
Reverend Insanity: Hunting Heaven

Just before the final fight against Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan deduces that the Venerables will revive after the destruction of Fate Gu. With this in mind, he prepared for his last rewind of time. Fang Yuan stole dream realms, cultivation resources and immortal apertures before finally self detonating. He swims back up the river of time and finds himself in his old zombie immortal body, right after Hu Immortal blessed land's earthly calamity.

Topeue · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Chapter 17: The Council

A small group of hairy men muttered amongst themselves in a grand echoing chamber. This chamber had a unique architectural style, with grand arches and intrinsic patterns carved into the gold pillars and marble walls. Every tunnel extending from the main room held a different type of sculpture, painting or heirloom. Some held carvings of ancient hairy men, the people that had founded their race. Others kept paintings of famous battles or events in history.

But the main room that the hairy men walked into held none of those things. It was plain and empty, with no ornaments or decorations, just a flat and gray landscape of stone. None of the previous statues or paintings existed here, but there was a single platform in the middle of the room where a certain elderly spirit stood.

"Settle down. I understand this is the first time in the history of Lang Ya blessed land's existence that something like this has ever been made. But you have all been selected and nurtured for a special purpose, and now it is your time to pay back what has been given to you."

Lang Ya's wize elderly voice silenced the small circle of Gu immortals centered around him. Although they were Gu immortals, beings that had transcended the limitations of man, they had a faint sense of naivety and innocence. They stared down at Lang Ya with misty blank eyes, like children patiently awaiting the command of their maker.

Lang Ya looked over this small group of Gu immortals and sighed. These hairy men were unprepared, but he needed them now. The attacks on the blessed land had given him a wakeup call. Unless his children were ready Lang Ya blessed land was doomed to collapse. Lang Ya didn't know who was the force attacking him, whether it was Northern Plain forces or even Heavenly Court, but he no longer had the confidence to fend off their attacks. The last raid on Lang Ya blessed land had almost sealed him away. If it wasn't for his inkman friend the blessed land would have been defenseless.

"This is the first meeting of the council, the very first sect in Lang Ya's history."

All of the the hairy men's eyes widened at Lang Ya's words. It wasn't known to most of the world, but Long Hair Ancestor wasn't a human, but a hairy man. Hairy men were one of the variant human species, creatures that had ruled the very first periods of the world's existence. Back in the Immemorial Antiquity Era and the Remote Antiquity Era it was the variant human species that ruled the world. It was only after the creation of Heavenly Court during the Remote Antiquity Era that humanity finally managed to rise to the top of the food chain.

Before the creation of Heavenly Court, the only type of large scale Gu cultivator civilization were clans. They were typically created by spreading the bloodline of one talented cultivator, eventually forming a union of cultivators joined together through bloodline. This was how the societies of variant humans like hairy men had functioned since the beginning of time. Never before had a variant human species created a sect reminiscent of humans.

Even now, only Central Continent had the sect system. Unlike clans, sects were based on a talent and loyalty system. Those who were talented were allowed to join sects, and they fell or rose from their position based on their contributions and sacrifices to the sect. Clans were ginormous families united through blood, and sects were massive organizations where loyalty and talent was awarded.

Although the power of Central Continent had proved that the sect system was superior, none of the hairy men thought that Lang Ya would create a sect within the blessed land. All of the hairy men in the blessed land were the descendants of Long Hair Ancestor, what was the point of trying to make a system which benefits didn't apply to them?

"I understand some of you are confused, and for good reason. We hairy men have followed the traditions of our ancestors for millions of years. But the clan system that we have always used does not suit the blessed land's needs. I do not want to be harsh. Nor do I want to criticize. But all of you are unfit to be Gu immortals."

Lang Ya's cold callous voice was something that no one in the room had ever heard before. Everyone in the room turned silent, staring at Lang Ya with stunned expressions.

"All of you are sheltered and ignorant. I intend on having each and every one of you fight for your position in this council. If you want to keep your place in Lang Ya blessed land you will do as I say and contribute everything you have to the blessed land."

"The new sect in the blessed land will base all contributions through points that you will receive doing mission and tasks. These points can be traded for immortal Gu, killer moves, Gu recipes and Gu materials. There are several missions currently available but one of them is of upmost urgency."

Lang Ya summoned a Gu that casted a bright picture onto the plain stone wall behind him. It was a moving video of a man riding a giant fox. He wore a fox mask that had a single crane symbol on the forehead. His robe was a bright mix the of red, pink and white that faded into each other like a setting sun. Although his outfit was dainty and somewhat feminine his figure was large and muscular.

"I want one of you to go to Hu Immortal blessed land and deliver the rank 7 Beast Enslavement Gu to Fang Yuan. You are to set up a one month agreement for Fang Yuan to use the immortal Gu in exchange for at least 500 immortal essence stones. You will be given more sect points depending on how well you do. Which one of you is open to accepting the mission?"

One of the hairy man had no hesitation and raised his hand, eagerly putting himself forward. "I accept this task first supreme elder Lang Ya."

Lang Ya grinned. "First supreme elder, not bad of a title. I hope you do well Sixty Hair."