
Return Of The Scarlet Witch

Sani_Sunny · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The world had scarcely moved on from the loss of Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. Though the Avengers felt an undeniable absence, the universe continued its relentless march. Beyond the veil of the living, however, forces unseen and unimaginable were making plans unknown to man or hero alike.

In the deep recesses of a forgotten dimension, a shadowed figure, cloaked in ancient sorcery and unspeakable power, watched with keen interest. The energy of Wanda's powers had not dissipated; it lingered in the fabric of time and space, a testament to her immense potential. This force, neither entirely good nor purely evil, knew that only a being of her caliber could restore balance—or bring it to utter chaos.

As the figure chanted in an eldritch tongue, ethereal tendrils began to weave a complex tapestry of magic. The dimensions trembled, and with a final, explosive burst of energy, the process was set into motion. Wanda's essence, scattered fragments of a powerful soul, started gathering, seeking the vessel to which they belonged.

Thunder crashed across dimensions as Wanda Maximoff's body started to reform, each cell vibrating with raw, untamed magic. A deep, gasping breath escaped her pale lips as her eyes flickered open, red with power and confusion

**Chapter 1: The Unseen Hand**

Wanda groaned as consciousness slowly seeped back into her body. Her mind was foggy, memories fractured like shards of a broken mirror. Labored breaths filled the air, each inhalation sending shivers through her resurrected form. She was lying on cold, unyielding ground, and the air smelled of damp earth and something ancient, almost primordial.

A voice, deep and resonant, pierced the silence, speaking in tones both commanding and soothing. "Welcome back, Wanda Maximoff. The world is in need of your power once more."

She struggled to sit up, the darkness around her receding to reveal a cavern lit by a dim, eerie glow. The source of the light was a towering figure cloaked in shadows, eyes burning with otherworldly fire. Wanda's instincts screamed danger, but she was too weak to react.

"Who... who are you?" she managed to whisper, her voice hoarse and unfamiliar.

The figure stepped closer, revealing a face that was both ancient and timeless, with features carved from the essence of the cosmos. "I am Karthan, a guardian of the realms beyond. Your death upset a delicate balance, and forces beyond comprehension seek to exploit this. I have brought you back to restore what has been lost."

Wanda's eyes narrowed as fragments of her past slowly aligned. "Restore? What do you mean? I should not be here."

Karthan's expression softened slightly. "Whether you should be here is irrelevant. The fact is, you are needed. There are forces at play, much greater than those you have faced before. Your powers are the key to either salvation or destruction."

As Karthan spoke, images flooded Wanda's mind—visions of a world teetering on the edge of chaos, familiar faces locked in battles, and still darker forces lurking in the shadows. Despite her confusion and mistrust, she felt a pull toward these visions, an intrinsic connection to the fates being shown.

"Then what must I do?" she asked, her voice gaining strength. She didn't trust this being completely, but the urgency in his words resonated with her deeply.

Karthan extended a hand, and as Wanda took it, she felt a surge of energy flow through her. "First, regain your strength. Reconnect with those who know you best. The answers lie in your past, and in the bonds you once shared."

With a flash of light, the cavern dissolved around them, and Wanda found herself standing at the edge of a bustling city—New York. It was simultaneously familiar and alien, a mélange of memories and sensations crashing over her.

The journey had begun.