
Return Of The Scarlet Witch

Sani_Sunny · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Wanda wandered through the busy streets, her senses heightened, each sight and sound a stark reminder of both the life she had known and the time she had lost. People brushed past her, unaware of the cosmic dance that had just returned one of the world's most powerful beings to life.

Her steps took her to a quiet neighborhood, one filled with echoes of memories—times spent with her twin brother, Pietro, both before and after they had become who they were. Wanda paused in front of a modest townhouse, feeling an inexplicable pull.

The door opened before she could knock, and she was greeted by a familiar face that both soothed and unsettled her. Vision stood there, his face a mask of astonishment and joy. "Wanda..." his voice trailed off, overcome by the sight of her.

"Vision, I... it's really me," she said, tears welling up in her eyes as the reality of her resurrection hit her full force. He reached out tentatively before pulling her into a tight embrace, his synthetic yet warm arms a comforting reminder of the strange harmony they once shared.

After a long silence, Vision stepped back, his eyes scanning her face for answers. "How is this possible? We thought we had lost you forever."

"I don't fully understand it myself," Wanda admitted, recounting the brief interaction with Karthan and her subsequent arrival in New York. "There are forces at work that I can't fully grasp yet, but apparently, I'm here for a reason."

Vision nodded, absorbing the gravity of her words. "Then we will face this together, as we always have. You are not alone in this, Wanda."