
Return of the Fire Overlord

Currently on hiatus. The powerful King of Sundar meets his end at the hands of greedy bastards who want his treasure. Thanks to a divine artifact that He had the fortune to find, the King survives and earns a chance at a new life as a young Lord 10000 years into the future. Characters artwork (more will be added) : https://imgur.com/a/HXBIMNb Upload rate: 5 chapters a week. Extra info. There will be a harem, but I want to keep it fairly small, with maybe only three girls because I want to be able to develop those characters. There will be erotic scenes that will be marked as 18+, so you can skip those if you want.

Krio_Genix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
107 Chs

Chapter 4: The law of the jungle part 2

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'Sample'

Techniques [sample]

Author notes -sample-

Chapter 4

The law of the jungle part 2

Demonic apes are fast and strong, but they are neither the fastest nor strongest inhabitants of this forest.

The young ape heard a deep growl that made its skin crawl, He instinctively clutched the ring tightly and started to jump from one tree to the next as fast as his body allowed him.

However, the crimson tiger would not let its prey get away that easily. The giant tiger growled again as its red fur stood up and charged into the trees to follow its meal.

The ape panicked even more and started to move faster. He finally saw some hope as He spotted a river. Crimsom tigers were creatures of pure fire and hated the water. Even with their limited intelligence, the demonic apes understood this.

The ape hurried towards the river as He knew that it was his only hope.

He was already almost there. Just one more jump and He could be in the river. The ape shrieked as He jumped, but the crimson tiger would not let him go that easily.

The tiger opened his mouth and spat a ball of fire that impacted the ape midair, injuring him gravely as He fell into the river with a painful cry, the ring still clutched in his hand.

The current of the river was exceptionally violent as there was a waterfall nearby. The ape was forced underwater and ended up hitting several rocks, injuring him further. Eventually, He reached the waterfall and was forced to fall through it with no way of defending himself.

The waterfall ended up in a beautiful lake with no name, as humans rarely venture this deep into the forest.

The poor ape had lost all of its strength at this point and sank deep into the lake, keeping the jade ring still clutched into its paw as He died.

The jade ring that contained the soul of Zarel Sundar, the former King of Sundar came to rest at the bottom of that lake.


Ten thousand years later.

A luxurious carriage was making its way around the southern outskirts of the Red Woods. There were two men on top of the carriage while five others followed behind in horses.

The carriage then stopped and a young man got out. He had short hair of a very vibrant red color. His eyes were azure like jewels.

His height was average and He was very much overweight.

"Ugg." He grunted at the effort it took him to leave the carriage.

"We need better steps!" He complained.

"Yes, Milord. I will get it done after we come back." The man who was previously driving the carriage had quickly descended to help him out.

The man seemed to be in his mid to late fifties and was dressed in a classical butler suit.

The rest of the men got out of their horses and approached. They were all wearing heavy armor and had long swords tied at their backs.

"Milord, stopping here is a bad idea. There are dangerous creatures in this forest." A tall blond warrior who seemed to be the leader of the guards spoke.

"Isn't that why you are here for?, Ser Douglas? If you can't protect me from some beasts, what good are you?!" The young lord expressed his disapproval.

The knight knew that there was no point in arguing with this lord so He just bowed and kept quiet.

At that moment, two young ladies dressed as maids descended the carriage.

The first one was in her early thirties, she had long auburn hair tied in a low ponytail. Her face could only be called average, however, she had a big pair of tits poorly hidden under her maid outfit and wide hips that could make men turn around after seeing her.

The second maid that came out was a lot younger, in her late teens years. She had shoulder-length blond hair, green eyes, and a beautiful, yet innocent face. Her figure was thin but still had some curves on her.

"Teresa, Mary, stay in the carriage. I'm just taking Ser Douglas and a couple of guards with me into the forest." The young lord ordered and the two maids obeyed without saying a word.

"Milord, must you do this thing? Cant you at least send the guards alone in your stead?" The butler said with genuine worry.

"Shut up, I don't want to go in either! But the crimson Lily can only be spotted by those with magical blood and Augustus refused to come."

The butler sighed.

'Of course, He refused to come. After all, the only reason the young lord is here is for some absurd bet with his cousin.' The butler thought.

"Let's go already" The Lord demanded.

"Yes, Milord!." Ser Douglas answered. "Mitch, Thomas, with me!"

The three guards and the lord ventured inside the Red Forest.


Luckily for them, the crimson Lily was a fairly common flower that could be found without venturing too deep. After walking for less than ten minutes, the young Lord felt some faint energy nearby and after looking around for a bit, He found the faint red shine of the Crimsom Lily.

"There!" He rushed towards the small group of flowers at the base of a giant tree.

However, in the moment of excitement at finding the flower and securing his victory against his cousin, He forgot about an important detail of this particular flower.

There is one distinct animal in this forest that is very fond of the scent of this singular flower.

A loud growl was heard as a big tiger with red fur appeared in front of the young man.


The young lord has lived most of his short life at his family mansion and has never faced any real danger in his life. He was so terrified that He fell backward and could not move. He was frozen in terror.

"Protect the Lord!" Commanded Ser Douglas as He charged at the beast.

The young lord snapped out of his stupor and managed and rise back up after seeing Douglas and the guards fighting the tiger. He turned around and started running as far away from the beast as possible.

"Wait, Milord!, not that way!" One of the guards warned as He saw his Lord running even deeper into the forest but they could do nothing to stop him as the tiger will immediately kill them if any of them turned their backs on it and ran.