
Reverend Insanity: Wasn't Meant To Be

Based on the Gu Cultivation world A story of an otherworldly demon Who brings the knowledge of his own world in this new world With his knowledge he brings forth a new path

Blood_Oath_Fanatic · Others
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56 Chs

A Creation Maniac

Jing Sheng was emitting rank 5 peak stage aura.

To him, he didn't even realized what was going through Kyang Hu was going through.

He could tell that she was scared because that was the obvious she was rank one at the bottom of the mortal world where as he was rank 5 at the top of the mortal world.

Honestly in these two months Jing Sheng had still not gotten used to tis world.

For the past two months Jing Sheng had been 'managing' Hyun Ae blessed land and molding it to his liking constructing a lot of things.

Jing Sheng had decided to make Hyun Ae blessed land has his headquarters until he transcend tribulation and become a rank 6 gu immortal himself.

Technically speaking that was the best and the most secure way.

But there was a change of plans that would benefit in the long run.

Jing Sheng painstakingly studied and tried to understood the refinement path. While looking at the information regarding transcendent tribulation.

The greater the mortal Qi the greater the gu master's immortal aperture background would be.

Seeing this Jing Sheng had an inspiration.

He wanted to collect mortal Qi of others for himself!

'But that was easier said than done' a normal person would think like that but who was Jing Sheng?

After an analysis he though "If you see it from the gu world's prospectus mortal Qi is the accumulation of the gu master of his whole life representing its 'potential' but...…from my prospectus mortal Qi is not that special. It is just another form of energy just like any other...and energy can be converted or gathered...…I was even able to collect the energy from anti matter...if the most devastating material in the universe with no limits and devastating power and magnitude can be collected...it is my believe that even this mortal Qi can be collected to...there has to be a way"

But he wasn't in his world anymore.

A lot of laws had changed so he had to understood these laws.

After painstakingly studying qi path and refinement path for two months (five regions time, Hyun Ae blessed land time is 1:5 so that is 10 months in the blessed land) with the help of land spirit and information provided in treasure yellow heaven he was able to come up with a gu formula of a gu worm he named 'collect accumulation gu' easily.

It needed the mortal aperture of a peak stage rank 5 gu master and add its mortal key to one's self.

So as soon as he came out from the blessed land he had made prior preparations and according to plan he started finding lone cultivator or demonic path rank 5 peak stage gu masters.

They were a reliable subject to target.

Jing Sheng didn't want to attract the wrath of the righteous path, well not until he transcended to become an immortal.

He was too weak now.

Even now in Xiang Clan he came looking for a rank 5 peak stage lone cultivator. He had found a clue that the peak rank 5 comes to Xiang Clan to sell his goods and this Kyang Hu was once involved in one of the meetings.

So of course he target Kyang Hu.

When she mentioned the deal he already knew that it was a scam but he never minded and followed along with her scam.

There was a minuscules chance that he might come across the Rank 5 peak stage gu master or other potential evidence.

He thought at the time "Even if there is a one percent chance I willing to go along with this….hehehe there is a possibility that I find this guy with in short amount of time and return home…..I mean my luck Qi is far superior to others."

He was wrong.

His luck Qi was just not far superior to others but even superior to Ma Hong Yun and He Fei!

It was terrifying for a mortal to have such luck, except the venerable in their mortal times they even had greater luck than this. They were fated for greatness.

But it didn't work out and Jing Sheng didn't gained anything from going along with the scam.

Jing Sheng crouched in front of Kyang Hu.

He put his hand in her short black hair. She had a short haircut. That much short that the hair would slightly stand up. It was uncommon for the women of the Gu World to have hair like this. Majority had long beautiful hair. Her hair was messy and were forming a unique style. It was unique to Jing Sheng but others saw it as garbage

He started hand combing them again and again. Setting them to his own liking.

Jing Sheng was doing it out of a mere 'kidding around' as he remembered this hair style.

He thought "Oh goodness! This is the hair style from that show I used to watch as a kid. It was a perfect example of innovation and creation…unique to its self…..sigh…but mom never let me make this hair style….although this one is not perfect either…the hair are not stiff enough. Let me make it perfect."

Jing Sheng was a creation maniac.

Creating anything would be of interest to him, even hairstyles.

But he didn't notice that Kyang Hu had started to breath heavily. To her this was death's hand messing with her before her soul was strike out of her mortal body.

Then it happened. Jing Sheng shocked(electrified) her bit. It was not deadly it was not even painful, her hair got stiffed and stood up a bit that was all. But to Kyang Hu it was like a warning.

"Please senior junior has commit a heinous crime and tainted the good sir's reputation I know this lowly person's sins can't be atoned easily but please tell me if there is anything that is in my power…I will do it without hesitation…senior just spare my life I have a sick mother back at home…If I die she will die too there is no one else to take care of her." Kyang Hu started begging and asking for forgiveness while Jing Sheng was hand-combing her hair.

'Nice I did it!' Jing Sheng exclaimed in his mind with great happiness. He had made the hairstyle even perfect than the show. He wasn't even paying attention to Kyang Hu.

As far was he concerned he could soul search her.