
Revan Returns

Revan. Good and Evil. Dark Lord of the Sith. Savior of the Republic. Hero of the Mandalorian War. Traitor of the Jedi. He has been called many things, and after the Star Forge's destruction, his story was meant to end. But what happens if the Force isn't done with him? Revan and crew have set the Star Forge on a path of destruction. But when the shockwave from the exploding factory reaches them as they jump to hyperspace, they will discover that the Force has one last surprise in store for them. (I've always believed Revan to be Chaotic Neutral. And that is how I plan to write him as. Sometimes good, sometimes evil. I will be going by game lore for him.) (It's kind of slow, so I'm told. Action isn't the main focus, because Revan and crew are NOT dedicated murder-hobos.) Inspired by Zevren: "Wrath of the Force" Motivated by ObsidianRain: "Spartan in Star Wars" I obviously do not own the Star Wars franchise. I do not own the cover, I found it on google. If you like it, send some support over to my p*treon. p*treon.com/Nartleb2

Nartleb · Movies
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40 Chs

Jedi vs Team 2

Before anyone can react, HK rolls a concussive grenade at the two Jedi. Of course, since he wasn't subtle about it or anything everyone noticed. Not taking any chances, Quinlan Vos throws uses the Force to toss it into a side room where it detonates harmlessly

Afterwards everyone looks at him. "Offended query: What? There is a high likelihood of this encounter resolving in a fight, so I endeavored to try and end it quickly!"

Aayla Secura, twi'lek apprentice to Quinlan Vos, looks to Juhani with a questioning expression. She shrugs. "He is not wrong. Many of those we encounter in similar circumstances fight with us. And there is much we would ask of you."

"... Or we could just talk without fighting?" Aayla voices in confusion.

Canderous looks like he's considering it for a brief moment before drawing the blade on his hip. "Now where would be the fun in that. I'm curious about the strength of a Jedi master and their apprentice."

Vos sighs as he readies his lightsaber. "Typical of a mandalorian. Seems that the Duchess' pacifist policy is going to take a lot of work to see any real change."

Canderous stops when he hears these words. "What did you just say?"

The Jedi master looks at him in surprise before a smirk crosses his face. "Oh? Did you not know? After their civil war, the Duchess decided to guide the mandalorians into an age of peace and prosperity. Through pacifism."

Canderous' eyes become more hardened the more he speaks, and at the end he has a gaze as hard as beskar.

"It seems that my people have lost their way. Maybe I should return and... reeducate them." A shiver goes down the spines of all the organics hearing his words. HK just thinks that it sounds like a blast. Speaking of...

"Excited query: Since it's been determined that we are fighting, shall we begin? I too am curious as to how my combat protocols will compare to that of the current Jedi."

Juhani draws and ignites her own lightsaber, the two Jedi staring in shock at the blue blade. "Remember you two, we need them alive."

"Resignation: Very well."

"The master is mine, you two deal with the apprentice."

"Outraged statement: How dare you! She wouldn't even last thirty-four seconds if we fight her together!"

Juhani sighs as she looks at the apprentice bristle at his statement. The girl has taken the stance of form IV, Ataru, which is well known to have a weakness to blasters. After thinking for a moment, she makes a decision and sheathes her lightsaber.

Aayla's confusion is palpable, and then she furiously practices one of the Jedi meditation techniques suitable for combat situations when Juhani speaks. "I am not interested in overwhelming the young one. She can use this opportunity to learn. HK, you may have your fun, but close combat only. As I said, we do not want them dead."

"Condescending statement: Very well, but it would still be an easy matter to end this meatbag's life without any ranged weapons."

At this, Aayla's patience finally breaks and she charges the droid. "You shall change your tune once you're scrap metal!"

Vos watches his apprentice with a disapproving frown before sighing. "She is still young. I suppose it's understandable that she is weak to attacks on her pride as a Jedi. I will still have to discipline her after this battle though."

"Awfully cocky aren't you? Acting like you'll be the ones walking out of this fight."

