
Revenge on God: Story of NTR & Villainy

After getting regressed, reincarnated, and finally transmigrated, I finally found my ticket to escape the curse of being endlessly isekaied. In exchange for ruining the stories of other protagonists in the universe, the devil makes me stronger and brings me a step closer to getting revenge on God, the person who has cursed me. Lucky for me, the way to break most of these stories was through the art of stealing the female lead away from the male lead. This is the story of how I became the man who killed God and stopped all future isekais.

nemolikessoju · Fantasy
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37 Chs

SS3: First Time Orgasm

[Chung Inyoung's Side Story]

My boyfriend and I have been having some issues lately.

We just got back together after a brief separation and although initially, he told me that he didn't do anything while we were on break, I found out from one of the girls that he had been lying.

Not only did he have sex with other people but they were mutual friends of ours.

I didn't want to believe it.

I denied that this was reality but when I saw evidence in the letters he sent her, asking her to come over to his room, I had no choice but to believe.

That was his handwriting. 

I got jealous and extremely vulnerable after that.

So I'm venting to one of my closest friends who had also recently experienced a breakup a few weeks prior. A seventeen-year-old girl named On Soojin.

We were talking during our free time after classes ended and eventually, she began telling me some things about this boy who just joined the sect recently.

"Have you ever... orgasmed before?" she asked.

"Orgasm? What's that?" I asked, confused.

"He said that it's what happens when a girl is really satisfied during sex. Trust me. It's the best feeling ever. It was like... I can't even explain the sensation. Just trust me when I say that nothing compares," she said.

We often spoke about our sex lives to each other so I wasn't embarrassed by the topic.

"Who's he?" I asked. I didn't know who this person she was referring to.

"Son Youngho. He's only fourteen years old but the way he uses his penis, I can't help but think that he's the one older than me and not the other way around," she told me.

After I heard his age, I sighed.

"He's too young for me," I explained.

On Soojin shook her head and said, "If you want to miss out on the greatest feeling ever then go ahead. I'm not going to stop you."

The two of us were silent for a moment after that.

"...Is it really that good?" I whispered.


"How sure?"

"Never been more sure about anything in my life before."

"But he's so young."

"Who cares? It's not like you're going to date him. It's just sex."

"...It's just sex," I said to myself. That was probably what my boyfriend was thinking when he had sex with other girls during our short break.

"It's just sex," said On Soojin, seeing on my face that I was starting to come around to the idea.

"How do I contact this... Son Youngko?"

"Son Youngho," she corrected me. "Don't worry. Tomorrow, I'll take you to him after class ends. He should be at the training ground."

That night, alone in my room, I was thinking about this boy whose face I didn't even have an image of.

I just thought about the one thing I knew which was his penis.

I imagined this thing On Soojin called "orgasm". The greatest feeling ever.

I began to get wet and I rubbed my legs against each other. My pussy was throbbing to the point where it almost hurt. I could feel this tingle down there even as I fell asleep.

The day got harder and harder to focus as during morning training, On Soojin pointed out who she was talking about amongst the crowd with her words.

"Over there."

"Which one?"

"Look. There's only one person who looks fourteen there."

I saw the side of his face but as everyone kicked simultaneously, my eye was focused on the area between his legs.

I was barely able to focus during classes, nearly making mistakes that I never made.

As soon as the last class was over, On Soojin grabbed my hand and began pulling me towards the training ground. Just as she said, there he was, working on his move.

She approached him and said, "Hey, Son Youngho."

"Good to see you again," he said as he stopped to wipe his forehead and hands. "Who's this?"

He offered a hand and I shook it.

"This is my friend."

"I'm Chung Inyoung," I said. 

"Chung Inyoung, meet Son Youngho. Son Youngho, meet Chung Inyoung."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Same here," he responded. I could see his eyes taking notice of my body. He looked at my eyes then my lips, then my boobs, my waist, hips, and lastly, the spot between my legs.

"What can I do for you two?" he asked.

On Soojin clarified, "Oh this isn't a favor for me. This is a favor for my friend over here. She... well, her boyfriend has been unable to satisfy her and she wanted to try out this orgasm I was telling her about."

Because I was uncomfortable disclosing my personal issues with a stranger, we sort of lied about the reason.

Well, if what On Soojin was saying was true and this orgasm truly exists then it wasn't exactly a lie. 

"You want some training?" he asked with a devious grin on his face.

I nodded my head. I was 22 and he was 14 but the look he gave me, I understood what On Soojin meant; it felt like he was the older one.

"Where shall we do this?" he asked me after On Soojin left the two of us alone. She looked a little jealous but was graceful enough to let me have him all to myself.

"I... we can go to my room," I said.

"Lead the way."

My heart was pounding as I listened to his footsteps behind me. I couldn't get it to slow down even slightly.

Minutes felt like hours until we were at the entrance of my room.

"Welcome to my room," I said as I opened it.

He walked naturally as if this wasn't his first time entering a girl's home.

