
Reverend Insanity - Herald of Heavens

Losing your home can be painful, but being able to find another place to call home can be comforting. This is the story of a wanderer lost on the border between worlds looking for a place to call home, and he will do everything to protect his new home. With a pact established between the two parties, the character is now the conqueror and leader of the expansion of the Gu World, he is the Herald of the Heavens! --------------- Hi everyone, I finally finished the script and the basis of how I want my story to work. And thanks to this, I can guarantee that the story will be consistent and will not be dropped, as I already have the beginning and the end of it, and a little bit of the journey already established. As the name suggests, this will be a story where the MC was chosen as the harbinger of the heavens. The main theme of the story is the MC traveling between other worlds and conquering them in the name of the Will of the Heavens to expand the 'Gu Universe' (Yes, Universe. It's not just one world anymore. hehe...) Inevitably he will build an 'Empire' or large-scale organization to deal with changes in the world. So expect him to think more about the collective than the individual. Regarding the MC's personality, because of the theme and how I want the story to go, the MC will have a gentler and calmer personality. Think of him as a philosopher seeking his wisdom. I based his personality as a mix of some venerable philosophers I've read, like Thieving Heavens and Green Lotus, Seneca and Diogenes. ------------- Well... that's it! I won't spoil the story for you anymore, so go check it out if you're interested. Happy reading and good luck on the battlefields.

PilgrimofWisdom · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Getting a Body and a Brother as a Gift?


Today's Song is: Panic! At The Disco - House of Memories


"Hahaha. It worked, it really worked! I finally got a body." The young man touched his body in tears of pure ecstasy and happiness, like a child who has finally gotten the toy he wanted so much.

"Look, Nexus! I finally have a body." The young man called out to his friend in his mind.

[I see, sir. Apparently the trip was a great success and everything went well!]

As soon as his friend's half-robotic voice sounded in his head, the young man smiled. "It's nice to finally be able to talk and move for real after so long." The young man said this while making strange movements with his hands and feet.

[I'm glad we managed to accomplish such a feat!]

"It really was a great achievement. But we can't forget our new Sugar Mommy either, can we?" The Young Man sighed as he looked up at the cloudy sky pouring down its rain.

Brrr Boooom!

As if to answer, the sky unleashed a powerful thunderclap that cut through the skies of Qing Mao Mountain, turning the heavy rain into a small, gentle drizzle.

"Hehe..." The Young Man smiled at the antics of the heavens.

The young man put his jokes aside and asked: "How is the assimilation of the knowledge of the will of the original Fang Yuan going?"

[Unfortunately it's not going as well as we had previously imagined, sir]

[Fang Yuan's will was very determined and unscrupulous, as soon as he realized he couldn't win he resolutely destroyed himself and I couldn't do anything even with the support of heaven's will]

[We didn't get a single piece of information about Fang Yuan's will, let alone his Attainment. I'm sorry to disappoint, sir]

The Young Man laughed when he heard Nexus's report. "Heh! No problem, I expected that from him. Truly worthy of the Venerable of Great Love, if he can't have it, then no one else will. Hahaha!"

"I'm glad he's the same as I remembered, but it's a shame that much bigger forces were at play from the start and didn't give him enough time to grow, it makes me feel bad for taking such a talent out of this world." The young man sighed.

"As a form of respect, for Fang Yuan, I will not inherit his name, as I am unworthy of tarnishing such a name with my weak conduct. So from today I'll be Suo Bai!" Suo Bai bowed his head slightly and touched his chest as if swearing an oath.


Ending his moment of silence, Suo Bai spoke. "Since we can't get anything from Fang Yuan's will, we'll have to gather knowledge on our own, so start by reviewing the knowledge of this body's memories."

[I was already doing that, sir!]

[In a few seconds it will be able to compile all the brain knowledge of that body for you]

"Good..." Suo Bai nodded as he watched the gentle drizzle through the wooden window of his new room.

While Nexus was reviewing and compiling what information he could. Suo Bai began to think about the strange rules in this world. For example, time is represented as a river, but not metaphorically, but literally. For there really is a domain that governs the laws of time called the 'River of Time'.

