
Return to Jorgaldur

When he dies in his bed due to his advanced age, he still remembers an NPC from an MMORPG that he played in his youth, without understanding why he has never forgotten her. When he opens his eyes again, he finds the ruins of what was the beginning of that game. Has he returned to a place that never truly existed? Will he be able to survive? Will he find her?

lls_sll · Fantasy
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262 Chs

Encounter in the dungeon

Against the skeletons, he hadn't been aware of it, for they had been nothing more than small skirmishes, but against the huge skeleton over three meters tall, he could appraise some of the virtues and lacks of the group.

In what they stood out the most was in their coordination, because they all knew each other since long time ago. They knew when to give way to the other, when to hide behind Jubo's shield, when to move away so that the spells could hit, or how to alternate ice and fire ones. They didn't fight individually, but as a unit of four.

Among their shortcomings, it could be highlighted their lack of experience, and, above all, not studying their enemy's movements They trusted only in their power, in their defense and in their reflexes, so they didn't take advantage of the predictability in the movements of their enemy.

Eldi, on the other hand, only stayed out of the way, healing them when they approached. He was only applying Regenerate, which was the most efficient, since they didn't suffer too much damage either. The problem was that the battle was lengthening, so the damage was accumulating little by little, which had forced them to withdraw on previous occasions. It was what Regenerate had completely solved.

"Shall we go down?" Etina asked, somewhat tired but exultant after the victory.

Everyone nodded after Eldi did. They couldn't go much further without him, and they weren't sure if he would agree to continue, so they were glad to be able to move on.

They rested and ate before moving on, recovering both mana and energy. And although he hadn't spent much, Eldi could notice how he was recovering slower, which is what happens in areas whose level is lower than your own.

In the second floor, there were skeletons too, but at level 36, and armed with a bone that they could throw. And although Etina's sword wasn't the best weapon against them, the green haired young woman was hitting them with the entire blade, instead of cutting them, which was somehow effective.

They didn't have major problems against them either, once Eldi insisted that they look at the skeletons' movement when they were throwing the bone, so the group finally managed to dodge those bones. They were a little surprised to be able to avoid that attack so easily once they were able to recognize it, and wondered if they could do the same against others.

They found only a few small mushrooms, which they didn't gather, because they hadn't grown enough, and not a single vein of magic metal. Apparently, they extracted it as soon as it appeared, causing it to have a much lower mana concentration than the metal he had obtained in the other dungeon. He regretted it, because he would have liked to get some magical iron.

It wasn't very difficult for them to pass through that floor, since the effect from the blessings was much more relevant than the higher level of the skeletons, so they soon arrived at the floor boss, another huge skeleton, which was armed with a huge bone.

"You have to pay attention to the bone. It throws it like the others, but it's much larger and can be very hurtful. In addition, it has many of them, so it can throw them all the time. It isn't safe to be at range," explained Lánoto, who had previously collected that information.

Everyone nodded, and looked at Eldi, who said he was fine, that he could manage. He was the least known, so they didn't know what was the extent of his skills. Although it is true that he was who had opened their eyes on avoiding those throwing bones.

The fight didn't go bad. It wasn't very different from the previous one in the melee, but it was able to interrupt the mages by throwing the huge bone, and forcing them to dodge it. They weren't yet skilled enough to continue with their spells after making sudden movements.

In the end, they had to withdraw. They were running the risk of draining their mana and energy, and that was a valuable lesson that they had well learned. They had been about to die in the past for risking too much, about to lose their lives and that of their siblings and friends, something they had never forgotten and never would.

They left the room, and the huge skeleton could avoid it. Once they made sure that it didn't follow them, Eldi finished healing the last scratches. They wanted to remain on that floor, killing the skeletons and becoming stronger, while they had provisions. Or until their wounds became serious, in case their healer didn't go with them. If he did, they would still try to face the floor boss once more.

"Oh, you are a healer. Leave those newbies and come with us, we need one," demanded the voice of one of those who were approaching.

They were a group of five, dressed in shining and striking armor, especially who had spoken. Eldi didn't like his voice tone, but even less that two of them were at level 50, while the others were between 34 and 37.

Etina and Jubo looked angry at them, while the two mages were hiding their feelings better. Eldi, meanwhile, tried to be calm.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Hey, don't you know me?" that one asked, looking somewhat irritated.

"I've just arrived today, I don't know almost anyone."

"Ah, ha, ha, that explains it. I am Aljhon, nephew of the counts, and the best adventurer in the kingdom," he replied arrogantly.

"You know you can't do this! Groups can't be made and undone inside the dungeon," interrupted Jubo.

One of the level 50 put his hand on his mace, waiting for the order, something that didn't go unnoticed to Eldi.

"That something for me to decide. After all, this was just a test," replied Eldi, in a tone that pretended to be somewhat arrogant, and that their young partners didn't expect.

"Ho, ho, well said. Although if you want to come with us, we can make room for you at night," Aljhon offered, between mockery and lust.

"Better dead!" Etina refused, offended.

"They look like they don't want to come," Eldi mocked as well. "Of course I go with you, it's a much more tempting offer than being with these newbies. But give me a moment, I have to finish my business with them."

"Yes, yes, but hurry up. We'll be at the boss."

He waited for them to walk away before turning to his old partners, who were looking at him with hate and contempt, disappointed.

"How could you, I believed that…," Etina was reproaching him, almost with tears in her eyes.

"They are trash but dangerous. They could kill us. The two in the back are much stronger than us. You better get out of here, you're not out of danger yet."

The four looked at him confused, realizing that they had misjudged him.

"What about you?" Asked Loto.

"For now, I'll go with them, but don't worry, I know how to defend myself."

They saw him go before activating the return portals, which came with the entrance permit. They were worried about him, but also somewhat confused. In his last gaze, there was something they hadn't seen before.