
Return of The Legendary Blue Fang

Blood was splattered everywhere, while rotting corpses are littered and limping on the spacious red ground. A slow walks echo through that open space, A knight with Silver Blue armor slowly throded into the blood soaked ground which a figure could be seen kneeling on the ground. Then he sheath his sharp swords, pointing at the figure that are now beyond abomination. He have met this monster from before, when he just started to participate in the wars, when he is still young and naive. This is the monster called abyss lord, the one that made the bloodshed with rain of blood and mountain of human corpse, that day the monster just laughing maniacally and sinisterly mocking the human. But now this monster are kneeling and crawling in front of him, just like an insect. "Any last word Amon?" l "Hahaha, I never thought that the boy than run likes are coward that day someday reclaim this head of mine" l "Rein Von Silvanne, why do you still serve the empire after suffering so much?" l "The Empire and the abyss sanction are just a plain of the same card, both have it's own agenda" But Rein just replied coldly, his deep blue eyes glaring from his head visor. "I don't care about the empire nor the abyss sanction, you are the reason why I lost some of the people that give me hope and will to live in this world" l "I see, you are truly something, you held enough power for conquest and conquering, yet you still linger for simple thing such as emotions" l "This why I still retain my humanity and not succumbed to temptation to turns into the monster" within a split second the heads of the abyss lord called Amon are cuts of clean from its body, which in turns spurts bloods around it and slowly soaks the ground with purple red blood, while headless body limp to the ground with a thud While, the knight just slowly turns his back, facading into the thick fog, while some words from him still echoes around. 'I am a fang that bore feracaciously towards flesh and bones of its prey' l 'no matter who the prey are, Neixx Empire or even Abyss Sanction, they shall succumb to it's mouth' l The 1st wars that have lasted for two years between the Neixx Empire and Abyss Sanction, ended when the Blue Fang, one of the most feracacious and vicious beast like figure, behead the 1st Sanction Abyss Lord, Amon. ..... After, fighting for two consecutive war, Rein finally reach the limits of its body, and it is time for him to find his own happiness. But when he thought everything will be over when the Abyss Sanction have been defeated, he learns the truth regarding the real reason for the Abyss Sanction for Invading from the mouth of an assassin. Because it's more than a political move, because more mystery are yet to be revealed by either side. And he also learn the truth on why he have been marked by the Empire 10 years ago. But he only knows this when he was about to exhaust his lifespan. (Can he survive his predicament?) (Can he uncovers the whole truth) (Can he return and retain his happiness?) (And most of all, why did he get marked by the empire or why did the abyss sanction invaded) (Read to find out more) ..…........................................................ Authors Note : Quack..Quack..Ducky here, thanks for taking the time to read my first ever book. I know it have its own shortcoming and error, I just noticed lately that I have been neglecting a good foundation for my books which is, "it should be readable, whether the sentences, grammar or even paragraphing", I am sory for my mistake, I'll take note of that and do better. Well, I just finished editing just now and, hopefully it makes the experience much better. Currently I am quite busy, with two other upcoming books, but worry not, I'll update this novel ASAP. Thank you for reading my babling, CHOU and PEACE!!!

Ducky_sensei · Urban
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16 Chs

The warms of family

As both of Elise and Rein cleaned and bath themselves, An old priest cames to the mansion earlier than expected. Emma welcomes her as she is a long known priest and their trusted acquaintance from the Germina Temple.

" sits down first grandma Celine, both of them will come out soon"

Emma invite her to sits down and waits for both of Elise and Rein to finished their business. As they were conversing, both Elise and Rein comes few minutes later. Adorned in new noble clothings both of them now looks more noble and dignified. Grandma Celine just stared them with admiration and revere. As both of them now the talks of the entire continent. They are the heroes that brings ends to wars on the nothern continent, especially Snowdawn which the Germina Temple resides.

Sitting across the three of them, the old woman seems to be lost in thought while they just stared at her, enjoying her aloof expressions. Then, Emma just breaks the silence.

" Uhh, grandma Celine, can we proceed with the checking please, I am worried about them" she says while pointing at both of the mentioned person.

" Fufufufu sorry lady Emma, just watching the three of you young noble makes me lose my bearing, its been a while for me to see you three sitting side by side along this year ".

She is not sugarcoating her words as she have been with them for years providing services from the Germina Temple. As they are the only nobles that reign onto the Snowdawn territory, It's been 2 year for her to see them again and they have grown splendidly over that period of time, it is no jokes that they could rival and overwhelm the noble at the central region. Because Celine have moving throughout the entire Lightruss, and few only could match Thier exquisite looks. Especially the two lady of the Blue love, will definitely becomes the talks of the central region if they show their face upon them.