According to the stories of this world, there really is a River of Time in this world. It governs and commands all the laws relating to time, supporting the flow and circulation of the world's time. 

And almost nothing can interfere or mess with this great power, so no one can just jump into it and expect to be able to change the future as it's almost impossible, but note that it was mentioned that 'almost' nothing can interfere with the River of Time, and as everything has its exceptions, using the power of the Spring Autumn Cicada, you can travel upstream and go back to the past.

Just like Fang Yuan in the original story did. Using the power of this Mythical Gu, he can go against the very rules of time and successfully change his past and rewrite his future with his own hands.

But even Fang Yuan took a big risk using this Mythical Gu. Since this world is not so simple, every action has its consequences and a price to pay. And the price of using this Gu Magic is your own life, letting all your strength and cultivation be the driving force that propels this Gu into the infinite River of Time.

And the consequence of using this Gu is that it doesn't even have a high chance of success, in fact the chances of success are so low that it's almost not worth using. And the crucial reason for its chance of failure is due to the main consequence of using it, which is the fact that every time the Gu is activated it consumes the user's luck and decreases it until all their luck becomes bad luck.

Unless someone is truly on the brink of death, they would never dare to even think about using this Gu. The price of using it is too high just for a small chance of possible success.

"It's fortunate that the original Fang Yuan has the help of so many entities, because without their help I'm sure Fang Yuan wouldn't even be able to get off Qing Mao Mountain." Suo Bai commented while waiting for the Nexus results.

Suo Bai remained silent for a few seconds as he closed his eyes and stayed in his own imaginary world, relaxing his mind and putting his thoughts in place. He was currently gathering the information he still remembered about this world from the book he read in his first life before falling into chaos.

'Even if I didn't get the 500 years of Fang Yuan's memories, I still know a lot about this world, and I especially know what Fang Yuan's steps were. I know some very useful Gu recipes, I know the location of heirlooms that even Fang Yuan didn't know about. Not to mention my greatest advantage: the protection of Heaven's will.

'An example of one of these great opportunities is the inheritance of the blood path under this mountain. In it is the <Blood Skull Gu>, a rare gu worm that has the ability to improve talent through the blood of relatives, this will already solve my main problem with this body, which is limited talent.'

'I know a mortal who got a Level 4 or 5 time path inheritance a few mountains down. I know the right way to find and enter the Bone Scholar's inheritance, all of which could solve the lack of a stable base.

'Not to mention the legacies; King Zombie, All-Effort Gu, Three Kings, Ba Gui and among other immense inheritances in my memory.'

'I know the location of immortal Gu worms that are in hiding, even the location of several isolated domains of heaven and earth. As long as I'm not an idiot and play the game right, I can have a favorable and stable path.

Suo Bai nodded as he summarized his benefits and opportunities and began to move around the room while observing as much of his surroundings as possible.

The room was quite simple, but refined at the same time. The window faced the door on the opposite wall, and in the left-hand corner near the door was a dressing table with a large mirror and a simple wooden upholstered chair.

Also on the wall to the left of the door was the large bed, padded with fine silk and cotton sheets. The bed was neat and tidy, as if no one had touched it today. On the right side of the bed was a nightstand with a simple candle on top.

To the left of the bed was a large wardrobe made of dark, firm wood. On the opposite wall from the bed was a large desk with drawers on either side and a comfortable chair behind it; on top of the desk you could see countless papers scattered around and books open. 

Suo Bai approached the mirror on the dressing table and began to observe and evaluate his new appearance. He took off the top of his cloak and observed his body.

"Um... Not bad. 1.80cm tall with a well-developed and nourished body, but with few muscles, fortunately it's enough to show that the former user wasn't a lazy sedentary person." Suo Bai turned around as he looked in the mirror and focused his attention on his face as he assessed it. 

"A simple appearance that is slightly above average, but at the same time very pleasing to the eye. Long, straight black hair, neatly combed. Firm, half-arched eyebrows that go well with my deep gray eyes, a well-adjusted nose and a mouth with medium lips." Suo Bai evaluated himself as he wiped his hand across his face.

