
Revenge on God: Story of NTR & Villainy

After getting regressed, reincarnated, and finally transmigrated, I finally found my ticket to escape the curse of being endlessly isekaied. In exchange for ruining the stories of other protagonists in the universe, the devil makes me stronger and brings me a step closer to getting revenge on God, the person who has cursed me. Lucky for me, the way to break most of these stories was through the art of stealing the female lead away from the male lead. This is the story of how I became the man who killed God and stopped all future isekais.

nemolikessoju · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


Now we're going to have a time skip but instead of just jumping two months into the future, I'll be listing some relatively important things that happened week by week.

Week 1:

1. On the second day, I was allowed to join the big crowd during morning training because I was proficient enough at the basics.

2. I showed a significant jump in my education using the textbooks we were given as a reason.

3. I impressed Instructor Chi Namsun so much that she had me duel with Kan Hyojoo. She was more advanced in the martial arts than I was but I was quicker with my reactions so I won the first exchange. 

Week 2: 

1. Over the week, Kan Hyojoo and I dueled 11 more times and the current score was 6-6. She continues to advance at a scarily fast rate, learning from her every loss against me.

2. I gave Kim Taeyang some advice during our free time and he was finally complimented by the instructor (he was the third after Kan Hyojoo and I).

3. I impressed the teacher with my growth so much that she couldn't help but claim me to be this scholarly genius (I'm not. I just have more years of knowledge than everyone else).

4. Ryong Minjae came into our room during free time and asked us to clear it out so that he could spend some time alone with his girlfriend. Everyone could hear them fucking five minutes in and I was the only one who didn't turn red.

Week 3:

1. The pea-sized energy pills that Mae Jaesun had ran out because I was constantly training, getting extra hours in with my clone. But before I could question what to do, he came to me during the night and delivered me five more bags. I shared one bag with Kim Taeyang and another with Kan Hyojoo as long as they promised not to snitch.

2. The current record of the duels between Kan Hyojoo and me was 14-12 in her favor. The pills were boosting her growth greatly.

3. Kim Taeyang also began dueling during the afternoon training and he went undefeated against the other seven members of our "group". 

4. Using my stalking ability, I was able to eavesdrop on some senior outer disciple students. I scoured and took in all the advice they mentioned regarding the first book I was reading.

5. Also using my stalking ability, I continued following around the female lead whenever I had time and watched as she lost a toy that her deceased aunt gave her many years ago. She didn't know where she lost it but I saw it so I grabbed it and hid it somewhere for later.

Week 4:

1. I completely flipped the score around and the week concluded with 20-15 in my favor. The duels were longer than ever before and the victory came down to one or two moves and may've gotten the edge using advice I stole from the senior disciples at the sect but she'll never know that.

2. Another couple emerged from our "group" of ten. They were more timid than the previous couple and never asked us to clear out a room so they could spend time alone together.

3. My duplication ability improved and I was now able to sense who was the real me so that fear of the wrong one vanishing was no longer there.

4. Mae Jaesun pulled up in the middle of the night again and handed me a ginseng tea. This was for my gi, which was still growing at an extremely slow rate because I was untalented in that aspect.

5. During morning training, one of the outer disciples threw a punch, and gi formed around his fist. He cheered because that meant he no longer had to participate in morning training which also meant two extra hours to sleep or do whatever he wanted with it.

6. Kim Taeyang got injured during a duel and he was forced to step away from training for two weeks which was a bummer. Once he was healthy enough to make slow movements, I began to show him some stretching exercises and yoga poses that would be extremely useful for someone his height and size.

7. A 17-year-old senior girl who was a part of the class from the last entrance exam came to me and asked if I could help her train. During the training, I took her to the forest where I frequented and I fucked her there. Son Youngho's penis wasn't really big or girthy especially since he was so young but I had techniques that this world didn't even know about and I got her to orgasm ten minutes into the session.

If anyone is wondering, yes, she's a pedophile. I'm only 14-years-old and she did it with me.

And if you're calling me a pedophile for the mental age difference, I don't know what to tell you other than go fuck yourself.

8. I guess she told her close friends because two more girls approached me for "training". One of them was 16 and the other was 22 years old.

Week 4:

1. We got our schedule and most of my classes were so advanced that I was taking them with students who'd been outer disciples for over two years and were well into their journey to mastering the basics of their weapons.

2. The older students in their 20s accepted me into their circles and embraced me like a little brother but they were also impressed by my talent and helped me grow even further with their advice.