Vos sighs before launching himself at Canderous, bringing his green lightsaber down in an overhead slash. "Nothing personal, but I doubt a droid and an old mandalorian can fight long against two-huh?"

He stares in shock at Canderous' blade, which has stopped his lightsaber from advancing. As far as Vos knows, the only thing that can resist a lightsaber for any length of time is another lightsaber. But here is a sword that no only is resisting one, but is showing no signs of damage whatsoever.

Before he can react to this shocking development, Canderous takes advantage of his slip of attention. He sidesteps to the right, dragging the edge of his blade towards the hilt of the lightsaber as he does so. Once the tip leaves it, he executes a a simple chop at his arm, aiming to render it unusable for the remainder of the fight.

Fortunately Vos manages to dodge most of the damage, resulting only in a shallow perpendicular to the length of his arm.

He stares at the blade that now seems to be emitting some kind of darkness reminiscent of the dark side of the Force. "That is no normal blade." He says as he takes a cautious step back.

"I guess these HAVE become rather rare. Used to be a Force user's favored weapon before they adopted lightsabers. It's known as a krath war blade."

"I've never heard of such a weapon before. It must be ancient, which is surprising given it's apparent pristine condition."

Canderous snorts. "A warrior who allows his blade to dull is no warrior at all. Not that it will do you any good now though."

Before Vos can ask him what he means, his vision fades to black.

On the other side of the fight, Aayla is quickly going frustrated at her inability to land a single strike against the droid in front of her. His movements seem simple, but they flow together in such a way that her swings seem as if they miss rather than him dodging them.

The most frustrating thing though, is that he hasn't even bothered to strike her yet! Just as her frustrations hit their peak, she hears a thump. Looking in the direction the noise came from, she freezes as she sees her master fall. "Master!"

But her moment of distraction costs her.

Quicker than he's moved before in their engagement, HK grabs the wrist of the arm holding her lightsaber, twisting it. She cries out in shock as she unwillingly releases it and it falls from her hand.

Before she can do anything to free herself, HK flips her over his shoulders and slams her back into the ground. As she gasps in pain, the last thing she sees is a metal fist heading for her face.

The three left standing stare at their downed adversaries with various degrees of emotion on their faces. But despite the degree, they remain rather similar.




Shaking his head, Canderous pulls out more rope from his bag. "Let's just tie them up and take them back to the ship for questioning."

After tossing a coil to HK, they both tie their prisoners up and haul them over their shoulders. A quick look around shows that the togruta that was there has long since ran away. They simply shrug their shoulders and leave the building. If she wanted their help, she would have asked for it.

As they walk back Canderous questions Juhani behind him about something. "Any idea why this guy dropped? All I did was scratch him a little."

Juhani picks up her pace to walk alongside him in order to examine the "master". After sending the Force into him for a quick examination, a frown crosses her lips. "It seems that a foreign substance is within his body, a type of poison. Apparently that is what rendered him unconscious."

He gives her a shocked look, a rarity for the grizzled veteran. "What!? How is that possible? I don't use poisons! Did he get poisoned before our fight? It would explain why he was so weak."

She nods her head, displeasure clear on her face. "Most likely. A shame, I was looking forward to seeing his skills."

"Ahem." HK attracts their attention. "Unapologetic admission: I may have, at some point, coated your weapon in poison without your knowledge."

It takes a moment for his words to register, but then Canderous explodes in anger! "Why!? How dare you sully a warrior's weapon with a cowardly substance!"

Hk shrugs. "Statement: I felt that it would be amusing to see how you reacted when your opponent randomly faints. Amusement: It was."

Canderous' lecture about honorable combat lasted until they arrived at the Ebon Hawk. Upon entering they find Revan facing a pair of strangers. After seeing them enter he places his face in his hands.

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Bleh, writing sword fights is harder than I thought. Honestly felt underwhelming, but I really couldn't imagine it being overly interesting considering the differences in experience. Sure Vos would have more experience fighting than most Jedi, but compared to Canderous? Nope. And let's not mention HK, who's kill count probably is in six digits for only DIRECT kills. So yeah, cheap fight, but these things happen.

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