

Deep in the Blue Mountains, in a small simple house an old hermit was sleeping uneasily. He was dreaming of a young girl with a bright red crescent moon shaped birthmark on her forehead. The old hermit had never seen the young girl with his waking eyes, so he knew his dream wasn't a dream.

The young girl looked no older than seventeen and was chased by an unseen enemy through a dense forest in a heavy rain. The girl continued to run as fast as she could while weaving through the trees and leaping over fallen limbs and trees with the agility of a deer. Sounds of branches breaking could be heard behind her alerting the girl that her enemies were catching up. The girl drew upon what remaining energy she had left and ran faster.

What she hadn't realized was that she was approaching a certain part of the mountain base where she wouldn't be able to find an escape if she were cornered. Her enemies did notice.

The leader of the group motioned with his right hand to the others to ready themselves. After all, the girl was far from ordinary. The men quietly drew their swords all of which were coated in a thick layer of poison. The girl had almost reached the mountain base when the leader called out to her.

"There's no escaping, miss. I'll give you one more chance to join my...". The girl cut him off not giving him a chance to finish his lies. The girl knew he had no desire to make her anything other than his slave.

"I will never join you. I will never join my hands with the Uguna!" she yelled determined and prepared for the upcoming fight.

"Oh, you'll regret saying that my dear." the leader said in a low growl raising his right hand ready to signal to the others to attack.

The girl glanced up at the moon and smiled. Her birthmark glowed white, her eyes turned yellow while her pupils became long slits. The Uguna leader motioned the others to attack.

Rain fell suddenly and hard. Lightning struck the mountain causing rocks to fall.

The old hermit woke sweating profusely and gasping for air. "Heavens," he exclaimed. "please let that child survive. This old world needs her and her kind more than ever". He prayed silently hoping what he saw wasn't the only time he would see the girl.

This is my third take on the Dakanir (great serpent) story. I have redone the plot and characters to hopefully make the story flow much better. The non-English names are actually Native American Cherokee. I'll provide a pronunciation guide as soon as possible.

Waya_Tsilacreators' thoughts