

"Okay! Okay! I will do it please don't hurt my sister, I beg of you, she's all I got" Ariana begged crying on her knees "Pack up your things, I will be dropping you at his residence in the evening," The man said to her and left. Ariana is a beautiful woman twenty-five years old, she was living with her older sister, her parents died because they borrowed money from a very rich mafia boss and weren't able to pay, so, he killed them, while her sister was down with cancer. What happens when Ariana works for the mafia boy who killed her parents, in a condition not to kill her sister? What happens when she falls in love with the mafia man she was asked to demote? What happens when the man she loves finds out about her plans?

Adeoye_Ayomide · Urban
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6 Chs


"Zain am really sorry, I Didn't Know when I said it, please forgive me, I beg you," Ariana said already crying

"I am not here to kill you, just miss your face and have a job for you," he said leaning closer to her while trapping his body with hers on the body


"Am fine, please I need to attend to other people" Ariana said trying to give an excuse just to leave


"You don't have to worry, I already booked you for the whole of today," Zain said trying to kiss her, She wouldn't dare to resist if she still loved her life


Ariana let him do what he wanted to do with her, This wasn't the first time he was harassing her. After his family had killed All of her Family, Zain took his Father's position as the head of the mafia and went for Ariana and her sister. For the fear of her life, Ariana allowed him to harass her, but she didn't give her body to him. She had vowed never to do so.


Zain placed hot kisses on the sensitive part of her neck. Ariana was controlling her body not to fall for the devil in front of her, she closed her eyes tight and let him rain kisses on her while his unbusy hands ran through her body. After some while, he stood up and walked to the side of the bed


" Come sit down," Zain said as he sat down on the bed too

Ariana sluggishly sat down on the bed far beside him. He brought out the Gun that was in his pocket and placed it on the table. He opened the wine she had brought and poured little content of it into the glass cup she had come in with and took it.


Ariana was trembling in fear, she watched every action he took, and in every minute she gulped down nothing but spittle.


"How is your sister" He suddenly asked her


"She is doing fine and healthy," Ariana asked and he nodded


"I have a job for you," He said

" I don't need your answer cause it is a must to do it" he added


" What's the job" She asked


" My opponent in this Mafia game is making things hard for me, and I need him down as soon as possible, I need you to go to his home, seduce him, and eliminate him, you will be staying there until you kill him" Zain explained


"Am not doing that, am not staining my hands with blood, I'm not like you" Ariana yelled standing up from the bed


" I don't need your answer as I said earlier, I will just have to end your life and that of your sister," Zain said taking the gun from the table and cracking it immediately


"You can't do this Zain, you have been tormenting me all my life and I did everything you wanted, I can't do this," Ariana said already shedding tears


"Yes you can, your beautiful Ariana, it won't take you days and your mission is accomplished"Zain assured her


"Please Zain, find another person to do this for you, I can get one for you, please Zain please!!" Ariana begged but Zain wasn't even ready to hear anything


"I want you to do it, and I have the final say," He said again


"Please Zain"


"You don't want to lose your sister's life," He said without an expression on his face


"Okay! Okay! I will do it, please don't hurt my sister, I beg of you, she's all I got" Ariana begged crying on her knees


"I will be using your sister as a swamp until the mission is completed," Zain said


"How do I enter his home, how do I make him take me to his house" Ariana asked


"I don't want to know how you do it Ariana, just fucking get into his house and do the fucking thing" Zain yelled adding more fear to Ariana and she nodded immediately


"Pack the things of you and your sister, I will come to your house this evening to pick you up, I will drop you in his house this night, and take your sister home," He said


"My sister to your home?" She asked with fear


" Don't worry, I wouldn't do anything to your sister except you don't accomplish my job in three months" Zain said surprising her


" Three months!!, It's too small for my capabilities" Ariana said


" Don't try to run away" Zain said, took his jacket, and left immediately


Ariana stumbled to the floor and started crying. She was heartbroken. Why was this world wicked to her? Why would her parents allow themselves to be killed by these monsters and leave them alone in this world? How would she be able to live without her older sister? What if she didn't accomplish the mission in three months? won't she be able to see her sister again?

All these questions kept running through her head and she had no answers to it


She was still weeping when Kelly entered the room and called her until she saw her by the side of the bed crying


"Ariana" Kelly called and went closer to her cuddling her


"Kelly" Ariana called pouring out her tears on Kelly's body

"Am doomed Kelly, my life isn't mine again" Ariana added


"Who is he? And why are you crying" Kelly asked


"He is the one, He killed my parents and now he owns my life, why is this world unfair to me Kelly, Why?" Ariana said crying the more, Why did Kelly cuddle her


"Everything is going to be okay Ariana, Don't worry" Kelly consoled Ariana