the feeling of admiration didn't last long when he concentrated and looked at what the fox was doing, he froze. It was feeding on an infant ripping it apart and enjoying the tender meat.

Without a second thought Jing Sheng stood up and ran at the opposite direction. After a minute intense pain assaulted him. It was his shoulder he could feel his broken bones but still he ran.

This caught the fox's attention the fox raised its head and looked at Jing Sheng. Jing Sheng got goosebumps he could feel the stare and killing intent in it. He didn't dare to stop for even a second.

Crack crack

He could hear the fox running through the corpses while breaking the bones in the corpses. It had such strength in its feet that while it jumped on the corpses the bones broke like twitches.

Jing Sheng found out something strange.

The body, it was not his. But except the shoulder everything else was fine and healthy and he was running fast, faster than he had imagined that he could run.

"It is like this body has a ton of potential. With this speed I can absolutely out run the damn fox"

The body originally belonged to a Gu Master who had used a gu worm to strengthen the legs which gave it such speed and agility.

Jing Sheng turned around to his surprise the fox wasn't there. Jing Sheng felt joy and thought that the fox may have given up because he was too 'fast'.

If anyone one else was to hear this they would've laughed to death. How can a mere Gu Master outrun a Desolute Beast with Rank 6 battle strength?


While Jing Sheng was taking a peek behind, he bumped into something soft and fell.

It was the Desolute Beast!

Jing Sheng knew he was going to die…you can say the scenario was too obvious.


Why again? Wasn't one time enough? Why am I going to die again?

Why do I deserve to die? What sins have I committed?

In the moment of death, a ton of questions came out of nowhere in Jing Sheng's mind

And so there also came an answer

A cold and empty voice said to Jing Sheng

"Your sin you ask? Your sin is that you are weak!"

Yes he was weak. He was not the type who seek power and strength. But Jing Sheng realized something so obvious at the moment of death.

Power is absolute!

If you want to achieve your goals the power and strength are essential!

After realizing this he just reacted out of an instinct and punched the ground below him.

And the ground broke like paper because it was so thin and Jing Sheng fell into a small river. Truns out it was a small trench under him and so the river current swooped him away.

I will survive!

No matter what not again! I will live and not commit the same sin again….I won't be weak again I 'll be the strongest! And then I'll achieve my goal! The one I exist for!


After intense struggle he somehow got out of the river

Pant pant!

He took heavy breaths...and analyzed his surroundings. The sun was about to rise as he looked at the horizon, a city stood there with colossal walls. He stood up pushing the ground with what little strength had left in his arms and started walking at the city's direction.

As Sunshine poured on his face….it was a new day and a new start for Jing Sheng.