
Return Of The Dark Angel

The Tower of Angels... A tower that separated Earth from Heaven was being climbed by many climbers, who proclaimed themselves to be the Angels of Earth - humans of various ranks. Others included brave warriors from many races, be it vampires, ogres, goblins or even the mighty dragons! The aim was to climb to the 100th floor and clear it, as a reward for which one of their wishes would be fulfilled. . . . The story revolves around an Angel from heaven, who was shunned by society after being tagged as the Dark Angel, a fallen one. Being executed due to prejudice, the dark angel who is reborn, having his past memories, decides to walk on the path of revenge. 'One is not born evil, one is made evil.' - the phrase written by God, fit the reincarnated dark angel perfectly believed to abandon his own ideals and decided to walk on the path, which most would consider being the path of evil! Discord: https://discord.gg/E7GVKfKadE

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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128 Chs

Character Sheet.

Warning, it may contain spoilers of future characters.

Read at your own risk.

Character names:

1] Zain: mc.

  - Height: 169.4 cm

  - Weight 57 kgs

  - Birthday: 31-12-2006

  - Hair: Jet Black

  - Skin: Pale-White

  - Traits : Traits: Brave, Kind, Weak, Pushover. Kind -> Ruthless. Weak* -> Strong Pushover* -> Dominant.

2] Alisha: his lover in past life.

3] Kim Ryung [Zain's father's colleague]

4] Zelia [Zain's mother]

5] Kain [Zain's father]

6] Nothan [bully] 


  1] Bear Kick Lv.1

  2] Shattering Punch Lv.1

7] Mr. Falon [teacher]

8] Dr. Riry [teacher] 

9] Headmaster Won 

10] Len [Zain's senior] 

11] Sam - police uncle, help Zain 

12] Schein Suzo - the call that happened was from this phone

13] Dr. Iana [ Shanrew Doc]

14] Sherline [ Dr. Riry's Daughter]

  - A-class 2 Star Angel

15] Zordan

16] Kain [ The Voice. ]

  - Exists in the Void

  - Stronger than the Shadow

17] Doran [ Shopkeeper]

18] Ria [ Receptionist turned Manager at Evaluation Centre ] [ Personal Manager of Zain ] 

19] Harey Koros

  - 3 star A Class Angel

20] Lucifer

21] Jin 

22] Miss Rosy [ Reporter] 

23] Mr. Jelal [ Reporter's Cameraman ] 

24] Arya [ aka Isabelle in previous life ] [ Arya Varoli Vin Sevantia ] [ Vampire Princess in the Castle ] 

  - Can Mind Control

  - Also a Vampire in the previous life. Remains the same in the present.

  - S class 4 star rank

25] Sam [ Samuel Varoli Vin Sevantia ] [ Arya's Brother ] 

  - Came second in last War of Verges

  - Lost to his sister

26] Reiz Crustin [ Royal Vampire who ordered for Isabelle's Punishment ]

  - Vampire Ability - Can stop regeneration after licking one's blood.

27] Vampire King Nion [ Father of Sam and Isabelle ] [Name Unknown] 

  - Lernia Kingdom

  - Kinda cold 

  - Muscular, Deep Red Eyes, Adorned with Jewels

  - Wears a magnificent Crown

  - Looks abit scary

28] Vampire Queen Ednia [ Mother of Sam and Isabelle ] 

  - Very affectionate

  - Haven't seen Sam and Isabelle for 2 months before the War of Verges

  - Got teary when Isabelle called her Mama

29] Mars

  - Prince of Demos Kingdom

  - Has an eye for Isabelle

  - Idiot, Lusts after Women, Alcoholic

  - A Rank, 3 Stars [ With Minimal Effort ]