3. I wasn't the only one growing because Kan Hyojoo threw a kick with gi covering her foot and she was allowed to stop attending morning training. She gave me a look as always as she walked away.

4. We stopped dueling because Instructor Chi Namsun felt like our combat difference was no longer near each other as I was too tall of a hill for Kan Hyojoo to climb at the moment.

5. Mae Jaesun came with even more ginseng tea than last time. He had me drink it all and after that, he handed me this pill he said he'd been working on since he first saw me. It was going to help promote my natural gi growth. After I consumed it, I felt like the growth at which my gi could grow when I meditate was finally the same as the average outer disciple.

6. I found myself in a pickle because a senior outer disciple who had just returned from his mission learned that I had sex with his girl (the 22-year-old one). He threatened to cut off my penis and feed me to the wolves but after I snitched on him to the instructors, he was ordered to take a new mission immediately and leave me alone.

7. I fucked his girl a few more times just to satisfy the anger I felt. "How dare he get angry at me! It's not my fault that you can't satisfy your girl!"

8. Unable to practice martial arts, Kim Taeyang began focusing his free time on doing nothing but eating a lot of food and training his muscles with the poses I had taught him.

Week 5:

1. Another pickle. One of the girls I fucked, the first one, her brother came and called me out to a duel. I could've declined it but I chose to accept it to send a message. He was older than me and was one year my senior at the sect but I quickly dismantled him with the basic techniques I had learned.

2. I continued to have sex at the sect with girls who came up to me for training. The rumors had completely spread amongst the outer disciples and everyone knew that I was the best partner a girl could wish for.

3. A rich lady came to me and offered me this very expensive pill in exchange for relieving her stress. It was practically a free pill so I worked on her body while my clone was busy training elsewhere.

4. Mae Jaesun gave me better energy pills than before. My gi had grown enough to where I could handle pills of this potency without getting the poisoned effect.

5. I was almost caught when my clone disappeared in front of someone who happened to walk into the forest at the right time but before he could tell anyone what he saw, I went and used my influence rationality ability on him.

Week 6:

1. Kan Hyojoo made a giant leap again in her training and she tied the score. If you forgot, the score from last time was 20-15. She won six out of the seven duels we had. She was starting to grab the attention of some of the sect's masters.

2. One of my roommates got into some trouble with a senior due to a dispute during class. I offered him help but he declined, saying that it would only get worse if I helped him (this situation would resolve itself in the future as an instructor got involved).

3. I threw a punch that had gi on it so I was allowed to leave morning training.

Week 7:

1. It was test week and I finished all of them with a perfect score. I was beginning to grab the attention of all the teachers at the academy in the sect as well as some other important figures (according to Mae Jaesun's words).

2. Kim Taeyang was able to practice martial arts again and although he had a long break, the growth in his muscles and his observing everyone every week allowed him to quickly catch up to the other seven members of our group (not including Kan Hyojoo or I who were leagues above them) in a few days.

3. I tied up the score again at 25-25 as I perfected another move in the first book that allowed me to make a leap in my fighting. In a moment of desperation, Kan Hyojoo threw a punch so powerful that Instructor Chi Namsun had to intervene and catch the block.

Week 8: 

1. My schedule was wiped and I only had one class left which was a personal class with a teacher because there were no classes advanced enough for me in the outer disciple academy. I wasn't allowed to attend the inner disciple classes so that was the compromise the sect had to find.

2. It'd been only eight weeks but I noticed that I had grown three inches in height during that time. 

3. My actions caught up to me and I caught an STD but luckily, the rich lady from before gave me a pill that helped resolve the issue because she didn't want to lose her stress reliever. That was honestly a scary moment for me.

Week 9:

1. The score is now 27-27. We've been fighting less because Kan Hyojoo has reached a threshold and she's so close to breaking through it. 

2. I wasn't the only one who grew. Kim Taeyang looked at least two inches taller than when I first met him. I brought him some high-calorie pills and he gained a lot of weight to flesh out his thin limbs more. He stuck to the yoga and stretching exercises in order to keep his muscles and joints loose but stable.

3. One day when I came to my only class, I was informed of something important by the teacher. I had been called over to the female lead's room in order to help her with her studies.

That's where we are now and that's why I chose this specific date to end the timeskip.

Let me tell you how important this situation is for not only myself but all of the instructors and teachers who had been in charge of me or even slightly associated with me.

The female lead is the granddaughter of the sect leader.