
Reverend Insanity- Mystery Prying Immortally Venerable

David, a normal 17 year old boy is transported to another world after his death. Little does he know, that this world, is the cruelest of them all.

Moist_BedBugs · Book&Literature
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23 Chs


The wolf charged at Wei Huan!

Wei Huan jumped to his side.

He was too late. The wolf's body struck his foot, making it turn backwards causing a sickening crunch to ring through the air.

His foot had almost been twisted backwards, breaking the bones in his foot.

Wei Huan's foot was still broken even though he had reacted extremely quickly.

The second that the wolf had looked at him before it began charging, Wei Huan had already primed himself to dodge.

However, it was still too little, too late. This was not a rank two Steel Boar, this was a powerful rank three beast.

Regardless of reaction time or battle sense, a rookie like Wei Huan couldn't dodge a rank three beast, it was simply a matter of physical strength after all.

Wei Huan cried out in pain before looking upwards, seeing the wolf turn around to face him.

The wolf jumped at him once again, baring it's fangs and snarling at him before doing so.

Wei Huan made a pathetic attempt to stand up, barely putting his arms on the floor before he saw a green flash appear in his vision.

The wolf attempted to bite at this green flash before being struck on it's side, being sent flying a metre or two.

Wei Huan's head turned downwards, looking at the noxious green gas crawling across the floor and making it's way towards him.

Wei Huan immediately stood up and began limping away from the gas, knowing that it had to be poisonous.

Wei Huan's eyes jumped between the scene of the fight between Tai Qing and the wolf.

He stumbled backwards, falling on the floor looking at the destroyed house.

He supported himself using one of the few barely standing wooden walls, staring at the fight between the two.

The wolf bit towards Tai Qing and he merely parried or dodged before launching a counter-attack, causing the wolf to jump backwards.

"Is this what strength looks like?" Wei Huan spoke, childlike wonder in his voice,

These types of questions were natural, after all, Tai Qing was manhandling the wolf almost like he was a strength path gu master rather than an information path gu master.

This exchange continued for a few minutes before the wolf finally began slowing down, allowing Tai Qing to launch even more blows against it.

Tai Qing grabbed the wolf by it's snout, closing it's mouth forcefully. Tai Qing struck at the wolf's stomach and face further, making it whimper in pain.

Tai Qing grabbed the wolf's underside, it's skin beginning to bleed from Tai Qing's fingernails digging into it.

The wolf's blood red eyes finally began to close, it's body slowly becoming limp and lifeless.

Tai Qing simply threw the wolf away, almost like it was garbage before kicking it in the stomach further, seemingly angry.

The wolf was already completely lifeless yet Tai Qing continued kicking it, even stomping on it's face.

It was almost like this wolf had killed his parents.

Blood shot out from the nose and mouth of the wolf due to the extreme force of Tai Qing's stomps.

Tai Qing finally slowed down and stopped beating the dead horse, both literally and figuratively.

Tai Qing's arms and legs were a bit blood, both due to the fight with the wolf and the beatdown afterwards.

Tai Qing walked over towards his house staring at the shattered pieces of furniture as well as the ruins of the wooden house.

Tai Qing gritted his teeth, forming white knuckle fists with a dark look on his face.

Tai Qing kept his head down before angrily walking towards the still intact wooden stool outside the house, kicking it.

Wei Huan simply stared at Tai Qing, concern in his eyes. Wei Huan opened his mouth yet no words came out, Wei Huan not knowing what to say.

"I'll call someone to fix this. We'll be staying in an inn tonight..." Tai Qing said as he gritted his teeth,

"Uh- Alright..." Wei Huan said awkwardly,

Tai Qing simply took out a letter gu and began writing in it using a brush and some ink as Wei Huan stepped a little closer to him, limping.

Wei Huan stared at Tai Qing's handwriting and brush strokes, simply admiring the simple yet complex "art" in front of him.

He had still not memorized a large number of Chinese characters ever since he was reborn.

He had simply learnt Chinese by hearing others speak it, he still hadn't learnt written Chinese properly.

He was confused by what Tai Qing was writing yet he simply continued staring at Tai Qing's smooth brush strokes.

It was almost like how someone who didn't play the piano would blindly listen to a symphony by Mozart or Beethoven, unable to completely understand it.

Tai Qing finished writing and used another gu worm to make the ink dry even faster before pulling out a paper crane from his aperture.

This paper crane was completely white with a typical orange beak. It had small sparks of lightning emanating from it's surface.

Tai Qing threw the bird with all his power.

This bird flew at extreme speeds, a gust of wind blowing at Wei Huan. Wei Huan slowly looked at Tai Qing before saying:

"Uh- By the way..."

"What?!" Tai Qing replied,

"Are you.. okay?"

"Yes! Im okay!"

"You seem a bit, uh, angry?" Wei Huan asked carefully, not wanting to trigger an outburst,

"I look fucking angry, huh!" Tai Qing said, walking a bit closer towards Wei Huan,

"I-Uh- I was just a bit conce-"

Wei Huan was soon interrupted as Tai Qing walked up even further towards Wei Huan.


Tai Qing slapped Wei Huan!