
chapter 1-I am the Demon Lord?

"Pahh! Pahh! PAHHH!"

What was it? I lost conscious abruptly as my mind blanked out when I was reading a book regarding stories about ancient medieval ages, whereby dragons roam the world freely and heroes were summoned from another world to fight against the evil Demon Lord who threaten to drown the world in flames and turn it to ruins.

Yet I could vividly feel a stinging pain rapidly and repeatedly spreading across my cheek as the sound continued to reverberate near my ears as though it was right in front of me, opening my eyes sleepily I could faintly make out the figure of a person squatting just right in front of me causing me to shriek in surprise while recoiling back.


Whilst calming my agitated nerves I took a closer look in front of me, there was a group of people wearing what seems to be some sort of armor that had a red lion shaped badge attached to the chest area, the one who is squatting right in front of me seems to be their leader as she wore a different colored badge with hers being black instead of red. Now that I inspected her closely, her looks clearly made her stood out among the rest as she is visually stunning and appealing with flowing bright blonde hair measuring to her waist and sapphire blue eyes that seems so cold and indifferent yet the first impressions she gave off isn't fabulous if you factor in the attitude.

"Rin! You should stop slapping that child already! I can't believe you would perform such merciless acts against a child!"

One of the member in her group didn't appear to like her actions as she spoke in a soft yet indignant tone at her relentless act.

"What's wrong about it! I'm just waking him from his deep slumber!"

It seems to have rubbed her the wrong way as the leader-like woman retorted while sounding irritated with a clearly irked expression ruining her perfect facial features.

It seems that one of her subordinates already knew of her cold and straight-forward attitude as she softly reprimanded her while standing far away from the leader hiding behind a well-endowed man in heavy armor to avoid the piercing glare from her.

Eh? That's not right, did she just mention that I was a child? I who could be said to be around sixteen years of age had a height of 170cm that was almost as tall as some adults, how could I even be considered a child? Teenager I get it but child?! Is there something wrong with her brains?

"Heyy? Where am I … EHH?" Since I was totally clueless of where the heck I am right now since all I see around me were trees heavily clumped together with vegetation everywhere I tried to pose a question, yet when my voice rang out I got totally stunned. It was exactly a child voice! Even though my original voice could not be called as manly it was definitely a somewhat grown up voice yet this voice that came was definitely child-like and pleasing to the ears making me stupefied at the shocking discovery.

When I tried to stand up using my arms I saw another shocking truth that made me realize that what the woman said earlier was not because of her head being banged against the wall too many times, it was my own ignorance and stupidity. The arms that stretched against the ground to support my own body were tiny and weak totally unlike my previous ones.

How could this be? What is going on right now! My mind was in total chaos and frenzy currently as I tried to figure out or use whatever remaining sort of reasoning and rationality to calm myself down I had left when a single tender voice broke me out of it.

"We are currently in the outskirts of Fenlin Town"

The leader who had heard my question earlier did not realize my current frame of mind as she answered without a change of expression in an apathetic tone while still staring at me and inspecting my overall appearance.

Then suddenly it all hit me. People wearing armor looking like knights, an unfamiliar town that I have zero recollections or memory about, a changed appearance and age. I who had always loved stories and novels about heroes conquering devils and evil while rescuing a damsel in distress, was it my lucky day today? I was actually transported to such a dreamlike place? I wouldn't believe it in a million years if not for the definite proof presented right in front of me.

"Kid! Stop dazing around, why are you out here in such a dangerous area? Don't you know that there is currently a Ranked-B beast loitering around here? Where's your parents? Or are you an escaped slave?"

Seeing how dazed I currently looked, the leader who appeared to be called Rin bombarded me with questions while I start to regain my senses and turned to face her while answering.

"I ran away from my previous town and ended up here before I realized it while falling asleep out of exhaustion. I wasn't sure of where I could stay since I had lost my parents since the age of two."

I couldn't simply tell them that I was from another world and suddenly just woke up here right? I'll probably be deemed as a lunatic or a maniac and get sent to some rehabilitation center if there was one here.

The point about me being an orphan wasn't a lie though, as in the world that I had lived in for sixteen years I did truly lose my parents when I was two and was brought to an orphanage as a result. Since then I had always lived in the orphanage because there wasn't anywhere else I could go, my relatives that I knew of who had always treated me well suddenly pushed me aside and refused to take care of me thus I could only stay in the orphanage and work for them in exchange for them taking care of my expenses and livelihood. Overall though it wasn't really a bad life for me since I could read whatever I wanted in the orphanage library thus I couldn't really complain even though the loneliness does affect me sometimes.

The expressions of the knights surrounding me softened quite a bit while the rest had gazes filled with pity and regret, even Rin's cold eyes seems to melt a little as she looked at me again before withdrawing a sack and throwing it to me while saying

"Take this, next time don't run about and stay in the town!"

After saying that she led the group of knights deeper into the forest without paying any further attention to me as the sound of footsteps went softer the further they went. Looking at the sack I opened it without hesitation since there can't be anything dangerous hidden inside right? I found several silver coins and a couple of gold coins that looked foreign to me so I guessed it was their currency here.

Since I have zero idea of how things work in this world as well as their currency worth I should head into the nearby town and ask around. While taking a relaxing walk across the forest heading towards the town which was pretty near the forest I was in I passed by a thick stream of current so I decided to take a rest beside it.

As I looked down into the water that reflected my appearance once again I was astounded yet at the same time glad that I had changed quite a bit. Looking back right at me the mirror image on the water had white hair that ran down to my eyebrows with golden eyes shimmering while looking as though I was currently only eight years old.

Interestingly I was given such a dreamy-like appearance that is of an eight-year old, in a way my dream came true but it wasn't what i expected at the very least.

Another thing though, I was wondering about the sort of status that I would have since I was transported to this world from another, as soon as I thought about that a status list appeared right in front of my eyes.

< Name : Lenji Fen

Age : Eight

Occupation : Demon Lord

Level : 1

Abilities : Strength ( 50 ) , Agility ( 50 ) , Intelligence ( 50 ) , Luck ( 5 ) , ( 4000 Spirit Energy )

Title : Demon Lord Successor

Skills : Bewitching Gaze Level 1( Selects a target to induce confusion and hallucination to temporary listen to your commands, only work for lower-leveled monsters or people. Lasts six seconds )

Story : The son of Demon Lord who disappeared at the age of two without any signs of where he had gone leading to massive confusion and panic in the Demon Continent and has now returned at the age of eight.


What the ... What is this?! I was never told of the fact that I was going to be a Demon Lord when i came to this world! I had always wanted to be one of the heroes or at the very least an adventurer that roam the lands and battle monsters! AND WHAT IS WITH THE ALMOST TRUTHFUL STORY!