  - Debuts in War of Verges

  - Red Lightning Powers

  - Can make Lightning Shield

30] Rus 

  - Prince of Kros Kingdom

  - Very pale even for Vampires

31] Zaltan 

  - Sam's Friend

  - 16 Years old - Looks 30

  - Very bulky and muscular

  - Twice the height of Sam

  - Came in fifth in last War of Verges

32] Liaseh 

  - Ice Princess

  - Zaltan lost to her

  - White Hair

33] Dan 

  - The Slayer

  - Zaltan lost to him

  - Fiery Red Hair

34] King Demian Merius 

  - Demos Kingdom

  - S Rank 6 Star

  - Mar's Father

  - Red Lightning Powers

  - Breaks the Infinite Prison

  - Can make Lightning Shield

35] Beastmen 

36] The Joker

  - White Regal Outfit

  - Wears a joker mask - Color changes from White -> Yellow

  - The Announcer

  - Head of the Terrorists

  - Infinite Prison Skill - Couldn't be broken by the kings in the Arena - Broken later by King Merius

  - Sadistic - Wants to have fun by bringing chaos into the Vampire Kingdoms

  - Works under Heron

  - Plays a big part in the Colosseum Incident

  - Reattaches the Candidates Heads using Magic - Powerful healing

37] Kor 

  - Grey Hair Prince

38] Jia 

  - Princess - Unknown

  - Friend of Kor

39] Wen 

  - Sor Kingdom

  - Older than Dian

  - Brown Battle Outfit - Self Heal Properties similar to Dian

  - Gets beheaded and placed on a Pike

40] Dian

  - Grise Kingdom

  - White Battle Outfit - Self Heal after battle

41] King Dervo 

  - Rank 4 among all Kings

  - Friend of Nion

  - Can use amplifying magic

  - Begs to Heron to his Daughter go

42] King Heron 

  - Detroyer Family - Strongest Kingdom

  - Rank 1 among all Kings

  - Planned the Arena Tragedy

  - Didn't let his Daughter participate due to this.

  - Demands in the Arena - Wants all the other Kings to handover their kingdom to him, Wanted a night with the queens

  - Made these demands which if unmet would result in the candidates death

  - Womanizer, Sadistic

Unnamed Characters:

1] Executioner 

2] Two Guards 

3] Children Throwing Stones

4] The Audience [ 1875 People] 

5] The Bullies [ Names Currently Unknown ]

6] Girl Who Mocks at Zain 

7] Girl Who Finds Zain Cute 

8] The Principal of Zain's School 

9] Two Students [ Suspected by Riry as the holders of Light of Death - Proved Wrong ]

10] The Latecomer [ Trips Zain inside the class ]

11] First Unknown Teacher [ Accomplice of Latecomer] 

12] Second Unknown Teacher [ Accomplice of First Unknown Teacher, Falls into MC's Illusion ] 

13] Zain's Sister [ Name Unknown ] 

14] Suzo Family Mafia [ Killed people in Central Police Station, Killed Sam, Visited hospital after setting fire ] 

15] Random Fire Starters from Suzo Family Mafia [ 17 People, Set Fire on Zain's House ] 

16] Suzo Family Mafia Leader 

17] Rescue Team 

18] Priest [ 1 Star Angel, can detect the powers of Angels] 

19] Young Woman [ Resides at the Shrine ] 

20] Sherline's Dad [ High Rank Angel with Authority ]

21] Zain's Generals

22] Zain's Army 

23] God 

24] Suzo Messengers [ Enters Old Shop ] 

25] Suzo Family Head's Brother 

26] Crowd Inside Evalution Room for Awakened Angels 

  - Mostly 2 Stars

  - Only 4 were exceptions

  - Three were at least A Rank 3 star Angels

  - One was E Rank 4 Star Angel

27] Unnamed E Rank 4 Star Angel 

  - Shout creates a mini storm

28] Vice Master - S Rank 4 Star Official [ Arch Angel ] [Name Unknown] 

  - Ability : Eyes of Archangel

29] King 

30] Archangel [Strongest Angel, Got Killed, Thrown into Eden Fire ] 

31] Fallen Angels 

32] The Evaluator 

33] The Man with Vice Master [ Name Unknown ] 

34] Man accompanying Vice Master during results 

35] Officer at Graveyard

36] People Who Came To The Graveyard 

37] News Reporters 

38] Jin's Bodyguards

39] Officials at the site

40] Guards in Vampire Realm 

41] Random Vampires 

42] The Guard [ At the castle, who tried to bully Zain ] 

43] Other Guards at the Castle 

44] Vampire King 

45] Vampire Villagers [ 10 Thousand Years Ago - Past ]

46] Goddesses

47] Royal Vampires 

48] Slave Trader 

49] Slave Friends of Isabella 

50] Ancestor Who Drank The Blood Elixir 

51] The Descendants of the Ancestor 

52] Zain's Family in the Past 

  - Left him due to his failures.

