
Reverend Insanity- Mystery Prying Immortally Venerable

David, a normal 17 year old boy is transported to another world after his death. Little does he know, that this world, is the cruelest of them all.

Moist_BedBugs · Book&Literature
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23 Chs


"This. This is the gu I want!" Wei Huan said,

"Not only is it useful in general, it's also a pretty good vital gu."

"Besides, I can also support my teammates if I have to. The white paper gu is good, but I'd rather not my entire existence be replaced by a poison vow gu..."

"It's not like I can't draw up alliance agreements either, I can do it even better using this gu!"

"Finally! Tai Qing actually wrote a good recommendation!" Wei Huan said, almost jumping out of his seat,

His eyes sparkled, it was almost like he had returned to the Hei Tribe village where he had only just started his journey as a gu master.

Wei Huan stood up from his seat a bit too quickly, his body feeling like it had just glitched.

"Ow! Maybe I shouldn't have done that...."

Wei Huan slowed down and opened the door to walk outside the house. Wei Huan slowly walked towards Tai Qing, stomping blades of grass as he stepped on the ground.

Tai Qing raised his head and looked Wei Huan, his eyes widened and a seemingly shocked expression on his face.

"You read the whole thing?!" Tai Qing exclaimed in disbelief,

"Yeah, it's pretty short!" Wei Huan said cheerfully,

"What's short?!?! I wrote about more than 20 gu worms!" Tai Qing said, feeling shocked,

"20? I only saw 5 or 6" Wei Huan said, feeling confused,

"Oh my god...." Tai Qing said, looking almost like he was about to faint,

"Look at the backside of the page...." Tai Qing said exasperatedly,

Wei Huan furrowed his eyebrows and quickly turned around the page, seeing a large number of gu worms with detailed descriptions written down.

Wei Huan slapped his forehead, feeling annoyed at his own lack of thought as he skimmed the list.

He simply shook his head at every single one of the gu, feeling that their effects or usages were not satisfactory.

"I know what I want." Wei Huan said, looking at Tai Qing,

"Alright, what is it?" Tai Qing said plainly,

"The Extreme Focus Gu!" Wei Huan said, feeling a bit excited,

"Seriously?! You're choosing that gu worm?!" Tai Qing exclaimed,

"What's wrong with it?" Wei Huan said, feeling confused,

"There's a reason that not many gu masters use this gu..." Tai Qing said cryptically,

"What is it?..." Wei Huan said, feeling confused,

"Uh... This gu is... slightly dangerous.." Tai Qing said, looking a bit nervous for some reason,

"What's so dangerous about it?" Wei Huan asked,

"It puts extreme strain on the users mind, almost crippling them. You are pretty much required to have a multitude of wisdom path gu to even use this gu safely..." Tai Qing said,

"Oh..." Wei Huan said, feeling a bit dissapointed,

"But, Uh.. Don't worry, I'll get you this gu later on if you want it." Tai Qing said, almost like some uncle who almost made their nephew cry,

"Oh, Alright!" Wei Huan said, looking a lot more happy than before,

Wei Huan skipped back towards the house, the list in tow once again.

He skimmed through the list once again before thinking:

"Hm.... If I ever do end up getting Extreme Focus Gu, won't I need a good way to store the information and stuff I'll get using that gu? Can't I just choose the bookworm gu?"

"But the bookworm gu is kind of lame... How about I just take the white paper gu? Maybe it's refinement options will be a bit stronger?" Wei Huan thought,

Compared to before, Wei Huan's thoughts and decisions seemed far more rash and idiotic. Whether it was due to his low talent giving him a more careless mentality or because he finally had some good backing, nobody could be sure.

Wei Huan simply opened the door once again and walked towards the place where Tai Qing was sitting once again.

Wei Huan's pupils contracted and his shoulders tightened as he almost flinched at the sight in front of him.

Trees were mowed down at high speeds as a huge beast rushed towards Tai Qing. Tai Qing simply rushed towards his side as the wooden stool he sat on was completely destroyed, splinters of wood flying everywhere.

The beast which looked like a large wolf with three horns upon it's head rushed towards Tai Qing once again, it's grey fur standing up, seemingly from the effect of the lightning sparks emanating from it's body.

Tai Qing took a small step forwards diagonally before a he took a far larger step towards his right.

"What the hell?! How did he move so fast?!" Wei Huan thought,

Despite being an information path gu master, Tai Qing seemed to be able to keep up with this fierce beast.

A trail of green smoke emanated from Tai Qing's body, his figure moving around eratically, dodging the wolf's attacks effortlessly.

Suddenly the tri-horned wolf cried out in pain, it's eyes looking slightly bloodshot.

It's face had a strange green liquid dripping from it's forehead, coming close to it's eyes.

The wolf shook it's head wildly, it suddenly went quiet, ceasing it's growling and barking.

The wolf charged towards Wei Huan!