
Reunion By Fate?

When a simple middle school crush, deeply buried in your heart finds its way back to the surface when you are reunited after 3 years. Julia finds it hard to move on as Austin was her only male friend and she knew he had a crush on her. The way he looks at her and how he touches her. It was clearly a red flag that he wanted more but she pretends she doesn't notice them. Even when he almost kissed her.....? She began to doubt her feelings for him. Was any of it real? Was I just over thinking all these signs? I should have made my move when I had the chance! After a year of obsessing over him she decided that it was time to let go, even when she had those lustful dreams about him that make her wish he was really with her One night she attends a reunion and her life takes a drastic turn of events, new feelings, confusion and dangerous lust consumes her. Will she finally have him to herself? Or does the red flags she encounters are just plain old flags?

Shivani_Mukkera · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


I can hear the clouds rumble above us. And the air smells amazing but it also smells like it's about to rain. I didn't want anything to ruin this moment.

Even in this moment all I could think about is that I should have worn a cute underwear.

He softly kisses my cheek and I couldn't hold myself back anymore so I finally kissed him. He kisses me back so passionately that I almost forget that this is all real. I could feel our tongues twisting and I have no idea how long that kiss lasted but it felt forever and I didn't want it to end.

"Tell me you love me and I'll give you what you want" He whispers

I can't think straight.

"No Austin, I can't immediately fall in love with what we are doing. This is lust and we both want it from each other more than anything right now"

I don't know why I said that and I assumed that he might be mad and stop this but instead he just says; "That's a smart answer".

Just as then it begins to pour, he grab my hands and takes me to a small storage room nearby. It looked pretty decent for a storage room but that didn't matter because as soon as I turned the lights on he pulls me towards him and we start making out.

A lightning hits the building and the lights become really dim, perfect for the mood I think to myself.

I can tell what he wants but I wasn't completely ready. I push him back and look into his eyes. He looks concerned and lets out a smile.

"Julia." He says as he hugs me

"It's alright. I just want you to feel safe with me." He rubs his finger against my face

"Thank you for understanding. I just don't think I'm ready yet."

He gives me a soft kiss and that makes me feel safe.

"If we stay here for too long the room might start to flood. Let's head downstairs."

"Yeah we better hurry." I say and we take off.

As we reached the hall, we were quite drenched. I can sense a few stares at us but I try to ignore them. I go to get some more drinks and decide to let loose a bit.


Sex. It's a word with different meanings. It can be a feeling or an identity. But at the same time it feels weird saying it out loud.


I don't know what I feel or maybe I do. I can only think of one person and one feeling.

I wake up with the sound of buzzing from my phone. Oh Shit!! What the hell happened? Where am I. I don't recognize this place. And....I'm half naked!

Wait was last night real or just one of those dreams I keep getting?

That's when Austin enters the room with what I'm guessing it's coffee.

"Morning Sunshine" He says cheerfully.

I look at him completely blank. He has no shirt on and god was he always this hot?

"Or was that too much because I know you don't really like those cheesy nicknames"

"Oh right yeah um what happened last night? I mean I only remember.....well....you and me dancing and nothing more. How did I get here and ugh why can't I remember what happened next..."

He laughs and I feel embarrassed.

"Don't worry nothing much happened. You were tired last light and was literally on the verge of passing out. I wanted to take you home but I wasn't sure where you lived and your phone was dead. I decided to take you to my place and you....umm....got comfortable I'd say."

"OMG what did I do, I feel like I've caused you enough trouble"

"Hey hey calm down, I was glad to have you here. Oh and I brought you your favorite coffee. Make sure you drink it before it cools down."

I can't stop blushing so I hide my face with the mug. It was delicious. How did he know it was my favorite? It doesn't matter I'm happy that I get to spend time like this with him. I never taught that this could ever happen.

I had completely forgotten about the fact that I didn't go home last night. I started freaking out and looked for my phone.

"Looking for this?" he says holding my phone up.

"Yeah!" I grab it from his hands and to my horror there are tons of messages and missed calls from Emma and my Mom. I'm so screwed.


"Julie, you promised to text me if it gets late"


"Honey this isn't funny, I'm really worried"

"You could've have told me you were gonna sleepover at Emma's place"

"When you come home in the morning take the lasagna from the freezer and heat it up"


"Are you having fun?"

"Where are you? Your mom has been calling me"

"I told her that you were sleeping over at my place"

"Call me once you see this, I'm worried"


I replied my mom first and told her I would stay at Emma's place for some project.

And later called Emma, while I was dialing her number, Austin was standing in the kitchen and making us breakfast. I couldn't stop staring at his muscles. He glances at me and comes closer to give me a kiss just then Emma's voice is heard through my phone.


Her voice was so loud that both of us were covering our ears. His arm is wrapped around my waist and I just can't stop smiling.


"Geez Emma I know what would happen and I am glad that I have a friend like you to cover for me"

"Ok where is that coming from? Are you still drunk?"

"I'll see you later and promise to tell you everything"

"But-" I cut the call abruptly

"You're gonna tell her 'everything'?"

I almost forgot that he was listening to our conversation

"I mean maybe not 'everything' but definitely the memorable moments"

"I taught everything was memorable for you last night"

"And I taught you were gonna make me breakfast"

"You've changed....And I like this new part of you"

" Oh yeah, well you are going to see a lot more of it"

"Ooo can't wait to explore all that"

We both laughed as if nothing could spoil this moment.

"Finally you are here!" Emma gives me a hug.

"And why is you dress all wrinkled? And why are you smiling so much. OMG you had SEX didn't you!!"

"What no! I mean I was going to but I didn't and how'd you know??"

She gasps so loud and covers her mouth. Was it really unbelievable that someone like me could actually get laid? I mean even I still can't believe that last night was real.

"Tell me everything! Right now before I cry."

"Why would you cry?"

"I don't know!"

"Okay Okay but at least let me in already!"