
Reverend Insanity: Hunting Heaven

Just before the final fight against Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan deduces that the Venerables will revive after the destruction of Fate Gu. With this in mind, he prepared for his last rewind of time. Fang Yuan stole dream realms, cultivation resources and immortal apertures before finally self detonating. He swims back up the river of time and finds himself in his old zombie immortal body, right after Hu Immortal blessed land's earthly calamity.

Topeue · Book&Literature
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Chapter 18: Sixth Hair

"So you're the hairy man Gu immortal that Lang Ya sent me?" Fang Yuan looked at the inconspicuous hairy man in front of him with a slight smile. "I didn't think that Lang Ya was hiding Gu immortals in his blessed land. I really underestimated the old man."

The hairy man, like the majority of his race, wore no clothing. His skin was hidden under thick brown hair that covered every inch of his body besides his large eyes, each around the size of Fang Yuan's head. The hairy man was tall, towering over Fang Yuan at six meters. But he didn't appear threatening or menacing. More cute, like a stuffed animal or muppet.

Of course, Fang Yuan knew better than to trust this hairy man sent by Lang Ya. Not because the hairy men Gu immortals were threatening, no of course not they were practically children. Fang Yuan had personally given most of them hand on lessons himself. He knew just how naive and trusting they were. What tipped Fang Yuan off was the real identity of this Gu immortal.

"I'm afraid I'm not very impressive. Out of all of the Gu immortals in Lang Ya blessed land I'm only the sixth to come from the current generation. I'm neither as talented nor as skilled as my other brethren." Sixth Hair shyly replied to Fang Yuan with a half smile.

"I doubt that. The only reason Lang Ya would send you in particular is because you're the best of the Gu immortals in the blessed land. Unless of course, you were the one who volunteered to meet me. In which case I'd be very interested to find out why a hairy man Gu immortal would want to meet me."

If Sixth Hair had any nervousness, he didn't show it. His shy manner was completely unbroken, as if he had no idea what Fang Yuan was talking about.

"Admittedly I am not skilled enough to earn Lang Ya's attention so it was my choice to be here. But please don't think I have any bad intentions by talking to you. You see, the situation in Lang Ya blessed land has drastically changed. I don't know if I should say this but I assume you and Lang Ya are close?"

Fang Yuan almost snorted. Although Lang Ya had always been his greatest supporter, they didn't have a good relationship. Their relationship relied purely on contracts and obligations. If it wasn't for the fact that they needed each other both of them would have tossed the other aside at the first opportunity.

"Me and Lang Ya are partners. I can guess why Lang Ya exposed his hidden trump card. I assume the old man got a shock from the attacks on his blessed land and decided he needed to strength his forces, which includes you and your companions."

Sixth Hair sighed dramatically with a sense of sadness that almost felt real. "Unfortunately the several attacks on the blessed land have forced the first supreme elder's hand. Lang Ya has forced missions and tasks on us in order to prepare us for the next attack."

"It's a good idea. I imagine most of you have never actually fought anyone, have you?"

Sixth Hair's composure finally broke and he showed genuine nervousness. Although Sixth Hair was a spy within Lang Ya blessed land, he was just as inexperienced as the rest of the Gu immortals. This was a major weakness. Unlike the other forces belonging to Shadow Sect, Sixth Hair was almost entirely useless in combat.

"In an environment like Lang Ya blessed land you were privileged enough to avoid lethal combat between Gu immortals. That is a necessary skill if Lang Ya blessed land is to avoid catastrophe. I'm afraid this period of adjustment will be brutal for you."

"Ah, hopefully it is not too difficult. How many people could possibly participate in the attack on Lang Ya blessed land?"

"Quite a few. I've deduced that most of the members who attacked Lang Ya blessed land are currently in Northern Plains at this moment. It seems that something strange has happened after the auction that involves many of the forces hidden in Northern Plains. It's likely that the Zombie Alliance is involved as well."

At this point, Fang Yuan could see a very obvious change in Sixth Hair's expression but he didn't bother exposing him. His intention with alerting Sixth Hair about his above average deduction skills was to draw attention towards himself. As long as Shadow Sect thought that Lang Ya had a strong ally in Fang Yuan then they would put much more emphasis on invading Lang Ya blessed land.

Once Lang Ya blessed land was weakened than Fang Yuan could take advantage and extort Lang Ya for everything he had. This plan was obviously somewhat dangerous. There was always a chance that Shadow Sect would try to eliminate him directly but Fang Yuan wasn't worried. Shadow Sect had no real rank 8 battle strength. They had extremely powerful rank 7 members and even a rank 8 zombie but Fang Yuan was confident in being able to escape or even suppress them with the combat system he was in the process of making.

Myriad Self wasn't a joke. No other Gu immortal below rank 8 had a killer move as powerful as it besides Feng Jiu Ge. If Shadow Sect really did come after him all they would receive would be dead corpses missing their immortal apertures. Fang Yuan needed to raise his rank, and Shadow Sect was a prime target. Not many organizations had strength path Gu immortals but Shadow Sect did.

"Regardless I do hope that you pass on this information to Lang Ya. He needs to prepare otherwise his blessed land will suffer great damage. But I really need to cut this conversation short before it's too late. Did you bring the Beast Enslavement Gu?"

"Yes. But Lang Ya wanted me to get at least 500 immortal essence stones from you...would you mind paying 600 immortal essence stones so I can get a reward from Lang Ya?"

Fang Yuan looked up at Sixth Hair and laughed. "One of the people who will attack Lang Ya blessed land in the future is called Qin Bai Sheng. Tell Lang Ya that and I'm sure he'll reward you."