
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · Urban
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39 Chs

Chapter-2 Weeks

Daemon gazed around outside the village, he noticed that the area was surrounded by trees, with people moving about in a relaxed yet excited manner.

'What's a village doing in a forest... I know world citizens don't have much money unless you're part of the world corruption, but it would absolutely be better to stay in a city,' Daemon thought.

Then he realized there was a stone and dirt pathway under his feet, leading toward and away from the village... That meant it was possible to leave the village also there a possibility no one stays in the village permanently. He decided maybe he could follow it and see if it led back to Nova Veritas.

'First, I'll find out more about this village and if the path really does lead back to the city,' Daemon thought before looking down at his naked self. "Also, I'm in need of some clothing, or I'll stick out like a sore thumb... not that I care, but it'll be hard to learn anything if everyone moves away from me," he muttered.


By the time Daemon arrived at the village, it was already morning, so the villagers were bustling about, engaged in their daily routines of chatting, farming, hunting, and traditional crafts. While looking at them the village seemed to adhere to traditional gender roles, with men primarily involved in outdoor labor while women managed household affairs. However, there was flexibility and acceptance for individuals to pursue roles based on their skills and interests, though there were still some societal norms to contend with.

As Daemon made his way into the village, he noticed the houses made of wood and stone, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. He quickly ducked between the houses to avoid being seen.

Passing through a couple of houses, Daemon spotted clothes hanging out to dry. Seizing the opportunity, he decided to grab a pair of black pants, a jersey, and a green rag to cover half his face.

'This village is small, yet there are over two hundred villagers moving about... Do some never leave? How do they support each other?' he pondered.

Daemon realized that if he were spotted, it would be strange since he was a newcomer. The villagers would likely recognize each other, as they had regular community gatherings at the central square provided ample opportunities for socializing, sharing news, and participating in decision-making processes.

The village was governed by an Elders Council comprising respected community leaders and wise elders. They made decisions affecting the village's welfare and served as mediators in disputes. It was evident that the village operated as a close-knit community, with a deep sense of tradition and communal support.

As Daemon emerged from between the houses, he passed a villager who reacted strangely... The man's eyes widened, and he stumbled back, a look of fear etched on his face, lips trembling. Daemon observed him briefly before continuing on his way, pondering the cause of the villager's reaction.

What's wrong with him? Is it because I startled him?

'System why was he so sacred' Daemon wondered reaching out to the system for an explanation, as it said it could read his thoughts and feelings.

-Well, now that you've become the embodiment of death, you radiate an aura known as Death Presence, which subtly influences the environment around you. It can make villagers uneasy or feel as if they're about to die-

Daemon found the Death Presence useful for keeping people away, but he also realized its downside...it hindered his ability to gather information since no one wanted to be near him.

'Is it possible to control it?' Daemon asked the system.

-Yes, just focus on feeling it within your body. But be cautious, don't do it openly, as it could spiral out of control-

Satisfied with the answer, Daemon continued walking through the village, noticing other villagers also moving away from him. His Death Presence was evidently strong it caused normal humans to sense it easily.

As he walked, he overheard snippets of conversation of the villagers who just moving away from him there conversation piqued his interest.

"What's wrong with him?"

"The aura emanating from him feels different from anything we've felt in the forest."

"So many things have been going wrong in the village lately. First, there are more missing people, then a couple of strangers coming to the village, and now even the police are here."

Daemon kept his head down, moving forward cautiously.

Daemon was confused. '...There seems to be something going on in this village. How can the police be here? If I'm spotted... there's even another evil aura besides mine... I need to keep my distance and learn something away from others.' he thought.

Daemon then went back between the house for cover from the other villagers that when after a couple moments of moving between the house her overheard a conversation that piqued his interest.

"Honey, have you gotten everything ready for the harvest?" a woman asked.

"No, dear," replied a man.

"Well, you better do it now. There's only a couple of days left before the harvest."

Daemon's ears perked up at the mention of the harvest.'Harvest...it sounds like he coming out I can use him to learn some more info' he thought. 