As Bluelove nobility also came from the central region which originated from their mother who is a grand noble herself but married off the the nothern noble. Their Blue hair signified that they inherit their mother bloods strongly. But the other one sitting at the center stood out the most, with silver blue hair and blue eyes as deeps as the ocean eyes, with a well built body seen through the thin clothes, which could be attributed in numerous battle and that face that not inferior to the Neixx Empire Heir. He could be mistaken as the prince himself. As she watch his bearing, she noticed that one of his eyes are now hollow and bears no light which makes her worried for some reason.

"Master Rein, may I?, as she extends her hands towards him. But the person just shrugged his heads and say.

"Grandma Celine, I'll be last, just check Elise first ",

The old priest cannot say anything but just extends her hands to other person.

" Lady Elise, if you may..."

Elise don't waste any time any longer and grasp the old lady hands. Then, the old priest just make her incantation and proceeds with her checking. An intricate sigil green in colour slowly forms in front of her, with its major circuit forming in a shape of leaf.

"By the blessings of Gurverne temple, I ask upon the deity Grasshia, Unveil..."

When she finished incantation, her hands glows up slowly with light and that light slowly covered and permeates through Elise body, this makes her body warms up slowly and she could feel an embrace from a mother, soothing and relieving feeling cames upon her. 3 minutes later the lights comes off. While grandma Celine' s forehead sweats a bit. She fixed her bearing and wipes the sweats on her heads with her handkerchief.

"Seems like lady Elise is okay, just a mana exhaustion which makes her body tense a bit"

Both Emma and Rein sighed in relief and the old priest not wasting time extends her hands upon Rein.

" Now it's you turn Master Rein"

" Uhh, don't you needs a bit rest grandma Celine, you sweats a bit" Rein try to avoid her for the second time.

"Rein!!!" Emma stared at him strictly while Rein just reply with a chuckle.

But the old lady just shrugged her heads and just signaled him with her hands

' I am okay hands gesture' ,

Then he just sighed and grasp both the hands of the old priest. When her hands grasped Rein's hands she is a bit overwhelmed by the person's magic power,

' this boy is monstrous as usual'

She contemplated as she knows that this boy is not called the Blue Fang of the Empire for no reason. But still, she mustered her might and proceed with the same ritual. As she continue for a few minutes, she now realised the real conditions of Rein's bodies,

' A masked temperation!!!'

As she was about to reveal his conditions to the lady. The surroundings area became grey and stagnated. The scene dilation have cover herself, and the person that made that scene occur is now upon her watching her face to face with a solemn looks. Then, he speaks with a tone of apologies.

" I sorry to bring you onto this scene forcefully Grandma Celine..."

"An alternate space huh, is this your authority power?"

Grandma Celine watch her surroundings that have greyed and unknown aura permeating from each corner, watching the two lady still in their position not moved, it's like they have became a stagnant figure, she feels like the man in front of him are much more than she thought he could be.

"Yes, grandma Celine, it's my authority"He speaks in a weaker tone far different from his usual playfulness.

"What a dangerous Authorithy, so why did you do this to me master Rein?" She stared at him seriously.

"Well, I don't want for them to worry and sad regarding my condition upon my return, I don't know what they will do upon knowing my real condition especially Emma" He said.

" But you know right Rein, this will only makes things worst, and I don't want to be the cause of this ladies to have heartbroken being lied to".She responds strictly.

But Rein just clutched her hands and begged to the old priest.

" Please grandma, only this time, I'll talk to them personally later I promised I'll be all honest, I just want to enjoy the moment for a while, consider it my last wish". Rein muttered.

"When will you tell them, I will not do this if any later you want to postponed"

"I'll tell them right away after the Snowdawn festivals".

The old priest just sighed and shrugged her heads. When she checks his body condition just now, it's seems that his body are breaking from this inside, a condition called core rupture, when a person gets a core rupture they will surely died on the spot but because of his strong sigil heart and body, he will recover and breaks of his body at the same time, which resulted in his present condition. Another one to note is his left eyes are no longer functioning as a result of long term sigil eye usage. After a few moments contempled Rein interject her.

" How long could I live for and is there any way to extends my life using any methods?".

"You at least have only 2 month to live but I don't know if you'll reach that long, considering the chaotic conditions of core rupture, only one solution for you now is to destroy all of your sigil and core but I don't know the chances of you succeeding and if you succeed you only be able to extend for 6 months at maximum, but you know what the meaning of this right?"

"I know that I'll be living as an ordinary person with no magic, 6 months huh, That's good enough for me" he smiled.

"Another one to take care of Master Rein, you shouldn't used excessive magic, for example this authority"

"This surely have eaten your lifespan for a few hours"

"I'll take note of this Grandma.."

Then, they discussed a bit on how to handle the matter on how would the proceed to talks to both of the lady, although the old priest feels a bit conflicted but at the ends, she just go along with it as the young man considered it as his last wish. She felt really sad for the young man, as he is a great noble With a good traits and responsibility. Then, with his magic invocation, the scene returned to its present time.