53] Zain's Teachers in the Past 

  - Branded Red Elixir as their own.

54] Higher Ups in Heaven 

  - Claim the Blood Elixirs as their own

55] Higher Gods 

56] Lower Gods

57] Creatures created by Higher and Lower Gods for Experimentation 

58] Angelic Community 

59] Other Races under God 

60] Maid [ In the Vampire Castle ] 

61] Vampire with Blood Puppet Skill 

62] Other people at Training Ground [ Including other maids and trainees ] 

63] Noble Vampire in the Wagon with a Noble Crest

  - His aura denoted he drank the Blood Elixir

  - Emblem --> Two elegantly crafted fangs, one on each side, merged with a central emblem resembling a  drop of blood. 

  - Belonds to a powerful family. Powerful enough to overthrow Zain.

  - Later revealed as Destroyer Clan. 

64] Her [ Destroyer Clan, Sam wanted to defeat her to save his country ] 

  - War of Verges Participant

65] Maid [ Oustide the door, Gives Crown and Outfit to Zain, Gets Flustered ] 

66] Knights near the Grand Carriage  [ Flustered by Isabelle ]

67] Maids near the Grand Carraige  [ Flustered by Zain and Sam ]

68] Citizens along the way to the Capital 

  - Threw flowers for Sam and Isabelle

  - They would get beaten up or killed if they don't follow this tradition

69] Portal Guards

  - Suspicious of Zain, Chains him up

  - Not answerable to Sam and Isabelle

70] Portal Guard's Commander 

  - One who notices Zain in the carriage while checkup

71] Junior Guard at the Portal

  - Hits Zain

72] Knights of the Capital 

  - Escorts Isabelle and Sam to the Royal Castle

73] Royals at the Castle

  - Prince and Princesses

  - Royal's Children

74] Butler at Royal Castle 

  - Came with many maids

  - Takes them inside the Castle

75] Guests at Royal Castle

76] Three Kings [ Audience Hall ]

  - They fight over who Isabelle is gonna marry among their sons.

77] Isabelle's Mother in the Past

78] Stars and Moon of the Kingdom [ Total 31 - including Sam and Isabelle]

79] Butler of Mars - Demos Kingdom 

  - Trained

  - Looked after Mars from childhood

80] Royals of Demos Kingdom 

81] Guards outside Waiting Room  - Had the weapons of the Participants of War of Verges

82] Mar's "lover" Princess 

  - Lover Mars but he didn't.

  - Lost a portion of her kingdom to them

82] Mar's "lover" Princess's Friend

83] Viewers at Colosseum 

84] LIFE Game Soliders 

85] First Shocked King at Arena 

86] Wen's Mom - Sor Kingdom Queen 

87] Royals at Arena 

  - Tried breaking the Barrier - Failed

  - 30 Queens and 20 Kings

88] King who rushes Heron after they were kneeling 

  - Killed by Heron's General with Solar Blade

89] Heron's General 

  - Has Solar Blade 

90] Terrorists in the Arena headed by Joker 

  - Gouge out the eyes of Candidates other than Zaltan, Mars, Isabelle, Sam, Liaseh and Dan. 

  - Stopped by Heron at 9 minutes after beheading.

  - Heads are placed back under Heron's Instructions

  - They soon place solar blades near their necks

91] Head Knight 

92] Heron's Knights and Soldiers 

  - Also sadistic

93] Demos Kingdom Knights 

  - Came with King Merius

  - Have lightning powers

94] The Commander 

95] Terrorist who held Mars Captive 

  - Killed by Mars

96] Terrorists - Who try to kill Mars and His Father