"I look pretty average, but if I wore the right clothes and with a few adjustments I'm sure I'd look well above average. Especially with those eyes that stand out like a light in the deepest darkness." Suo Bai was having fun being narcissistic while waiting for Nexus to compile all the information about the body.

[Sir, I've finished analyzing all the information on the new body! But I have good news and bad news]

[What information do you want to get first?]

"The good news first" Suo Bai was a little surprised, but still answered without haste.

[Vital Status => Perfectly Healthy]

[Physical => Slightly Above Average]

[Mind => No Abnormal Effects or Problems - Quick and Organized Thoughts]

[Organizing Status in Numbers...]


[Organization Complete!] 

[Displaying Status in Numbers!]

{Name "Gu Yue Suo Bai

Race "Human


Strength ➤ 1.3

Agility ➤ 1.5

Resistance ➤ 0.8}

[Fortunately the body is in perfect condition]

"Oh... this body has good starting stats despite its fragile appearance. Fortunately, my new body is in perfect condition." Suo Bai nodded as he put his robe back on.

"Next time you don't need to show the stats in numbers, it's an unnecessary use of computing power. And what about the bad news?" Suo Bai said calmly.

[This body didn't accept his foreign soul very well, so there were some consequences of the rejection of his soul]

[Among them were the original memories of that body's brain and even soul, all I could do with the help of heaven's will was prevent its new body from collapsing]

"Is that all?" Suo Bai was a little surprised, but this wasn't such bad news for the Nexus to be so serious.

[If it were just that, it wouldn't be so bad, but the problem is that his new body isn't very compatible with his chaotic soul]

[Consequently I and the will of heaven had to force his new body to accept his soul, which wasn't impossible, but it didn't work as well as we thought either]

"What went wrong?" Suo Bai became serious for the first time.

[I believe that as soon as you looked in the mirror you noticed that your eyes were a deep gray color]

"Mm, I get it, but what's that got to do with it- Wait! You mean...?!" Suo Bai's eyes widened as he placed his hand over his right eye.

[Yes! You may not have felt anything when you looked into his eyes because you've become accustomed to the presence of Chaos, but any ordinary person who looks into his eyes will certainly not be okay]

"Damn! That's going to be a problem to deal with, do you have a Nexus solution?" Suo Bai asked.

[Unfortunately not, sir]

[To solve this, the body needs to perfectly contain its chaotic soul, and I believe that not even the Sovereign Fetus can do such a thing, since its entire soul is an anomaly from outside this world]

[Maybe you can learn to control your soul, and stop its aura from leaking out. That's the most I can think of. For now the best you can do is hide your eyes]

"Sigh, problems and more problems. I had a suspicion that things were going too easily." Suo Bai sighed as he messed up his own hair.

[But I've still managed to gather some fragments of scattered memories and I've organized them, would you like to see them?]

"Send it, it's better than nothing." Suo Bai commented lightly.

[Sending Memories...]

Suo Bai lifted his head as he slowly closed his eyes and watched all the memories being played back in his mind. It seemed like a calm and distinct moment where nothing seemed to disturb Suo Bai's concentration.

His mind was racing to process all this while his breathing became deeper and colder. Suo Bai didn't take long to digest these few memories, then he calmly opened his eyes.

"That was quite an experience." Suo Bai raised his eyebrows as he muttered.

"Unfortunately he doesn't have much knowledge about the Gu world, so it looks like I'll have to gather that knowledge for myself." With this in mind, Suo Bai approached the bedside table and took the candle from above.

Lighting the candle, Suo Bai opened the door to his room and went out. "The family library must have some useful information in there."

"Ouch!" As soon as Suo Bai came out of his room, he bumped into a thin, rickety young man. The poor young man fell to the ground like an empty sack of potatoes, making a muted sound.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you coming." Suo Bai apologized and held out his hand to the thin young man on the ground.

The young man took his hand and raised his head to look at who had knocked him down.

"Big Brother, why are you-" Before the poor guy could finish speaking, he was shocked and paralyzed as he looked into Suo Bai's eyes.

The young man's body began to shake, his body as cold as a corpse. The blood rushed from his veins and his skin turned as white as snow, his eyes wide with fear.

