
Revan Returns

Revan. Good and Evil. Dark Lord of the Sith. Savior of the Republic. Hero of the Mandalorian War. Traitor of the Jedi. He has been called many things, and after the Star Forge's destruction, his story was meant to end. But what happens if the Force isn't done with him? Revan and crew have set the Star Forge on a path of destruction. But when the shockwave from the exploding factory reaches them as they jump to hyperspace, they will discover that the Force has one last surprise in store for them. (I've always believed Revan to be Chaotic Neutral. And that is how I plan to write him as. Sometimes good, sometimes evil. I will be going by game lore for him.) (It's kind of slow, so I'm told. Action isn't the main focus, because Revan and crew are NOT dedicated murder-hobos.) Inspired by Zevren: "Wrath of the Force" Motivated by ObsidianRain: "Spartan in Star Wars" I obviously do not own the Star Wars franchise. I do not own the cover, I found it on google. If you like it, send some support over to my p*treon. p*treon.com/Nartleb2

Nartleb · Movies
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40 Chs


"... So after finding a pair of Jedi, the three of you decided that fighting them would be fun?"


"That is correct."

"Indeed, Master."

I look from where the three troublesome members of the crew are sitting to the infirmary where Qui Gon is checking on his associates. Apparently he's friends with the master and was surprised to find him on this planet. Even more so that he was bound and brought to my ship.

Luckily it didn't turn into a fight, though he is warier of us than he was before. As for the queen, she's sitting to the side watching the proceedings.

"And what do you have to say for yourselves?" I ask, a vein throbbing on my forehead.

"""We regret nothing!"""

Simultaneously, each of them receive a smack to the back of the head via a folded up paper fan that a smiling Mission is holding.

"Why didn't you just talk to them? Seriously, why did it turn into a fight?"

Juhani's hand shoots up like an excited school girl. "I proposed talking, but Canderous wished to learn how powerful the current Jedi are. I also did not engage in battle with our foes."

Canderous shoots her a glare, as does HK. Even if he doesn't have facial expressions, everyone on the crew knows him well enough that we can tell things like this.

I sigh. "Very well, you're free to go."

She beams at me before bouncing up and pecking me on the cheek. "Thank you, I will be meditating should you have need of me." I watch as she walks away, a small smile on my lips.

Then I turn my attention back to the two in front of me. "Well?"

Canderous shrugs. "I wanted to see how they measure up to what we've faced before."

I look at HK. "Statement: I also was curious about the capabilities of those meatbags. Really though, they were so weak it made me doubt if they are really Jedi!"

I pause the lecture I was about to go into. "Really? How would you compare them to our usual fights?"

Canderous snorts. "The 'Master' Jedi went down after a single cut. Didn't even get to have a proper fight with him."

"Contemplation: My opponent had a decent grasp of her chosen form, but failed to incorporate any kind of Force techniques into her fighting style. The tusken are a more challenging fight than she was."

I blink at him in surprise. Sure, some of those tusken are strong, but to generalize her strength like that? Have standards really dropped so far..?

From the side, the queen speaks up, reminding the three of them of her presence.

"What do you mean that their fighting skills are 'disappointing'? The Jedi have been peacekeepers of the galaxy for millenia!" Padme's voice is, understandably, offended. Afterall, here was a random mandalorian saying that the Jedi, who's help she was relying on, aren't skilled in a fight.

"...Who's the kid?" Contrary to her expectation though, he completely ignores her outrage and simply demeans her. Her face rapidly heats up.

"Oh, this is the Queen of Naboo, Padme Amidala. After T3 fixes up the hyperdrive, we'll be going to save her planet from an invasion. Figure T3 can see about hacking into their droid army and seeing what happens. Meanwhile I'll be leading a team targeting their leaders."

Padme looks at me in surprise while Canderous sighs and HK looks excited.

"I should have figured it would be something like that. After though, I'll need to head to Mandalore. It seems that they've lost their way in the time I've been gone."

"Oh?" I quirk an eyebrow at his wording. "What do you mean by that?"

An uncomfortable look crosses his face. "... I don't want to talk about it."

"Mocking statement: I believe he is referring to their current *snicker* pacifist policy."

I look at HK with my jaw hanging open while Canderous scowls at him. I look between them for a moment before realizing that they're serious. "...Seriously?" I ask just to confirm.

Canderous gives a sharp nod, anger clearly written all over his face. It takes a moment to process, but when it does I can't help my reaction.

I laugh.

A lot.


Twenty minutes later I manage to pull myself together enough that I can stop rolling on the floor. Still chuckling, I look around.

Padme is giving me strange looks, but she's been doing that most of the time I've known her. HK would have a smirk if he had a face. Mission is smiling at my reaction. And Canderous is hunched in his seat, fury practically radiating off of him.

It's then that I manage to say something between the remaining chuckles.

"Damn, so I beat them so badly that they changed their entire culture."

At that, Canderous blinks. But then he does something that gives me pause.

He starts thinking.

That's never a good sign.

After a few moments, a mad grin stretches his cheeks. "I didn't think of it like that. Yes, if they chose this path after losing their spirit against a powerful enemy, then I know just how to reignite it."

He passion filled eyes turn to Padme, causing her to let out a small shriek of surprise.

"Tell me, how large is your enemy?"

She gulps. "U-um, they span several systems and have entire planets devoted to building up their droid forces."

His grin somehow manages to grow wider. "Then this will be the perfect time for my people to refamiliarize themselves with WAR!"

Yo, p*treon is up, just put in a /Nartleb2 after the com and you're there!

Don't you hate it when you have an idea for a fic, but know you don't have the time to devote to another one? Ah, the difficulties of a vivid imagination. I like~.

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