
Return to Jorgaldur

When he dies in his bed due to his advanced age, he still remembers an NPC from an MMORPG that he played in his youth, without understanding why he has never forgotten her. When he opens his eyes again, he finds the ruins of what was the beginning of that game. Has he returned to a place that never truly existed? Will he be able to survive? Will he find her?

lls_sll · Fantasy
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262 Chs

Hidden recipes

Raw materials and candidates were arriving. In fact, for several days, they arrived from all corners of the region, having talent only one in a thousand approximately, which meant little more than twenty apprentices.

Eldi taught everyone, but it was clear that the number of magical platforms fell short. For now, there wasn't much problem, but if all of them leveled up, in the future there wouldn't be enough for everyone. Although it wasn't bad in itself if they were able to manage it, because none of them would be too pressured, and they could take turns, although the production would be much smaller than it could. Anyway, it wasn't something he could solve.

He also taught them how to differentiate plain metal from magic one, as there were a few fragments in what they had brought. This marveled the elders, who also cursed themselves for having managed such valuable material as plain metal.

As for the recipes, Eldi was trying as many as he could, and, instead of teaching them to the apprentices, he let them learn them through the writings, as they would have to do it with the higher level ones in the future. Some, like Tica, had reached level 4 in a few days, and he had been able to teach them all the recipes that he knew, up to that level and that weren't included among those of the mole-people, if he had the raw material. That way, they could teach them when they become masters.

It should be said that he also benefited. Not only did he learn new recipes, and he got some hard-to-find raw materials outside the tunnels, but he was able to craft equipment of level 30 and 35, and even 40, with what the mole-people provided to him. While they didn't have access to tree branches and trunks, the roots could also be used as wood.

In fact, he crafted more pieces to teach the apprentices, who, from now on, would be responsible for creating armor and weapons of much better quality, as enthusiastic warriors found right away, especially with the snake skin armor that could fit their size.

"These recipes were hidden, were kept carefully. I'm afraid they could be dangerous. What do you think?" they asked the foreigner.

The elders had wanted to talk to him privately. Then, they had shown him some ancient sheets with recipes containing some ingredients he had never used before, but he recognized some of them, as he had found them in the dungeon. Therefore, he thought he knew what kind of potions were described there.

"This ... Excuse me if I ask you questions that I shouldn't, I don't know how you deal with this type of issues," the man began, not knowing very well how to address it. He knew that there were cultures in which that was taboo, at least in his original world.

"Ask what you want. We can always not answer," replied one of the old women, shrugging and intrigued.

" Is there no problem in talking about sex?" the man tried to make sure. He wasn't ashamed of the subject, he was only worried that it could be a problem.

"Well, at our age it is something of the past," she laughed, and continued mockingly. "Do you have any problem you want to consult?"

He also laughed, a little more relaxed since he wasn't touching a taboo subject for that people.

"I don't know the recipes, but this component is an aphrodisiac fungus. And in this other recipe... It is similar to the one that provides energy. So, by its name, I think we can deduce what it is for. And the other names give us pretty clear clues."

"Hohoho. So that's why they were hidden! True, the names are quite original, but knowing what kind of recipes they are, it becomes clearer: Lift Soul, Fountain of Interest, Ultra Perception, Slip, Security, Giver of Life… We should craft them to make sure, but I don't think that Tica… She is too shy to make them."

"What are you plotting, old witch?"

She was provoked by another of the elders, who was actually her younger brother.

"Oh, come on, how can you think that I…? Of course, having another grandchild wouldn't be bad."

"Well, now that you say that…" another intervened.

Eldi looked at them funny. In fact, they had been very cheerful these last days. "As if they had taken a great weight off of them," Vato had said.

Except for the elders, nobody knew what experiments the man was doing, but the resulting potions were exactly what they expected, including one for birth control and another to reinforce it. He made a few at the request of the elders, who planned to later address the issue with Tica, since the other alchemists were children. Although more than worried about it, they looked jovial, like children who are preparing a mischief.

He spent a week there, helping, teaching and learning recipes, sharing their company and appreciating a people who lived oblivious to the surface world, as it lives oblivious to the underground one. He would have liked to propose some kind of business relationship, propose a safe place of exchange that would benefit everyone, but, right now, he wasn't in a position to do so. His relationship with the surface was complicated.

And when he finally set off for the tunnels that crossed the mountain, he didn't go alone. Several warriors up to level 45 were accompanying him, as the road hadn't been traveled for a long time, and could be dangerous. In addition, they wanted to take the opportunity to explore and test their new equipment. And to secure as many tunnels as possible to move forward in their goal: they needed better materials and to become stronger.

Eldi had left a Gate Mark in a safe place. When he had told them about it, and that he could use it as a gate in the future, they had insisted on it, and that he should visit them one day. It was in an isolated place, but with magic marks that would warn them of his arrival.

All his apprentices, mostly children, hugged him, because they had gotten fond of that kind but ugly foreigner. Even Tica did it, and the other three older apprentices, none of whom were older than twenty. In fact, it is rare that the profession can be learned past that age, although it can level up. Of course, the limit changes with race, and the condition could be described as being a teenager, although it isn't strict.

In fact, Tica, was a prodigy among her people. She was level 40 in her nineteen, something within reach of very few, both in the underground and in the surface. And now, with the prospects for exploration, she would have the chance of increasing it, not letting the overprotection she would suffer because she was very valuable as an alchemist stop her. Although, she didn't get to go on that trip.