He walked over to the foot of my bed and he waved at me, gesturing me to get closer.

I did and immediately, he pulled me into this kiss. His lips were gentle, so much different than my boyfriend's whose lips were cracked and rough.

He ran his fingers along my neck, down to my bosom, touching my stomach, and finally, reached my pants.

I was taller than him but he didn't let our heights matter because he grabbed my hair with his right hand while the other hand slipped into my pants and began rubbing the part where it had been tingly since last night.

As our lips separated, I felt like I was a new woman. 

He pressed his palms on my breasts and pushed me down. He looked down at me while smiling.

I watched as he took off his shirt, revealing his muscles, then slowly took off his pants, revealing his penis was as hard as a tortoise shell.

Naked, he ran his hands down my thighs before taking off my pants. He didn't even struggle as if to show his experience doing it.

He kissed my inner thigh, just above the knee. I felt this wet feeling in my pussy and my heart was throbbing greatly.

He kissed his way up my leg and the heat of my begging pussy felt his cheek. Then slowly, he pressed his tongue against this spot just above my pussy. I didn't know what it was or how he knew it was there but this little ball was being licked and I felt like I was about to transcend the mortal plane.

He licked that tiny ball over and over and I couldn't help but arch my back. He interlaced his fingers with mine as if to keep me in place.

An electric tingle made its way up my spine, from my tail bone to the base of my skull where my brain was and butterflies were fluttering in my hands, stomach, and thighs.

My head rolled back, my toes curled, and when he inserted two of his fingers into my hole, this feeling swelled up inside of me and it exploded.

I watched in horror as I sprayed this liquid at his face but I couldn't help but feel so much pleasure that I moaned, "Ughnnnnn!"

He didn't stop even as he was drenched in this strange fluid I'd never seen before.

I couldn't help but let go of one of his hands and grip down on his hair.

Once he finally pulled his head away, I asked him, "What was that? Wh-what did I just do?"

"That's called squirting," he answered. "Don't worry. It's kind of like the orgasm you wanted. Sometimes, both can happen at the same time and you'll feel so much pleasure that you might faint."

He asked me to sit up and take off my shirt.

After I finished, he leaned in and whispered directly to my ear, "I'm going to fuck you until you orgasm. Are you ready?"

I gulped before nodding my head.

I lay down on my back again and he began to slowly graze my tight little pussy hole and lips with the tip of his cock. 

As On Soojin said, it wasn't the biggest one I've ever seen and even my boyfriend had a bigger one than him but for some reason, my pussy was quivering as if begging for him to penetrate it.

Slowly, he pressed his penis into my drenched vagina, sliding it in. It got deeper and deeper until he was all the way inside me.

My breath had escaped me in this elongated low moan. We stared into each other's eyes and he licked his lips, looking at me like a piece of meat.

He began to pick up pace, focusing on one specific spot inside of me. It was extremely deep in me but the way he was thrusting and rubbing against it, a different feeling was starting to swell up inside me.

He placed a finger on that small ball from earlier and began to rub it.

"Ahn! Mmrm! Unf!" I began to moan, saliva shooting out of my mouth. My eyes would roll back to the back of my skull, my thoughts would be cut off by this shock that struck my brain, and that feeling inside was growing to the point of almost exploding.

The number one rule I was taught by my parents was to not let any boy come inside of me unless I wanted a baby.

I knew that I couldn't afford to be a mother yet. 

I had so much more I wanted to do in this sect.

And yet — I couldn't even tell him that as I was too invested in the pleasure he was bringing me.

"You're about to orgasm very soon," he said.

'How does he know?'

He began to pick up the pace, hitting this area that was deeper inside of my pussy and it was accelerating the speed at which the feeling inside of me was swelling.

"Hngh! Uhn! I'm—Ahn!"

I could feel it was about to pop.

He gave me one last thrust and that feeling exploded, releasing all that had been gathering up. My body literally shook as it was happening.

"Ha... ha... hah."

I was out of breath. I've never felt something so amazing before.

If all women were capable of achieving this then how come my boyfriend never did it to me before?

What I did with my boyfriend wasn't sex. No. This was sex. Real sex.

"Was that... hah... an orgasm?" I asked, still out of breath.

"Yep. Now it's my turn to finish," he pulled his penis out of me and stroked it a few times before shooting his white liquids onto my stomach.

I couldn't help but think that I wanted him to do it inside me even though I quickly shook my head at the foolishness.

After he left, I stumbled my way to the shower, my legs had given up on me.

I cleaned myself up and using a cane to walk, I made my way to On Soojin's room which she shared with four other girls since they weren't allowed to move out yet.

I called her outside.

"How was it?" she asked.

"You were right. It... it was amazing. I can barely walk right now because all the strength in my legs is gone."

A 16-year-old girl approached us from behind and asked, "What are you guys talking about?"

On Soojin told her and the girl also became another person who learned what an orgasm was from Son Youngho himself.