
Return Of The Ancients

The world lays in chaos! Nations, tribes, kingdoms, and clans fight for their daily survival. Watch as our young hero from one of the lost races rises among the clouds of war and conquers all others!!

Mushu_The_Writer · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 8

Caepron took a second to put in his makeshift knapsack the items he just got before he opened his next bag. He then opened it up to get the next set of goodies.

Item: Storage Ring (Rare)

Description: A ring that has a storage space of 300 ft by 300 ft. It can hold nonliving items and can store anything of any weight in it.

Caepron was giddy with joy as he now had a space to store everything that he had. He stuck it on his right ring finger, it change the size to fit his finger comfortably. The ring was a dull gray color with a thin stream of gold running through the middle of the outside part of the ring. It was slightly stylish but not gaudy. Caepron then put everything that he had on him and the items sitting on the ground into the ring. He then put his hand back into the bag.

Item: Dark Night Horse Den (Rare)

Description: A den that spawns in horses with the bloodline of the Night Stallion, a noble and terrifying mount used by one of the highest beings ever to exist. These horses have a boost at night because of their bloodline, giving them the abilities Shadow Walk, and Nightmare Charge.

Caepron's smile was huge, this would be a huge advantage because he would now have horses, and what was the best type of shock force ever before guns were made, CALVARY!

Caepron stuck it in his ring and then took out the next item.

Item: 100x Mana Stones (Rare)

Description: Mana that has been condensed into a crystal-like rock that helps with cultivation and other things.

This was huge, it would allow Caepron to grow a little more, but also let his main subordinates and his soldiers to grow stronger, faster so that they could conquer stronger places and more places.

Item: Mana Eater Plants 2x (Legendary)

Description: A plant that eats the living and dead bodies of other beings, digests them, and then compresses and poops out mana stones of a level lower cultivation. One of the scariest plants ever created by the Ancient Being, Nattol.

Caepron was dry heaving at this point. Not only had he gotten a legendary item, but it was also something that even the greatest beings alive would fight for. These plants would be a huge piece for him to propel forward with his cultivation and his army. One must know that mana stones come from mana mines and they are extremely rare to find. All the main cities share one single mana mine, showing slightly how hard it is to find it. He stuck the two seeds in his storage ring so as not to lose them.

Now for the final item, he reached his hand in and pulled it out. It was an odd glass disk, maybe about 6 inches in diameter and 2 inches thick. Inside were little figurines of different creatures, there were Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Treants, Centaurs, Minotaurs, Kobolds, Goblins, Orcs, and a bunch of other species. They all looked like they were going towards the center of the disk towards this little gold and white-colored light in the middle. Caepron looked at its stacks and description, when he did, he was so shocked he fell down on his bum, and the crazy sword started laughing.

Item: The Travelers Home (Divine)

Description: This item has been blessed by many godly beings. It attracts 1000% more people to your village. Attracts different races to your village. It brings the travelers home.

Caepron just sat there in shock, the reason for this being simple. First, it was a divine item, the most coveted item that could ever exist, and on top of that, it was an item that brought in ten times the amount of people to his village. His village creation stone was Epic level, which let him have about 10 people come a day to his village. But with this Travelers Home disk, he would get 100 people a day for a basic village, that was almost terrifying. No, it was terrifying! The sword was laughing its butt… or I guess handle off on the side. "Lad, you are lucky indeed. That item was made by one of the last Ancients to be killed by Adrollis. His name was Nattol, he was an inventor who didn't have much of a backbone, but he could build and make some terrifying things. That disk was one of his last inventions, it has the essence of many top-tier beings so simple people from the same species will be attracted towards this place. It is an incredible starting item in this world. Those Mana Eater Plants are also an incredible item to have, as they will allow you to grow yourself and your army faster, and I will help you set them up and what is required for them." Caepron nodded, still in shock from the item.

After a few moments he got up and patted himself off, then he stored everything into the storage ring except for the sword. He then started walking towards a place that would be the start of his empire.