
Return of Ruthless queen

" I am not someone who forgive others but rather someone who bear grudges, people who offend me must die people who come in my way must also die.I don't like being saintess because.... I love villains most."- Li Qingya.

Aaravi · Urban
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9 Chs

Rebirth 2

Bai Rou li looked around her and is surprised to see her surrounding because she can't familiarise with anything. She saw a house in front of her which is fully made of glass ( not exactly made of glass just outer structure is made of glass) and beside her around four feet away there is a pond which is small in comparison to her courtyard pond. Even her clothes are different she never had weared this kind of cloth. She is completely engulfed in her thought so did not notice the girl who is crying and shaking her sometime ago now looking at her with a complicated look.

Qier is looking at her mistress who wakes up suddenly and looking around like she saw them first time. But she didn't know it is indeed her first time to see these things.

Girl where is this place . Its too beautiful. Are you an angel . Am i in heaven ?? Bai Rou li shoots lots of questions in a row when she saw a girl beside her.

Oh my god , did i hear wrongly young miss just call me an angel and what she is talking about heaven and beautiful place?? Did young lose her mind after drowning herself in water ?? Qier thought about these possibility she had watched lots of Tv dramas in which Fl lose their mind after some accident. But why young miss lost her mind just after drowning didn't Fl in dramas lost their mind after knocking their head on something. She felt complicated since she can't comprehend the real situation.

Bai Rou li noticed the girl reaction and found it weird because she didn't think she asked something unreasonable. She frowned slightly because it is her first time when someone ignored her questions. In past even though people ignored her and hated her they didn't dare to not answer her questions afterall she is known for her least patience and moreover for her ruthlessness.

Qier saw her young miss frowning , she didn't know how to react but still opened her mouth in case young miss might punish her due to her ignorance.

Young miss did you forget that this is your house and i am your little servant Qier. I know young miss you want to joke but please make some reasonable point so that i can understand.

Servant ?? this girl is my servant . Why didn't i know that i had a servant named Qier . Did she is suffering from amnesia. No , it can't be how is this possible she is number 1 genius of her continent who did not only have gifted cultivation ability but also possed the highest Iq in whole continent . Even the strongest Fu shi is not comparable to her in terms of intelligence. So its out of question that she forget something when she have photographic memory.

What this place called she asked once again.

Qier looked at her young miss even though she think something is amiss she replied humbly , Z city .

Z city?? where is this place , O god where am i ?? Why i never heard of this place before ? Is she got abducted by some unknown force when she stabbed herself. Oh yes she remembered that she stabbed herself with her own knife when Bai Rou Qi people wanted to capture her. But why she didn't feel any kind of pain till now .She looked towards her body where she stabbed her knife and found that there is no wound in that place. Wait ..her clothes are wet but she didn't jump in any river ?? What exactly is going on ?? Is she dreaming, she pinched her arm to confirm it but when she feels pain after pinching she realised this is not dream . Suddenly her head started feeling heavy and images of someone started playing before her , this memory didn't belongs to her , she started panicking due to heavy pain. Qier looked towards her young miss who seems to be in pain . She holds her and asked what happens to her .But Bai Rou li is now engulfed in memories which didn't belongs to her so didn't reacted to Qier sound. She realised she time traveled to future no more specially travelled to different space dimension. And is now in a body of a girl called Qi Lingya . A girl whom she met earlier and who requested her to take care of her brother . Through her memories she came to know that this Qi Lingya is imprisoned by her step mother in this house along with her brother and she is pushed in the pool by her half step sister Qi Yingsi . She saw how her step mother and this Qi Yingsi mistreated her and her brother throughout these years after her parents death.