
The Letter and Gringotts

I calmly sip my tea that the old man in front of me gave me.

"So your telling me that; 1: I used to be King Arthur Pendragon in my past life, 2: Your a god and the reason my life felt so lack luster, and 3: As a way to apologize I get three wishes?" I ask the old man.

"Yes that about sums it up," The old man answers. "Your awfully calm about this, you know?"

"Eh~, I just prefer to be calm instead of freaking out about something I can't control," I tell him. "Is there anything I should know about before I give you my wishes?"

"I already picked the a version of the world of Harry Potter for you to reincarnate in, in the year 1980 right around the time the Potter kid is born, I'm already giving you back your memories as King Arthur, Merlin turned Camelot into a Reality Marble inside your soul, and the family you'll be reincarnated into is the Pendragon family, a family who stores weapons and shields into tattoos on their bodies and they also make flying swords," The old man tells me.

"Noted, okay wish number 1, I want the a magic core with infinite mana, wish number 2, I want my weapons from my time as King Arthur, and wish number 3, I want to be able to instantly master anything," I say to the old man. "You can do that right?"

"Don't worry, I can do all of that," He responds with a kind smile. "Heck, I'll even give you Merlin by your side."

"Is that okay for you to do?" I ask in concern. "I mean it is Merlin, the legendary magician we're talking about and a infinite mana supply."

"Your forgetting that I am a god so I can do anything," The man tells me. "So just enjoy your new life and don't worry about messing up the plot, this is a totally separate world of Harry Potter than the one in the books. You'll understand that once you meet the Potter kid, bye!"

The old man waves his hand and a portal opens underneath me.

"You could have war~ned me!" I exclaim as I fall into the portal.

-(Eleven Year later)-

-<MC Note: Being born again FUCKING sucks I mean you can't do anything the first few years of your life once your reborn then you have to learn to act like a child to not arouse suspicion that you know more that what's going on, and you can't laugh at adult jokes cause to your new parents, you don't know enough about anything to laugh at those jokes>-

I shift positions on the tree branch I was relaxing on. I currently was reading, Hogwarts: A History when my dad called me.

"Arthur! Owl's here!" My dad calls out.

"Coming!" I call out closing my book and jumping off of the tree.

My new parents named me after my past self, Arthur Pendragon and like my past self, I had golden blond hair and emerald green eyes. As a side effect of my memories, I tended to carry myself and act like a warrior would and tended to wear muggle clothes rather than robes.

-<MC note: I look like child Gilgamesh with green eyes. Heck I even wear the same clothes as him.>-

"Jeez, I act like a cross between a Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw," I note.

"Yeah, with your cleverness you could be a cross between Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw," A black cat walking besides me says. "However, if you weren't previously the King of Knights, I think you would only be a cross between Slytherin and Ravenclaw though."

"And where were you?" I ask the cat who happens to be Merlin in her one of her animagus forms.

"It doesn't matter," Merlin tells me.

"Yeah, it kinda does," I retort as I pick her up. "For one, you're a succubus and two, I don't want someone to see you in your human form."

"Aww~, you're jealous," Merlin teases. "You just want me all to yourself."

"Nah~, I just don't want someone to be like, IT'S A Succubus! Heck, even your talking is a secret from my family and by the way I have no clue how you look," I tell her calmly as I walk through the door. 'Wonder if it's still considered animal abuse if I beat the crap outta her in cat form.'

Once I walk into the living room, I see a small bag, a key, a long package, and a letter on the coffee table. My parents were looking at me with huge smiles.

"Uh~ Mum, Dad, what's up?" I ask curiously.

"You just got your Hogwarts letter!" My mum says excitedly. "We already sent the owl back saying you'll go!"

"As celebration, we got you some thing," My dad says. "Hope you like it, it took a long time to make!"

I quick open the package excitedly because, in this world the Pendragon's are known for 3 things. A shield birthmark on their upper left arm which is capable of summoning a shield stronger than any Protego spell that is able to block all magic attacks, swordsmanship, and special shape manipulating, FLYING swords which happen to be accepted as official Quidditch equipment alongside brooms. When I finally opened the package I was met with a beautiful broadsword with a black blade.

"This shall be your flying sword, Cross," My dad tells me happily. "Now to bind it you know you need to use a drop of fresh blood."

My dad hands me a pin which I use to prick my thumb and drop blood onto the blade. Instantly my upper right arm starts to burn and the blade turns sliver before disappearing.

"Great now the blade is bound to you and only you," My dad informs me. "However, how powerful it becomes in directly related to your potential."

"Why is the blade sliver?" I ask in curiosity. "The blade on yours and mum's are gold."

"We'll tell how it becomes gold when it happens," My mum tells me. "Now! For the other items on the table."

'Oh yeah those...' I think realizing that in my excitement I totally forgot about the other three things. 'And I'm supposed to have lived two different lifetimes, I should be the oldest person here, mentally.'

'Don't worry about that, the old guy made it so that you only received the important memories, not the age,' Melin tells me mentally. 'So you don't have any memories of being old, having funtime with me, etcetera etcetera.'

'What did I tell you about being in my head?' I tell her mentally before forcing the connection to close.

Due to Merlin being a succubus, she does have the ability to communicate telepathically and infiltrate dreams. However, I block her out all of the time because, A: She keeps sending me unwanted lewds when I'm eleven and B: I don't want anyone in my head.

"The letter is your Hogwarts letter," My mum says happily. "It has your supply list for Hogwarts."

"The bag and the key are for our family vault in Gringotts," My dad tells me. "We want to let you explore Diagon Alley by yourself and hopefully make some friends since there will be kids your age there as well. Just be sure to pick the right people to hang around. Remember, Gryffindor wannabes are brave yet stupid, Ravenclaw wannabes are smart yet lack common sense-"

"Hufflepuff wannabes are going to be the kindest people you ever met yet are way~ to friendly, Slytherin wannabes are clever yet seem extremely evil," My mum interrupts.