"You - Damn it! knockout him now, Nexus!" Suo Bai was about to say something, but acted quickly when he saw that his poor little brother was affected by his haunted eyes.

[Immediately, Sir!]

Nexus acted quickly and knocked the young man unconscious before the situation got any worse.

That was the real problem that Suo Bai hadn't wanted to deal with before, his eyes of chaos. Chaos is a dimension that evokes the purest and most primitive fear that every thinking being can have and throws it against itself.

Suo Bai himself went through this when he was trapped in such a dimension, most of the time he was in that dimension was in a state of madness and fear. He only became lucid after accidentally creating the Nexus by a great coincidence.

And for a young mortal who has yet to see anything of the world to receive such a look, even if he is weakened. It can be almost fatal.

Luckily, Suo Bai acted quickly and knocked the young man out before his mental state worsened.

Looking at the unconscious face in front of him, Suo Bai recognized it instantly, not only because of the fragmented memories of this body, but also because of the incredible resemblance it shares with this young man.

"Oh? So this is little Fang Zheng. That poor guy is really unlucky." Suo Bai thought how incredibly unlucky this Fang Zheng had been to find him in this state.

"Even though I knocked him out quickly, there were still after-effects on his already decrepit mental state." Suo Bai sighed.

Suo Bai kept looking at the unconscious Fang Zheng, he really did look pitiful - Fang Zheng had been walking with his head down for so long that it looked as if he had developed scoliosis, his eyes were deep and full of dark circles as if he hadn't been able to sleep properly for days. 

His face was pale, but not a healthy pale, but a sickly, sad pale, the sad, despondent state of someone who is just living one day after another. A truly deplorable and sad sight for someone who would be considered a great talent at the ceremony the following day.

Suo Bai picked up Fang Zheng's unconscious body and carried it to what he remembered was his bedroom. Arriving in Fang Zheng's room, Suo Bai saw the difference in treatment between the brothers. While he had an exquisite and clean room.

Fang Zheng's house was poor and dirty, with only a mattress thrown on the floor to serve as a bed, torn cloths as a blanket and an old, run-down wardrobe.

"A decent representation of the Gu World I remember..." Suo Bai sighed again, he doesn't even know how many times he's sighed this evening alone.

He calmly placed Fang Zheng's body on his bed and covered him with the blanket. But he didn't leave his side, he kept looking at the sleeping face of his younger twin brother.

"I've never had a brother before, I wonder what it would be like to have one." Suo Bai murmured as she tidied up Fang Zheng's hair, which was slightly messy when he put it on the bed.

"Do you think the Nexus experience is worth it? Having a family in a world like this? In a place where even brothers kill each other for benefits?" Suo Bai was expressionless and asked a little coldly and distantly.

[Perhaps I can't answer your question as emotionally as you would like. All I can see are benefits and harms, I only make cold, unemotional calculations, so such a decision must come from you and you alone]

[But if I may be so bold. I would say that having more parameters and data is the best way to arrive at an answer]

"Parameters and data, heh... I see." Suo Bai smiled, but it was no ordinary smile, it was a smile where even his eyes smiled together.

*Ugh, ah... No...* Fang Zheng mumbled in his sleep, as if he was having a nightmare.

"So let's gather more parameters and data about what it's like to have a brother!" Suo Bai stood up and stretched out his right hand towards the sweaty Fang Zheng, who was having nightmares.

"Nexus, give my little brother sweet dreams!" As soon as Suo Bai said this, a stream of invisible energy ran down his arm and connected directly to his little brother's brain, thus relieving his nightmares.

It wasn't able to completely eliminate his nightmares in one go, but it was enough for his little brother to be able to defend himself and fight back against the nightmares in his dreams, who knows, maybe in time he'll be able to overcome his traumas and come out even stronger.

"That will be my first present as an older brother. Little brother..." Suo Bai looked at his little brother's calmer, more peaceful face and left the room.

Suo Bai, candle in hand, walked off towards his family's library.


What did you think? Was it very forced, I couldn't convey the emotions or personalities of the characters?

Tell me what you think was missing from the story.

Thank you for reading this far,

And good luck on the battlefields!!!

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