
Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001

Two men are standing in a windowless office dimly lit by a small lamp on the ceiling. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" "That was the last group we had!" "They were supposed to be top-of-the-line superhumans. Demons in human skin!" "How does this make any sense!" ~ Scientist Port Till(the head scientist of 'Interdimensional Travel') "If I don't produce results soon! then I'm going to be 'fired'!" ~ In this business 'fired' was code for getting wiped from history and his head was starting to develop bold spots. "U-um Sir. If I may interject." ~ Sim Art his Assistant spoke up. "What!" ~ One could hear the clear rage in Port's voice. The Assistant swallowed and loosened his necktie ~ "Technically that wasn't our last group..."

KlLOLO · Book&Literature
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102 Chs

A Random Sound Path Genius

{Central continent: Spirit Affinity House}

"Honey, can you please stop playing music with that human you found!" ~ Fairy Bai Qing is this close to killing the mortal her spouse found. ~ [This was supposed to be 'our time'!]

"Sorry, honey! Hey Eon Fo To, I'll be back. You continue making those things you call 'dums'!" ~ Feng Jiu Ge is having more fun than he's had in a long time. ~ [To think I would find a sound path genius randomly in the middle of a forest]

"I said my name is E142! And another thing, these are called drums, not 'dums'!" ~ E142 (Music is the voice of the soul) ~ [This Feng Jiu Ge claimed to be sound path great grandmaster whatever that means, yet he can't even pronounce drums]

When brought to this world, E142 found himself in a forest.


E142 opens his eyes to a blinding light, standing up he quickly takes in the world around him. "Hmm, I thought I would get vertigo from traveling to another world. . . Guess I was wrong."

Shrugging his shoulders, he decides to walk through the forest. While walking, he hears many strange sounds. "Gotta say, that man's heartbeat was weird, it's like hearing either a powerful beast or a large army."

After walking for a while, a rustling sound comes from a nearby bush.

E142 pauses for a moment, looking with the side of his eye at the bush, then suddenly he turns away from it, evoking a response from the creature inside of the bush.

A large black panther pounces out of the bush, claws out and mouth wide open.

However, E142 doesn't have the normal expression of prey, terrified just before it's about to get eaten. No! His expression instead forms into a twisted smile.

Moving to the side, easily dodging the panther, revealing a rock with a sharp protrusion.

Just as it makes contact with the rock, it is only pierced enough to cause some blood loss. At first, it is thankful the rock isn't that sharp, but then E142 comes up behind it.

Acting with extreme precision, E142 slams his leg on the back of the panther directly in line with the rock, pushing it in deeper.

As the panther feels the rock grind into its chest, touching its heart, it has one last thought. [So this is what father meant by 'stay away from the ones that walk on two feet.'] ~ Then its eyes slowly close for the last time.

"Nice, it's been so long since I've had the meat of a predator!" ~ E142 is a very interesting patient in 'The Awakening Center'. He is always listening, and when he hears about another world, he made sure he and a few others were sent with him.

[I made sure the triplets would come, I accounted for E1409, E1438, E1459, and E1468. I even accounted for E666! But Who is that other guy?!]

The only person he didn't account for the possibility of getting sent was 001, as a matter of fact, he didn't even know of 001's existence. Not to say he believes an experiment 001 never at one point in time existed, he had just never once even heard the name 001 uttered. ~ [Now that I think about it deeply, never hearing about his name is incredibly odd, not one peep from a single person in all of the time I was in the awakening center.]

That's when he hears the sound of someone singing, but it is very odd. It is like an entire band is singing, but he can tell that it is coming from one source, and it is coming from above!

When he looks his eyes widen. ~ [So this is what he meant by a world where only the strongest, smartest, luckiest, and most persistent survive.]

E142 wasn't about to lose this golden opportunity, so he sings a song he once heard on the radio, from a high-ranking employee... experiment. 'Mr. Blue Sky'


Sun is shining in the sky

There ain't a cloud in sight

It's stopped raining everybody's in the play

And don't you know

It's a beautiful new day, hey hey.


Feng Jue Ge quickly picks up on the song, flying to where he heard the sound coming from. ~ [A mortal?]