"And ALL houses are stuck-up!" Both finish together in harmony.

"Got it," I tell them.

"And when you get to Hogwarts, don't trust Dumbledore," My mum warns me. "He's always plotting something. Heck, he even tried to make us get you to be friends with the Potter girl so he can control her."

'Harry's a girl!!!' I thought as I processed what my parents were saying. 'So that's what that god ment by you'll see when you meet the Potter kid.'

-(A few day later)-

My parents were with me and had opened the way in a couple of times so I could remember where the brick to tap was. Merlin was sleeping on my shoulders after seeing it once. Speaking of Merlin, she decided that she can't have my parents think that she is old because she's been with me for my entire life this life. In cat years that would at least make her 60, so she spilt her tail in cat form in two and ignited them with a purple flame. Purple because, she's special. Also she let me know that in this lifetime she's the same age as me so I've yet to see her in her thirstest. Apparently, that comes when she's at the end of puberty *glup*.

Back to Diagon alley, my parents leave me once I step through the entryway. They told me `they'll return once I need to go to King's Cross so socialize!` Their words not mine! Anyway, after my parents went back home I decide to head to Gringotts.

'Why are we going to the bank first?' Merlin asks me in a bored tone. I decided to let her talk to me telepathically since we're in the middle of a heavily populated area.

'I can't even get a wand without money remember?' I ask her calmly.

'Sorry, I totally forgot about that,' Merlin answers.

'Eh~ your a cat right now, so I didn't expect you to realize I needed wizard money,' I tell her as we walk into Gringotts.

I walk up to one of the gobilns and say, "Hello, Master Gobiln, I'm here to access my family's vault."

"Family name?" The gobiln asks without looking up.

"Pendragon, good sir," I answer, my parents taught me that as a Pendragon I should show respect to all fae creatures.

The goblin instantly looks up in disbelief so I decide to show him my shield birthmark.

"I apologize for my behavior, Heir Pendragon!" The goblin says immediately bowing to me after seeing my birthmark. "This lowly one should have immediately recognized your fairy aura!"

'Seems your name proceeds you,' Merlin says while obviously trying to hold back laughter.

'S-shut up!' I tell her while trying to get the goblin to stop bowing down. "That's enough Master Goblin!"

"Well allow me to lead you to your family's vault, Heir Pendragon," The goblin says walking towards a cart and getting in.

"Master Goblin, may I know your name?" I ask.

"My name's Ragnok, Heir Pendragon," The goblin informs me. "You should relax Heir Pendragon, your family's vault is at the bottom of Gringotts with multiple layers of protection."

"Well Master Ragnok, you can just call me Arthur," I tell him with a smile. "And can I count on you to awaken me when we reach the vault?"

"Yes you can Arthur," Ragnok answers.

"Well then I'm relying on you, Ragnok," I tell him before dozing off.



The "God" removes a bald cap and fake beard revealing a girlish looking kid the age 15 with black hair and dark purple tips.

Noir: Dangit that was stupid

Author: Sorry Noir I was too lazy to create a new god/ goddess to use and you were the only one I thought of to fake being a god

Noir: Don't you have a character with frickin' divinity?!

Author: I was lazy okay! *Author fake cries* PLZ forgive me!!!

Noir: Okay but you better keep Black Rose going then

Author: I won't ever drop it or any of my other novels cause thats my ninja way!

Noir: Did you just quote Naruto?!

Author: How else can I prove I'm serious?

*Noir facepalms and leaves*

*Author shrugs and starts writing more chapters for his novels*

Arthur: So that guy wasn't a god

Author: Nope, he's the protagonist for my RWBY fanfic- Black Rose and an OC for one of my novels on this site

Arthur: Who are the other's?

Author: Well first would be Ziv, my protagonist for Anime Archive System, next is Xavier, the protagonist for my Fairy Tail fanfiction, then Akira, Xavier's best friend and the protagonist for my My Hero Academia fanfiction, after him is Victor, my Bakugan protagonist, after him is Helios, from my Highschool DXD fanfic, then is Zekiel, my character from my original novel, the Demonic Gear, then Tatsuo from my fanfiction that mixes Arifureta and Seven Prodigies, then Percy Jackson, the protagonist for my Reincarnated as Percy Jackson series, and finally you, Arthur Pendragon

Arthur: 10 novels? That's overkill

Author: Don't I know it, next time I have an idea for another fanfic I'll just send Ziv

Ziv: Hey?!

Author: Don't blame me, blame my overactive imagination! Believe me, it's so bad I can't watch live action horror movies cause my imagination would probably kill me with a heart attack

All Protagonists: But you can watch animated horror movies and anime?! Not to mention Doctor Who?!

Author: The animated stuff because its well ANIMATED! And Doctor Who because the Doctor resolves everything in the show

Arthur: Does that really mean anything?

Author: Be lucky I didn't add any of my weird personality traits to you

*Arthur glups*

Arthur: Weird personality traits?

Author: Like my candy addiction or me eating cold items in the middle of winter

Percy: So your the reason I tend to eat alot of ice cream?!

Author: Yep

All Protagonist except Arthur: Get him!!!

Author: End of Chapter magic

All Protagonist except Arthur: No~!!!

*Chapter End*

Arthur's parents did in fact go to Hogwarts, his dad was a Gryffindor and his mum was a Hufflepuff. Both saw how the people before joining their houses acted. So they tell Arthur this from experience.


Bonus points for anyone who figures out the requirements for unlocking the golden blade on Arthur's flying sword

LokiTheUmbreoncreators' thoughts