Daemon sat down on the ground with his head down, his gaze remained cool and detached as he waited until the husband exited the house with an axe and a bucket. As the man walked through the alley, Daemon jumped up, covering the man's mouth and dragging him away before he could react.


The man struggles, but Daemon with iron grip from his new strength was passed a bodybuilder he was easily able to hold him, that slammed the man against the wall, holding him in place with a forearm across his throat.

The man started to panic, wondering who decided to attacked him. "Quiet, and I won't have to kill you," Daemon threatened in an emotionless tone.

The man calmed down, sensing the seriousness in Daemon's voice and the aura of danger around him, he felt he could easily kill him.

"I'm going to ask you some questions. You answer truthfully, and you might walk away alive. Understand?" Daemon asked in a low tone.

The man gasped as Daemon slowly released his hand from his mouth. "Y-yes, yes! I understand! Please don't hurt me!" he pleaded.

Daemon tightened his grip slightly. "Good. Where am I? What's the name of this village?"

The old man stuttered, "Th-Thornebrook. You're in Thornebrook. It's a small town, not far from the city of Elysian Reach."

Daemon looked down for a second realized the gravity of his situation.' Oh my god I'm so far away from Nova Veritas City...why did they bury me so far' he thought before looking back up leaning in closer into the man eyes. "And how far am I from Elysian Reach?"

The man eye darted around trying to recall Elysian Reach as he never really left the village before. "It's... it's about forty miles north of here. Maybe a bit more. I swear, that's all I know!"

Processing the information, Daemon leaned in closer. "What's the quickest way to get there?"

The villager hesitated, his gaze darting nervously from Daemon's imposing figure to the surrounding alleyways. "I-I... I don't know," he stammered.

Daemon's response was immediate with a swift motion, he closed the distance between them, his presence looming over the villager like a specter of death. He exerted physical more strength over the trembling man, his grip firm but controlled.

"Tell me what you know," Daemon's tone brooked no argument.

The man quickly explained, "There's a main road leading north, but it's patrolled. Bandits, too. If you want to avoid trouble, take the forest path. It's longer but safer... relatively."

"Ok...now, tell me about this harvest," Daemon demanded.

The man which from scared to explained enthusiastically, "It's a tradition where we offer a harvest to the forest spirits for their blessing upon our village."

Daemon's mind raced with thoughts. 'Forest spirits? When I in the forest, I never felt or saw any spirits... was it the?'

Releasing his grip slightly it allowed the man to breathe, Daemon continued, "Good. Now, one last question. Who runs this town? Who's in charge?"

The man started rubbing his throat and replied. "An elder named Kellan. He's dangerous, controls everything around here. You don't want to mess with him."

A glint appeared in Daemon's eyes. "I'm not afraid of dangerous men. Also, don't tell anyone what happened, or I might have to make another trip here."

Walking away from the trembling man, Daemon pondered all the information he had learned.

Thornebrook traces its origins back to a group of pioneering settlers who ventured into the dense forests of the region centuries ago. Led by a visionary leader named Eldric Thorne, they sought a secluded haven where they could live in peace with nature and build a community based on mutual cooperation and respect.

Then as a dangerous creature attack there village as legend has in the village is that Eldric Thorne made a sacred pact with the spirits of the forest upon establishing the village. In exchange for honoring and protecting the village, the spirits granted Thornebrook their blessing, ensuring the village's prosperity and safety for generations to come...but at what cost.

As time passed Thornebrook grew and prospered, the need for governance arose. Eldric Thorne established the Elders Council, a council of wise leaders tasked with guiding the village and upholding its values. Their decisions were based on consensus and the principles of justice, fairness, and communal well-being and because of it every one hundred years a knew elder take over as leader and that now Kellan the seventh leader.

How am I going to get back to Nova Veritas City?

"Being this far away from the city complicates matters." Daemon muttered before looking up to the sky. 'It will take weeks...maybe I can use here to my advantage' he thought.